"Book, can you swim?"

"Gah? Why do you ask that?"

"I really want to know, if you are thrown into the lake, will you float or sink?"

"Why do I find this sentence so familiar?"

"Really? You haven't answered my question yet!"

"Drown, of course! I can't swim! Besides, can you expect a book to swim?"

"That's it, it's better to test it out."

"My dear little master, you can't do this!"

Seeing Booker ups and downs in the lake, Hill grinned, completely ignoring Booker's cry for help.The sun is good today, and it is a great pleasure to lie on the grass and bask in the sun, especially when many things have been resolved.

It's still a bit of a pity, Tom Riddle and Adric managed to escape in the end, and the Slytherin's secret room was closed for some reason, and they could no longer enter.Naturally, the inheritance of Slytherin was not obtained, nor was the diary as a Horcrux.It can be said that this school year was an extremely unsuccessful year.Compared with the smooth sailing of the previous year, this year has been terrible.

However, Hill was in an exceptionally good mood.


Feeling the wetness on his cheeks, Hill opened his eyes, hugged Kaka who was licking his cheeks with his tongue, and kissed him hard.

"It's a good thing you're fine, otherwise I'd be very sad!" Hill was very glad that Kaka was fine in the end.If Kaka really died, it was hard for Hill to imagine how sad he would be.

Kaka was hit by Adric's [Death Curse], and he was indeed dead at the time.It's just that Hill was lucky, he met an amazing person.

"You are my ancestor?" Hill looked at the young man in white robe who suddenly appeared in front of him with a strange expression.Whoever it is, suddenly a person appears in front of you, and then claims to be your ancestor who does not know how many generations, you will also be very entangled.

Especially, this person who claims to be the ancestor actually looks exactly like you!
That's right, this young man in white robe is exactly the same as the young man in white robe that Hill saw in the Mirror of Erised last year, and his behavior and expression are also the same. It should be the same person.At that time, Hill discovered that the appearance of this young man was the same as himself ten years later.At first, he thought it was his future self, just revealed by the magic mirror.However, according to the current situation, things seem a bit complicated.

This is Hill's consciousness space. He is no stranger to this place and has been here several times.At this time, Hill, Aatrox, and the white-robed youth stood beside a dark burrow.

The young man in white robe nodded, and then he looked at Aatrox who was standing aside, gnashing his teeth, wishing he could pounce on him and strangle him to death.There was an unusually weird look on his face, and he finally said: "You are really capable of tossing, and you actually tossed out a second personality."

"Second personality?" Hill looked at Aatrox, and then said uncertainly: "He is my second personality? I am also very confused about what is going on!"

Shrugging helplessly, the white-robed youth said: "You are really a top-notch person. There is a second personality hidden in your mind, and you didn't feel it at all before."

"Who is No. [-] personality?! I'm not No. [-] personality! I'm Aatrox!" Aatrox roared with a bulging vein on his forehead.

"You are sick!" the white-robed youth said to Yatok, "You don't even know that you are a second personality. This is a sickness, and it needs to be cured!"

"Try to say it again!"

"Speaking of which, although this situation is within my expectation, I still need to ask for your opinion on how to deal with it." Ignoring Aatrox's roar, the white-robed youth said to Hill: "Keep or destroy, we It can help you do it, it depends on your choice.”

After hesitating for a moment, Hill looked at Aatrox quietly, while the latter stared at the young man in white robe with gritted teeth, and the young man in white robe just looked at Hill.

After a long time, Hill said, "His appearance was an accident, right?"

"Almost, it's an accident for you, but for me, it's an established fact."

"It's all because of that ritual, right? The ritual I performed when I was six years old?" Hill pointed to a dark bottomless pit not far from them, which was the entrance to the [Abyss].

"That's right, your second personality is the product of that ceremony. But to be honest, as the creator of the ceremony, I was also surprised by this kind of thing. This result was actually not in my original calculations." The white-robed youth smiled wryly, "Actually, if I hadn't seen a corner of the future, I wouldn't have believed that such a miraculous thing would have happened."

Hill nodded, he seemed to understand something, but he didn't seem to understand anything.However, he already knew what he wanted to know.He turned his head, glanced at Aatrox, then sighed and said, "Then, let's keep it."

"you sure?"

"Okay, after all, he was created by me, and I am responsible for him."

"Ah bah! Who wants you, a piece of trash, to be responsible to me! Don't say it so righteously, okay? What right do you, a piece of trash, have to say that!" Aatrox was provoked by Hill's words, and he growled at Hill Dao, making no secret of his disdain and dislike for Hill.

Hill looked at Aatrox with unusually gentle eyes. He looked at Aatrox like an older brother looking at a naughty younger brother, which made Aatrox even more upset.

"Whether you admit it or not, you and I share the same body. You are my second personality, a product of my accidental creation. This is a fact!" Hill said slowly, with a tolerant expression. Facing the anger of Aatrox with a smile, "Since your appearance is already a fact, I have no qualifications, and I will not decide whether you exist or not. Therefore, I will not destroy you, I will keep you Come down, let you live well, and I want you to feel the beauty of this world."

"Hahahaha~" Aatrox was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed wantonly. He laughed so exaggeratedly that he even burst into tears.Seeing Hill's gentle smile, he said fiercely: "Feel the beauty of this world? Don't you know? I'm just a tool you made to absorb your negative emotions! I can only feel negative emotions. Emotions, I can only absorb negative emotions! What do you want me to use to feel the beauty of your so-called world?"


"When you were six years old, you performed that damned ritual in order to escape from reality! Damn, you built the [Abyss], and then created a black hole there that automatically absorbs negative emotions, continuously, day and night. You absorb negative emotions! Then, you will no longer be sad, lonely, sad, miserable... Fuck you! All your misfortunes will be borne by me, all your negativity I can taste all the emotions! The one who has the face to say that he wants to let me feel the beauty of the world? The one who just treats me as a tool!"

"It's not a tool!" Hill said suddenly.


"It's not a tool!" Hill took a deep breath, and then he smiled bitterly, "You are my brother!"

"Did you treat your brother like this?" Hill's words obviously made Aatrox even more annoyed. Before treating Aatrox as a tool, those things are easy to say, but if you treat Aatrox as a brother, those Couldn't things be more extreme?
"Because I didn't know you existed before!" Hill could only smile helplessly. He really didn't know that he had a second personality before that. As Aatrox said, he was indeed just Use him as a tool.But can this be his fault?
"..." Aatrox was dumb, he snorted, turned his head away, and stopped looking at Hill.

"Ahem, have you guys finished discussing it?" The white-robed youth reminded, "Sorry, we don't have much time, and I will disappear in a while."

"Disappeared?" Ciel and Aatrox asked at the same time, they exchanged glances, and Aatrox turned his head away again.

"What do you think I am! I'm just a fragment, okay! After so many years, I met your second personality and went crazy when I came out. It's a miracle that I can stay here for so long." The white-robed youth pointed at him His lower body has gradually become transparent.It seemed that after a while, his whole body would become transparent and disappear completely.

"I choose to keep it, can we start?" Hill nodded and did not continue to ask other questions.Right now, dealing with Aatrox's affairs is the top priority.

"Are you sure? Personally, I don't recommend keeping this second personality, because you don't know when he will come out and make trouble. Maybe I should tell you something, when you started school, there was a long time It’s uncomfortable, it’s actually caused by your second personality.” The white-robed youth frowned and said, “If I hadn’t come out to suppress him this time, you would probably have been squatting in the [Abyss] for the rest of your life.”

"Is that so?" Ciel looked at Aatrox.

"What's wrong with me?!" Aatrox stared back unceremoniously.

"Why do this?"

"Does this need a reason?" Aatrox said disdainfully: "If you let me live in hell, I will destroy your heaven! I'm not doing well, so don't you!"

Absorbing all of Hill's negative emotions, Aatrox itself is Hill's negative personality. He is violent, belligerent, cruel, arrogant, and almost everything about him runs counter to Hill!

At the beginning, he didn't have his own consciousness, he just instinctively absorbed Hill's negative emotions.Until one day, the negative emotions from Hill became less and less, and Aatrox's instinct to eat made Aatrox subconsciously ask for it, but there was no response.

As a result, Aatrox slowly woke up, and he saw Hill alone outside, enjoying the sunshine, the breeze, and the delicious positive emotions!Aatrox's heart was full of resentment, why, why could Hill be treated like this?
Because you have a heart, you are jealous;
Because you have a heart, you devour;
Because you have a heart, you rob;
Because of the heart, so arrogant;
Because you have a heart, you are lazy;

Because of the heart, so angry;
Because of heart, so

Want everything from you!
Maybe Aatrox himself didn't realize that when he had resentment, he was already an independent existence!
Although Aatrox wanted to possess everything about Hill, he was trapped in the [Abyss] and couldn't get out at all.All he can do is to use a part of his ability, relying on this ability to influence Hill, make him uncomfortable, make him suffer!
If I can't get it, you can't get it either!

I'm having a bad time, so don't think about it either!

But later, under Booker's hoodwink, Hill closed his senses, weakening Aatrox's influence to the greatest extent.So, Aatrox's efforts were in vain!So he gave up this futile move.

Aatrox, who had been waiting so hard, finally got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity not long ago, and Booker was taken away by Adric!

You know, Booker has been monitoring Aatrox hiding in Hill's body all this time.It is precisely because of its existence that Aatrox has been unable to break through the [Abyss].

It wasn't until Hill was knocked down by Adric, until he was pierced through the heart by Adric, and came to the abyss due to some unknown reasons, that Aatrox really left the [Abyss] and occupied the Abyss. Er's body!

"Well, maybe there is a good way to make you feel the beauty I feel." Hill was not angry because of Aatrox's answer. In his opinion, Aatrox's behavior It's normal.He looked at the young man in white robe and asked, "Can you connect my senses with his? Let him feel what I feel, and let me feel what he feels too!"

"He and I are a complete person, aren't we?"

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