England, Godric's Hollow.

Spring in the northern hemisphere has arrived, and the climates of Hogwarts and Godric's Hollow, which are in the same climate zone, are naturally no different, with the same wind and sunshine, and the same spring scenery.In this regard, staying at Hogwarts seems to be no different from staying here in Godric's Hollow, but Dumbledore still chose to stay here.

After the Battle of the Ministry of Magic, the outside world has already boiled, and countless people are falling into fear, anxiety, and impetuous emotions.It has been less than 20 years since Voldemort was defeated last time, this time is simply not enough time for people to come out of Voldemort's shadow!
"What should we do? We can't be Voldemort's opponent at all. He is too powerful. What should we do?"

This is the idea that is entrenched in many people's minds at this time, which is actually quite ridiculous, because 90.00% of people have not personally experienced the horror of Voldemort, but they are still terrified.On the contrary, in fact, the Death Eaters who followed Voldemort should be afraid, because if Voldemort is going to get angry, he doesn't care if you are one of his own!

Ordinary people who don't know the facts panic, the Death Eaters who follow Voldemort fear, and the Malfoy family, they are ready for destruction.In the Battle of the Ministry of Magic, Lucius was the only one who escaped and ascended to heaven, and all the other Death Eater elites including Bellatrix fell!If Lucius died in battle, it's a good thing Voldemort can't do much, but he came back alive! ! !
Bad luck for the Malfoy family!

This is the consensus of everyone in the outside world. For this, there are those who gloat, some sympathize, and some hate... In short, there are everyone, but it is rare to find sensible people.

"It's funny, ignorant mortals, that little fellow Voldemort almost died in his first public appearance. The thing is obvious, there are people who can clean him up, but those mortals are still afraid, still afraid..."

In plain robes, Gellert Grindelwald is walking with Dumbledore.During these days, there was nothing to worry about, and nothing to plan. The previous Dark Lord expressed his comfort.At this moment, he was laughing at the chaos of the outside world with a look of disdain.

"Dumbledore, tell me, why didn't so many people fear me at that time?"

"You're jealous."

"how is this possible?!"

Gellert Grindelwald snorted disdainfully, Dumbledore glanced at him, the latter looked like a competitive child at the moment, although he said he was not jealous, but...

"Are you going to fight over this kind of thing?"

Dumbledore suddenly laughed. Over the years, many people and things have changed, but this old friend remains the same.If it wasn't for his appearance that he looks very old, perhaps many people would regard him as a relatively flamboyant young man, eager to win and never admit defeat.Thinking of this, Dumbledore was a little curious, could it be that the small tower where Gellert squatted for half a century has the function of keeping people's soul youthful?

"Dumbledore, you must give me an answer this time. Is it me or that Voldemort who is the best!"

Gellert Grindelwald asked Dumbledore very seriously, and he reached out and grabbed Dumbledore's clothes, as if he would not let go until he gave an answer.Dumbledore gave Gellert an angry and funny look, and finally said helplessly:

"Okay, I said it's not enough, of course you are amazing."

"That's natural! Hmph, you have some good eyesight!"

Seeing the joy on Gellert's face, Dumbledore murmured in a low voice: "Well, it really hasn't changed at all, it's so confusing by accident, it hasn't changed at all. Just touch along the fur, there will be no harm at all. The risk of blowing hair."

"What are you talking about?" Gellert Grindelwald asked.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little bit emotional, we are old and can't keep up with the times."

"As long as your heart is not old, you will never be old. If it's not that your body can't keep up, I would like to go out and try to conquer the world."

"Then, go ahead and do it boldly! Didn't you say that, as long as your heart is not old, you will never grow old. How can you do nothing about the bondage of the body, you Gellert Grindelwald?!"

Gellert Grindelwald was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, he patted Dumbledore's shoulder heavily, and said, "This is impossible, you are so weak now, an ordinary person can kill you, I I must stay here to protect you! Conquering the world or something is my lifelong dream, but as long as I am alive, I have a chance to realize it. You are different, Dumbledore, if you die, it will be true Everything is gone. I don’t have many friends, and there are even fewer who are qualified to be my friends. Without you, I will feel that life is meaningless.”

"Really? But, go ahead and do it with confidence. My time is almost up. Before that, I'm very interested to see how you conquer the world."

Dumbledore said calmly, under this calmness, Gellert Grindelwald saw something unusual Death Will!
Dumbledore wants to die!
After a moment of silence, Gellert Grindelwald was like a deflated ball, his mood fell down, and he muttered like a sulking child: "But, you are gone, who will I conquer the world for?" ah!"

"You don't have to worry about this, as long as you move fast enough, maybe you can still see me before I die. And even if I really die, then I will definitely become a star in the sky, silently Watching you." Dumbledore said with a smile on his face.

"Well, it seems that I have to leave here."

Gellert Grindelwald looked at Godric's Hollow where he had lived for a while with nostalgia. It was here that he met Dumbledore many years ago.Now, he is leaving here, when he comes back again... Forget it, let's not come back.

"Goodbye, then, Dumbledore!"


Gently hugging Dumbledore, Gellert Grindelwald smiled, then turned around resolutely, and strode out of Godric's Hollow.It's not that he can't use [Apparition], it's just that he wants to stay here for a while, even if it's just a second longer.

In the end, Gellert Grindelwald left here. He still has a lot to do. It is not that simple to conquer this world.He needs to go back across the Channel, back to where he was born, where he started.There, his loyal subordinates are still waiting for him, waiting for him to lead them to the peak again and achieve brilliant achievements!

"Okay, you can come out!" When Dumbledore returned to the door of the house, he did not go directly into the house. He turned around and said softly to the grove beside him: "Draco, is that you? Come out Well, you have been waiting for a long time, how about some drinks and snacks in the house?"

Draco Malfoy, who was hiding in the grove, held his wand tightly, waiting for an opportunity to attack and kill the greatest wizard of his time.However, the more he waited, the more confused his heart became. Many things came to his mind, which made his thoughts messy and restless.

The moment he heard Dumbledore's voice, Draco suddenly calmed down. He didn't know where the courage came from. He held his wand tightly and walked out of the woods to stand in front of Dumbledore.Taking a deep breath, he shouted to Dumbledore:

"Dumbledore, I'm going to kill you!"

Dumbledore smiled and looked at the boy who claimed to kill him. It was very interesting. He said such vicious words, but there was no killing intent in his tone.That sentence is not so much a provocation and a death declaration as a prayer, what is the prayer?
[Dumbledore, please, please kill me! 】

Dumbledore's smile became more intense. He has always been very accurate in seeing people, and this time was no exception.The boy in front of him, under the seemingly strong appearance, deep in his heart, who is the one kneeling weakly on the ground with tears streaming down his face?He is crying, so why is he crying?What is he crying for?All this, Dumbledore couldn't be more clear.

"Son, do you really want to kill me?"

"Of course, of course I want to kill you. Did you see that I'm pointing my wand at you! I'm really going to kill you!!!"

【What are you waiting for, Dumbledore?I'm already like this, I'm so obviously against you, I've provoked you, offended you, hurry up and kill me! ! ! 】

"However, there are not a thousand people who pointed their wands at me, there are hundreds. Draco, are you kidding me?"

"Who is joking with you!!! I will really kill you!!!"

Dumbledore's words made Draco angry. As for anger, because the other party never looked at him?Hahaha, even now pointing at him with a magic wand and threatening to take his life, he still doesn't care!Look what he said, hahaha, are you kidding me?The old guy thought he was joking? ! ! !

Draco cast a spell with his wand, hitting the stone slab directly under Dumbledore's feet.Under the effect of the spell, the stone slab was torn apart and divided into a pile of fragments, very small fragments.It can be seen from this that Draco's spell is actually well learned, and if this spell hits Dumbledore...

"See? I will really kill you!!!"

[Please, Dumbledore, please fight back, please kill me! ! !I've already shot you, it's already like this, you kill me quickly, kill me, the rude person who offended you! ! ! 】

Indifferent to the fragments of stone slabs under his feet, Dumbledore's eyes became brighter and brighter. It was a very good spell, and it could be seen that this child had worked hard.Having said that, did I do something wrong? I have always only focused on those few people, but ignored more people. How many people have been ignored by me?
"Very good spell. Professor Flitwick's teaching level is really good. It seems that I need to go back and give him a little more salary."

"You...Dumbledore, are you confused? I really want to kill you!!!"

Facing Draco's roar, Dumbledore restrained the smile on his face, it was almost time.He took out his wand from his pocket, played with it for a while, and asked the nervous Draco, "Can I ask a question, Draco, why do you want to kill me?"

"I need a reason to kill you?!"

[What are you talking about?The magic wand has been taken out, hurry up and release the spell on me, whether it is Avada Kedavra or something else, as long as you can kill me, you should do it quickly! ! ! 】

"Of course, I'd love to know why you wanted to kill me."

"Kill you... This is the task given to me by Lord Dark Lord, he asked me to kill you!"

[Okay, the reason has been given to you, why don't you do it?kill me! ! ! 】

"Let me just add, if you can't kill me, then both your parents will die, right?" said Dumbledore.


"So, you were actually forced to, just because of Voldemort's orders, wasn't it?"


"So, I'm sorry, I can't let you kill me. For this reason, no!" Dumbledore shook his head regretfully, then he put away his wand and said to Draco, "You go!"

Draco was a little dumbfounded, what the hell was this old fool thinking?
"Why do you want me to go? I'm going to kill you!!! You just let me go? Why don't you kill me?"

[Please, Dumbledore, stop kidding me, kill me! ! !You know, if I can't kill you, my parents will die! ! !However, if I die, my parents may not necessarily die! ! ! 】

"There are many people who want to kill me, but I will not kill them because of this. As I said before, killing people requires a reason, so, Draco, tell me, the reason I killed you is What?"


"Don't you have anything to say? Then, you go, and when you have figured it out, come to me again!"

Dumbledore gave the order to evict, and he turned, ready to enter the house.Draco's performance is already very good, but these are not enough!However, a cry that followed brought a smile to his face.

"If you don't kill me, my parents will die!!! So, please, please kill me!!! Dumbledore, as long as you kill me, he won't embarrass my parents anymore , they'll be fine!!!"

Facing Draco who was already kneeling on the ground, begging himself bitterly, Dumbledore smiled again, this time, it was a satisfied smile!

"So, Draco, you wanted to kill me to save your parents, didn't you?"

"That's right!"

"So, Draco, you wanted to be killed by me to save your parents, right?"

"...That's right!..."

"Well, two or even three lives on one side, and one life on the other, it's actually a very simple choice, isn't it?" Dumbledore looked at Draco with a smile, he stretched out his hand and pulled Draco up, saying yes Looking at him, he said, "I'm a little disappointed that you gave such a simple question a wrong answer."


At this moment, Draco was on the verge of collapse, and he just stood in front of Dumbledore numbly.He was still holding the magic wand in his hand, his body trembling slightly, his eyes staring blankly at the ground.

Dumbledore reached out, grabbed Draco's hand holding the wand, and pointed the wand at himself.He said with a smile: "Draco, do you know how [Alvado Kedavra Curse] works?"

Draco shook his head numbly, he didn't learn that evil spell.

"Then, let me teach you, this spell is used in this way, listen carefully!"

Dumbledore grabbed Draco's hand, slowly drew a semicircle, and finally swung it upwards, and then slashed downwards vigorously, forming a capital "D", the initial letter of Death.After repeating this action several times, Dumbledore said: "I have learned the movement of swinging the staff. Next, add the name of the spell, and a simple [Avados Kedavra Curse] is completed. If you don't believe me, you You can give it a try, as for the experimental subject, forget it, just use me."

Holding Draco's hand, Dumbledore repeated the wave of his wand, and then said to Draco, "Call out the name of that spell, right now, and follow me, Avada Kedavra!"

"Ah... Avada Kedavra..."

"No, it's too slow, next time, hurry up!"

"Avaga Kedavra!"

"No, you called it wrong, it's Avada Kedavra, not Avaga Kedavra!"



After an unknown amount of time, a green light lit up in front of Dumbledore's house in Godric's Hollow

"Avada Kedavra!"

Three hours later, standing outside Malfoy Manor, Draco gripped a wand tightly and ran towards it.He had been running for an indefinite amount of time, his mouth was dry, his bones were overwhelmed, and he might fall to the ground at any time.However, he didn't mean to stop. In his mind, the principal with the white beard was looking at him with a smile, which made him feel great pressure.

"[Avada Kedavra Curse] can also be used with love, and the power will definitely not be much worse than using this spell with hatred. Draco, you love your parents, you don't want anything to happen to them, That's enough. Remember this feeling, remember your love for them, it's a magical force that will stay with you until the end of your life!"

At some point, Draco's eyes began to ooze tears, he didn't hold back, and let the tears roll down and across his cheeks... Finally, he rushed into the largest room, raised the root that belonged to Dumbledore's wand, shouting: "I... I have killed... Dumbledore!"

"Avada Kedavra~"

Almost at the same time as the time transmitted by Draco, a green light flashed, and Voldemort's eerie voice sounded.After hearing Draco's words, he turned around and looked at Draco with a pair of long and narrow snake eyes.He was full of surprise, full of surprise, full of curiosity, but there was no trace of apology in it, he said:
"It's a pity that you came late, tsk tsk, if you could have arrived one step earlier, maybe you could still hear your father's last words!"


Looking at the familiar figure at Voldemort's feet, Draco dropped his wand to the ground.

At this moment, Draco finally knew what despair is...


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