I became Harry Potter's brother at the beginning

Chapter 58 Okay, I Don't Have the Courage to Write It Out

The night is deep, and above the black veil-like sky, the stars twinkle like eternal diamonds. They existed billions of years ago, and after billions of years, when all living things died out, They will still exist, they are eternal.

It snowed during the day on this day, and it was another snowy day.The slender snowflakes, mixed with the clean silvery-white moonlight, silently adorn the earth.In the snowy night, everything is silent, and in the silence, the breath of life is getting stronger and stronger. Winter is coming to an end, and when the first touch of green appears on the earth, spring will come.


The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground broke the silence of the night. In the thick snow, an unlucky person was sinking face-to-face in the snowdrift.He struggled a little bit, but he wasn't particularly proficient in controlling his body, and he only twitched a few times before he couldn't move anymore.

"Uh, it can't be so unlucky, is it really going to die here today?"

Although he couldn't move his body, his mouth seemed to be working normally, and because of this, he was still able to speak.But, at this time, can his life be saved just by moving his mouth?Although the winter in France is not as cold as in northern Europe, it has snowed for several days in a row. At this time, the temperature has dropped enough to freeze a living person into a popsicle.

With just this one mouth, can he really survive this snowy night?
Everything is possible!
"Help! Is there anyone! Help! Help!!!"

Someone in trouble has only one mouth to use, so he chooses the easiest and most difficult way: shout for help.He clearly remembered that when he was flying in the sky, he saw fires flickering near here from a distance, and they were very dense. He thought that there should be people living here.At present, he has nothing to do, so he can only choose to call for help loudly, see if he can hear it, come and save his life.

Resignation to fate, although this is the most annoying thing for someone whose body is mostly covered in snow, but sometimes, things will not be transferred by people's will.Having said that, the reason why he hates resigning himself to fate may be that the sky has never given him the life he wants. The huge gap between reality and ideal is something everyone has to face.

Since you can't give me the life I want, then I won't believe or listen to you. Anyway, the result won't be worse, will it?

This is pretty wishful thinking, and it turns out that things can be much worse.Therefore, someone has a little regret now, although it is only a little, but it is also regret, not happy, happy or something.

"Help! Is there anyone nearby? Help! Someone is going to die!!!"

According to the estimation of the physical condition, it will take half an hour to freeze to death by visual estimation.If there is no one to help within half an hour, then no matter how unwilling, how resentful, how angry, after tomorrow, there will be no more him in this world.

Half an hour, maybe this is the last half hour of his life.

No one would want to die if they were alive, especially someone with a bright future and a bright future.After planning so much, spending so much time, waiting for so long, and paying such a high price, just thinking about it and dying here makes me feel extremely horrified.

"Help! Is there anyone alive? Is everyone dead? Help!!!"

10 minutes passed in a blink of an eye. During these 10 minutes, the calls for help never stopped, and my throat was hoarse due to the continuous calls for help. Although I drank several sips of snow water, my throat seemed to be smoking and on fire. But it didn't retreat at all.

Gradually, someone also slowly gave up hope, and the cry for help gradually subsided, and now it was just self-consolation.Face reality, face the reality that you only have 10 minutes left in your life.It's a pity to say that in this situation, it stands to reason that you should recall your life, think about the people you've met, what happened, and then laugh and freeze to death in the memory, leaving an unsolved mystery or something.However, a certain person's mind is empty, his life experience is pitifully short, and he has nothing to recall at this moment.

5 minute has passed...

8 minute has passed...

9 minute has passed...

Only 1 minutes left!
Sighing, it seems that no one will come. I heard that some devils and demons like to appear when people are desperate, and then tempt them to sign various contracts, exchanging souls and lives for power. To ask for those illusory things?
Why not ask?

There's no other choice anyway, is there?
So, plucking up the last bit of strength, someone yelled out what might be the last words of his life:

"Why didn't the devil come out? No matter what conditions you ask, I will admit it. If you want soul, body, life span, life, you can do whatever you want! Come out! No matter what unequal treaty, I will accept it. Sign, can't I even recognize it?"

"No? Then, that's all right, I swear, I swear the most vicious oath, if anyone can save my life, I will sell all of myself to him! If I can't do it, I will suffer a lot in the future Thunder strikes the top, ten thousand arrows pierce the heart, ten thousand maggots penetrate the brain, ten thousand ants eat the body, ten thousand poisons invade the body..."

A series of vicious death methods have been said, but the wind is still blowing, the snow is still falling, and the temperature of the body is still dropping...

"Tsk, even so, no one came?"

"Then, let me finish my last sentence before I die." Someone who felt that he had to say something cleared his throat, and then snorted sullenly:
"Hill, I call your ancestors eighteen generations!"

The snow seemed to be falling harder, and someone who stopped moving was instantly buried by the snow.Not surprisingly, the next time he is discovered, it may be spring.

It's just that God thinks there is still a need for this person to exist. In the distance, two people, one big and one small, are moving towards here...

"Gabri, slow down, don't go any further, we should go back to the village!"

"Sister, I heard someone calling for help just now, it's nearby, we should help him! Ah, I found him! Sister, come here, there is a person who is buried in the snow and passed out!"


On the mainland on the other side of the strait, France is experiencing heavy snowfall, while in England, Hogwarts has not seen a single drop of snow.In the room with a fireplace, the thick walls blocked the cold wind, and the burning firewood released light and heat, so there was no feeling of chill at all. There were almost two seasons inside the house and outside the castle.

"...So, I hate winter, and I hate snow. You may not have had that experience, Hermione, but in that extraordinarily realistic dream, I almost froze to death in the snow. To be honest, that kind of It feels so bad that I have such an aversion to snow and winter..."

"It sounds unbelievable, how on earth did you do it? Is that dream made by magic? What is its principle? I think it's like... Hey, why are you looking at me like that?"

Sitting on the long sofa, Hermione and Hill huddled under a blanket and listened to Hill introduce his experience in the past year.When explaining the dream world, Hermione's occupational disease occurred again, and she began to think about how Hill did it.Seeing Hermione's serious expression, Hill couldn't help laughing.Hermione, who heard Hill's laughter, gave Hill an unhappy look.

Stared at by Hermione, Hill touched his chin, and said with a look of nostalgia: "It's nothing, it's just that I haven't seen you like this for a long time, to be honest, I really miss you." When he said this, Hill's The eyes are very clear, which is from the heart.He lightly pecked Hermione's forehead, and said softly, "I, you are my favorite! You are my spiritual pillar!"

Hermione blushed a little, turned her head away from looking at Hill, and said in a self-deprecating tone: "Really? Like me who likes to meddle in other people's affairs, and is not gentle and considerate, and not understanding at all. How could anyone like a girl who was so annoying when she was young?"

"Hey, don't say that, you still have many advantages." Hill patted Hermione on the shoulder, and said to Hermione, who had her head turned but her ears pricked up, "As for me, I like It's your sense of humor!"

"Is that all?"

With a sneer on the corner of her mouth, Hermione's little hand reached into Hill's clothes and touched the depths.Hermione could clearly feel Hill's body trembling slightly as the cold and smooth palm was pressed tightly against the burning skin.The smile on the face became more intense. Hermione's little hand stroked Hill's body back and forth. The coldness and hotness were neutralized. The feeling was naturally very refreshing, and Hill was so refreshed that he almost cried out... …

Then, he actually called out.

"Oh~~~It hurts~~~ Take it easy, it hurts me to death..."

According to some surveys, a man's waist, a certain muscle in a certain area, is extremely sensitive to pain.Basically, the slightest irritation to that muscle would cause a grown man to burst into tears with pain several times greater than usual.However, it is not so difficult to accurately stimulate the nerves in that area.

Judging from the current situation, Hermione seems to be on the hook.

"Uh, Hermione, it's getting late." After hugging Hermione and telling a lot of stories, Hill looked at the time, and it was getting late, so he reminded Hermione.

"What's the hurry~ It's still early!" Hermione looked at the time, waved her hand nonchalantly, and then said to Hill: "Go on, don't stop, what happened after that? Is there really something wrong in this world?" Someone so similar to you..."

"Uh, yes, the situation is like this..."

In desperation, Hill had no choice but to continue talking, but every time he spoke, he would turn his head to check the time.The consequence of being dual-purpose is that two things are not done well, and his passive sabotage attitude makes Hermione very dissatisfied.

"Do you not like me being here to bother you? If so, I'm leaving now!"

"Uh, I didn't mean that, I... well, let's move on."

So, time passed slowly while Hill was telling the story and Hermione was listening to the story.Whenever Hill turned his head to see the intention of time again, Hermione forced his head back with her hands.Due to the angle, Hill couldn't see the time, but Hermione could see it clearly.

After an unknown amount of time, when Hill was telling stories, Hermione suddenly stretched out her finger and pressed Hill's lips.Hill, who was confused, stopped, looked at Hermione suspiciously, and waited for her explanation.

"Okay, time has passed, now I can't go back!"

Hermione pointed to the clock hanging on the wall, and said to Hill with a smile.

"Uh, can't you go back? You should be able to go back. This is not the first time you have done this kind of thing. As long as you have a password, you can enter the door of the common room."

"Today's password, I don't know!"

Hermione looked at Hill with a smile, like Crookshanks who stole Ron's hidden dessert.Facing this kind of smile, Hill really shuddered for no reason, as if seeing a natural enemy.

"I can't help it, I can only spend the night with you today~!"

"Hey, didn't you agree, just chatting, and never staying overnight?"


Hermione grabbed the pillow on the sofa and threw it on Hill's head in embarrassment. Before Hill could recover, she lifted the blanket and threw Hill...

"Shouldn't boys take the initiative in this kind of thing? Why do I have to take the initiative every time?!"

"Uh, you can ask the author..."

...a few words are omitted below...

Ps: The basic situation is like this, and the first push of this book has finally been sent out. , or be careful.I finally wrote more than 80 words. If something happens because of this, I will cry to someone.If you want to read it, well, wait until I finish the book, and then I will add it. It seems that there is another one to be pushed later, and it will be packaged and sent out together at that time.

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