For some reason, Hill felt something watching him from below.

So he lowered his head.

So he saw

"Welcome to come here, to this [Abyss] that you personally created!"

Hill looked at the figure that appeared in front of him, was silent for a long time, and asked, "What are you?"

"what are you?"

The same question also happened on the other side. Adric looked at the person who stood up again and stood in front of him, and asked with a serious face.

There is nothing more surprising than seeing a dead person standing up again with a blood sword stuck in his chest!

"Kakakaka, don't you know me? I'm your son!"

Although it looked the same as Hill, Adric knew that the creature in front of him was definitely not Hill!He took a step back, and the next moment, a black flame appeared where he was standing.The black flames shattered violently, blasting a small hole in the ground.

"Cast without a staff!"

Squeezing out these words between his teeth, Adric slowly shook his head and said, "You are definitely not Hill, what are you...something?"

"I'm Hill, who are you?"

Looking at the guy in front of him who looked exactly like himself, Hill subconsciously remembered the situation he encountered in Nicolas May's test, where a figure exactly like himself also appeared.

Moreover, that 【Death Curse】...

"You are Hill, and I am Hill too, but I don't like the name Hill, I prefer to call myself..."

"Aatrox?" Adric frowned. The name Aatrox comes from the Latin word ATROX, which means ferocious, savage and cruel.The English word "atrocity" also comes from ATROX.The guy in front of him called himself Aatrox, but he occupied Hill's body.Thinking of what happened before, he suddenly understood something.

[I see, everything I have done is in vain, are all my efforts in vain? ! ! 】

Glancing at Aatrox again, Adric asked, "So, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do?" Hill, wrong, it was Aatrox, he smiled, and then he said with a smile: "I, I just want to come out to get some air, where is it? , and no one talks to me, it's like being in jail. And, that guy Hill, he just throws some garbage down there when he has nothing to do. As for me, I can only eat the garbage for a living, otherwise, I would have starved to death. .”

"At the beginning, I just stayed there quietly, eating all kinds of garbage he didn't want, and didn't have any ideas. After all, that Hill above, he doesn't have anything to eat!"

Adric didn't speak or move at all, he just stood there and listened quietly.From what Aatrox said, he had already guessed a lot.

"However, later on, I don't know when, the garbage he threw away became less and less, and the food he ate became better and better. Do you know that when you are hungry, there is a person not far from you People eat and drink a lot, you can only smell the fragrance, look at it and drool, but you still can't eat it. Do you know what this taste is like?"

With an unbearable look on his face, Aatrox closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then let it out with a satisfied face.

"So, I was thinking, why, I have to eat garbage on the bottom, and that guy can eat and drink on it. Even, now I don't even have to eat garbage! It's really unfair, you Say yes?"

Without waiting for Adric to answer, Aatrox continued to say to himself: "From then on, I don't want to stay there anymore, I want to come out, and I want to taste those delicious food!"

"So, I finally came out!"

"You mean, you're not going to come back?" Hill stared at Aatrox's smiling face, and he said word by word: "I don't care what you are, in short, from my body Get out, and let me go back!"


The gentle smile on Aatrox's face disappeared, replaced by ferocity and cruelty. He knocked Hill down with a punch, stepped on Hill's head with his foot, and said in a grim voice, "You still want to go back? Dream on! Everything about you belongs to me!"

"You... that's mine!"

"Ah bah! Remember, Hill, you're already a dead man!"

"I'm not dead yet!"


Kicking Hill's body fiercely, Aatrox said disdainfully: "If you hadn't died, this body would lose its vitality, and I wouldn't have spent effort to save you!"

"So, what about Hill, he shouldn't be dead yet, if you do this, will he agree?"

With a sneer, Aatrox snorted, "Do I need to worry about him? How could I let him out! That trash, he doesn't deserve such a perfect body!"

Squinting his eyes slightly, Adric said, "It seems that you know a lot more than Hill!"

"Of course!" Aatrox said as a matter of course, "He also guessed part of that trash, but he didn't dare to reason further, because, hahaha, he was afraid!"

"He's afraid of the answer that can be easily deduced by a child as young as a few years old, the answer that scares him!"

"What a waste!"

"Tell me, how can such a waste deserve such a perfect body?"


"By the way, I remembered something and almost forgot it!" Aatrox slapped his forehead, as if he just remembered.He frowned and looked at the [Sword of Condemnation] that was still stuck in his chest, and then said disdainfully: "Third-rate curse, that trash was injured by such a rubbish curse, and almost died!"

Aatrox stretched out his hand to hold the hilt of the sword, and then pulled out the [Sword of Condemnation] with a sharp "creak" sound!As if [Sword of Condemnation] couldn't bring him any pain at all, he just did this sensational thing with a cold face and unchanged expression.

Weighing [Sword of Condemnation] a few times, Aatrox said to Adric, whose face was sinking like water: "[Sword of Condemnation], it is said that only those who have no sin at all can be immune to its attack, guess what? , For a person who is full of sins like me, what will the effect of [Sword of Condemnation] be on me?"

"..." Adric didn't answer. Facing Aatrox, he felt the pressure he had never felt before. Even facing Voldemort and Dumbledore in their heyday, he had never felt this kind of pressure. feel.

In his senses, Aatrox is like a black hole, continuously absorbing everything nearby, even the light is distorted by him!The violent, unscrupulous, and tyrannical atmosphere permeated this small space, making it suffocating!
Grabbing the [Sword of Condemnation], Aatrox brought it to his mouth, and then, he bit down hard!


[Sword of Condemnation] let out a sharp howl, like a living thing, [Sword of Condemnation] actually struggled actively!However, Aatrox's hand firmly clamped the [Sword of Condemnation], he bit the [Sword of Condemnation] in big mouthfuls, then chewed and swallowed it!

Aatrox, he actually ate [Sword of Condemnation] bit by bit!

It has to be said that Aatrox looks terrible, like a homeless man who has been starving for a week and gets a loaf of freshly baked bread.However, no one would laugh at his eating appearance because of this!

Adric's face became extremely ugly, and one of his most powerful spells was actually eaten as a dessert!In addition to the shock, there was also a strong sense of fear in his heart. What kind of monster could he eat [Sword of Conviction] like a biscuit?

"Hic~" Aatrox hiccupped, a red breath escaped from his mouth, and then hurriedly fled to Adric's side.But before it could run away, Aatrox snorted, and he opened his mouth to suck the breath back.

"It's shameful to waste food, and food must never be wasted!" Noticing that Adric had taken out his wand again, Aatrox said with a half-smile: "This [Sword of Condemnation] tastes pretty good, it seems that there are dragons in it." The smell of blood seems to have cost you a lot of thought. Speaking of which, you haven't answered my question just now, but I've already told you the answer!"

"For Lord Aatrox, who is full of sins, to judge me, [Sword of Condemnation] must be at least a hundred times stronger to qualify!"

"Monster!" Adric spit out these words with a cold face. In his eyes, Aatrox is a monster through and through!

"Keep your mouth clean, trash!" As if stimulated by the word "monster", Aatrox changed his previous indifferent attitude, staring at Adric with murderous eyes, and then coldly Said: "I wanted to play with you for a while, but since you don't know what to do, then I'll give you a ride!" Tremble under that power, you waste!"

As soon as Aatrox finished speaking, dense red blood lines suddenly appeared on Adric's body.The next moment, his body shattered violently, scattered into pieces of minced meat all over the floor!His body was unexpectedly cut into countless pieces by something at that moment, and then slowly fell to the ground!

Aatrox looked at the cracked [Stone of Karedo] that fell on the ground, and then glanced at the pieces of meat that had gradually disappeared, and shook his head in disappointment, "Oh, I forgot You still have the [Karydor Stone], and you escaped unharmed." Looking at the empty tunnel ahead with a half-smile, Aatrox said, "It's just that you still have the second [Karydor Stone]. Many stones? If not, you will be dead next time!"

"However, since you want to play cat and mouse, I'd be more than happy to accompany you! Then, go and see what our savior is doing!"

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