I became Harry Potter's brother at the beginning

Chapter 8 The Sorting Ceremony (1)

In front of the lake is a small pier with many boats parked beside it. It seems that they are going to cross the lake in these boats.


Kaka yelled uneasily on Hill's shoulder a few times. It hates water. Although it can swim, it just hates water.

"Freshmen must cross the lake", this is the rule of Hogwarts, set by the four founders.

Hill held Kaka in his arms, and his shoulders were a bit unsafe. If Kaka accidentally fell into the lake, it would be very troublesome.

Kaka held onto Hill's clothes tightly, not daring to relax at all.

"Each boat can't have more than four people!" Hagrid said loudly, pointing to a fleet of small boats moored on the shore, "You can combine freely, but be careful not to exceed the weight of the boat!"

Hill saw Harry and Ron, and he beckoned Hermione and Neville to squeeze past.

Harry and Ron were already in the boat, and there were two empty seats, but there were three of them.

"Hey Hill, there's still a spot here!"

Draco's voice came over. He and his two followers had already boarded a small boat, and there was still a place.

Hill shook his head, and he said to Hermione and Neville, "Go on Harry's boat, I'll go to another place to see if there are any vacancies."

Neville insisted on letting Hill go up, and he looked elsewhere, but Hill declined.

No way, Draco had already invited him, and if he got on Harry's boat again, it would be equivalent to slapping Draco hard.Hill would never do such an offending thing.

Watching Harry's boat leave the pier, Hill lightly jumped onto another boat. There were only three girls there, and there happened to be an empty seat.

"Hey, Hill, why don't you come to my place? I still have a place here, reserved just for you!"

Draco nodded slightly when he saw that Hill was not on Harry's boat. On the train, he had a little conflict with Harry and Ron.Fortunately, Hill didn't board their boat, otherwise Draco felt that he would be really depressed.

Glancing at Draco with a strange expression, Hill spread his hands and shrugged, "Forget it, Draco, haven't you noticed that your boat has reached the waterline? One more person, I think we You can go chat with Grindylow (some kind of aquatic creature)."

Draco looked down at the waterline of his own boat. Sure enough, because of Goyle and Crabbe, who were overweight, although there were only three people, the draft was already very deep.If one more person had to be added, the ship would definitely sink directly.

"Damn it! Gore and Crabbe, you guys are going to lose weight for me in the future!"

After counting down his two followers in a low voice, Draco looked at Hill again and waved at him, "Then, I'll go first!"

"No problem, I'll be there in a while!" Hill nodded.

"All aboard?" Hagrid called, taking the boat all by himself. "Well... go on!"

Immediately a fleet of small boats sailed across the glass-flat lake, and everyone was silent, gazing at the huge castle soaring into the sky.As they approached the cliff on which the castle stood, it seemed to tower over them.

Hill glanced around. There were three girls on this boat, and they all looked at Hill curiously.With silver hair, silver eyes, and handsome facial features, Hill is also a handsome wife.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Hill Fox, and I am a freshman like you. Nice to meet you!"

Hill was stared at by the three girls. Sure enough, wizards, especially these girls who will become witches in the future, are completely different from ordinary Muggle girls.

Hearing Hill's self-introduction, the three girls looked at each other, and then a girl who seemed to be the oldest said softly: "My name is Parvati Patil, and this is my sister, Padma Patil, next to you This is Lily Dupin, we met on the train. Nice to meet you too!"

Parvati and Padma are twin sisters, they look similar, but Parvati looks more mature and a bit flamboyant, while Padma is more introverted and looks very shy.

As for Lily Dupin, well, she had the most unscrupulous gaze, staring at him all the time, even if she looked at Hill, she didn't lose the wind, forcing Hill to look away.This girl with cute canine teeth is definitely the most daring girl Hill has ever seen, even bolder than Hermione.

"Heads down!" Hagrid yelled as the first boats approached the cliff.

All bowed their heads, and the boat carried them through the curtain of ivy that covered the face of the cliff to the secret open entrance.They followed a dark tunnel that seemed to go beneath the castle, and at last they came to what looked like an underground pier, and then climbed up a patch of gravel and small pebbles.

When Hill got off the boat, he saw Harry and the others at the front, but he didn't go there. There were too many people ahead and the road was narrow, so it was inconvenient to squeeze through. Anyway, there was not much difference between front and back.

All the freshmen climbed up a tunnel in the rock under the light of Hagrid's lantern, and finally reached a flat, wet meadow in the shadow of the castle.

They climbed a flight of stone steps and gathered in front of a huge oaken door.

"Is everyone here? No one left behind?"

After carefully counting the number of people and making sure that no one was left behind, Hagrid raised a huge fist and knocked three times on the castle gate.

The door opened instantly.A tall dark-haired witch in emerald green robes stood in front of the gate.

"First-year freshman, Professor McGonagall."

"Thank you, Hagrid. Let me pick you up here."

Professor McGonagall pulled the door wide open, revealing the interior.Flaming torches surround the stone walls, the ceiling is so high that you can hardly see the top, and in front of it is a luxurious marble staircase that leads directly to the upper floor.

Professor McGonagall took the freshmen to a small empty room at the other end of the hall, not far from the Hogwarts auditorium, and the noisy voices there could be heard clearly here.

The freshmen rushed in, huddled shoulder to shoulder, staring nervously at everything around them.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall. "The opening banquet is about to begin, but before you go to the dining hall, you must first confirm which college you have entered. Branching is a This is an important ceremony, because the college is like your home at Hogwarts while you are at school. You will attend classes with other students in the college, live in the college dormitory together, and spend time together in the college common room After school time."

"The names of the four houses are: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house has its own glorious history and has produced outstanding wizards and wizards. You are in Huo During Gewartz's studies, your excellent performance will earn your house points, and any violations will make your house lose points.At the end of the year, the house with the highest score will win the house cup, which is very high honor. I hope that no matter which college you are assigned to, you can win honor for the college."

"In a few minutes, the sorting ceremony will be held in front of the teachers and students of the whole school. I suggest that you tidy up yourselves and be more energetic while waiting."

"I'll pick you up when it's ready over there," said Professor McGonagall. "Please keep quiet while you wait."

After speaking, Professor McGonagall left the room, probably going to the auditorium to report to Dumbledore.

Hill was bored listening to Professor McGonagall's narration. He already knew these things, but he could only wait here.Hill could only tease Kaka, dawdling in boredom.Beside him, the faces of those freshmen were full of uneasiness, whispering to each other, discussing what would happen next.

Parvati looked at Hill, who had a calm face, and could even be said to be a little bored. She asked curiously, "Hill, aren't you worried about the next sorting? The other freshmen are very nervous."

Indeed, many students showed tension and anxiety on their faces, and some students even turned as white as paper.

"Because they don't know how the branch is divided. In fact, that's all there is to it. There's no need to worry."

"I heard that the sorting process is horrific, and it may hurt us a lot, is this true?" Padma, who has not spoken, said worriedly, "Will it hurt, I am most afraid of pain. "

Hill rolled his eyes, and looked at Ron who was hyping ahead, well, this guy is very talented as a tabloid reporter, and he can deceive so many freshmen with such a fake thing.

"It's not that scary. I won't say more about it. This will destroy the mystery. It's always a very interesting thing. I promise you, it's definitely very interesting!"

Just after Hill comforted the restless Padma, there was a burst of exclamation from the front.

Suddenly, twenty or so ghosts popped out of the wall.These pearly white, translucent ghosts glide across the room, whispering to each other, paying little attention to the first-years, who seem to be arguing about something.

These are the ghosts of Hogwarts, characteristic products, each ghost has its own story, even Professor Binns who is a ghost is also the teacher of "History of Magic".

A chubby little friar-like ghost said: "Forgive, forget, I say, we should give him another chance"

"My good friar, don't we give Peeves enough chances? But he's got us all ugly nicknames. You know, he can't even reach a basic ghost. I say, you are in What are you doing here?" A ghost in a ruffled bodysuit suddenly spotted the freshmen.

Hill looked at the terrified freshmen around him. They were completely shocked. After all, it was the first time they saw it. Even if they knew there was such a thing, they would still panic.

"We are freshmen this year, waiting for the freshman sorting test, are you ghosts?" Seeing that no one answered, Hill stepped forward and asked.

The chubby monk floated in front of Hill and looked at the brave new student curiously, "Aren't you afraid? We are ghosts. Haven't you heard those ghost stories? Ghosts are very evil!"

All the freshmen around Hill took a step back, and Kaka covered her eyes and ears with her paws.

"Okay, then why don't you come and catch me?" Hill spread his hands, looking resigned, "Hogwarts is the best school, and the ghosts of Hogwarts must be the best. Good ghost!"

A small compliment was sent, and the fat monk seemed very satisfied, with a smile on his face.

"Ah, you're right. The ghosts in Hogwarts are the best. Of course, except for Peeves. How should I put it, he is a bit playful and likes to play tricks, but his nature is not bad."

Hill shrugged, Peeves is a model of bullying and a disaster for freshmen.However, as a quasi-Ravenclaw, he said there was no pressure.Everyone knows that Bloody Barrow has a special relationship with Ravenclaw's ghost, Ms. Gray, and Peeves is most afraid of Bloody Barrow.

The surrounding freshmen saw that Hill was chatting with the fat monk smoothly, and no scary things happened as expected, so they all felt relieved and started discussing again.

Lily, not that Harry's mother, but this year's freshman, Lily Dupin, the most daring girl Hill has ever seen.She said a word that made Hill stunned.

"Hello, can I touch you? I haven't touched a ghost yet, so I don't know how it feels."

The corner of the fat monk's mouth twitched, well, the quality of this year's freshmen is very good, and I met two in a row who were not afraid of themselves.

"Yes, of course you can, boy, try it."

Lily smiled, her two canine teeth were shining brightly, comparable to Hermione's front teeth.She stretched out her hand and inserted it into the fat monk's body without hesitation.

"It feels so cold, like dipping into a basin of cold water."

The fat monk nodded, turned around and prepared to leave. It would be better to go to the auditorium to watch the excitement.

"In summer, it must be very comfortable to sleep with a ghost in your arms!"

Hill noticed that the fat friar's foot twisted and nearly fell to the ground, and then he saw him rush through the wall.However, Lily is indeed fierce!

Seeing Lily's excited expression, Hill shook his head, it's a pity not to go to Gryffindor, this kind of courage, tsk tsk, even if facing Voldemort, she probably would be very excited to ask his basilisk What did you eat to grow up?

"Move forward now," said a shrill voice. "The sorting ceremony is about to begin."

Professor McGonagall is back, and it looks like everything is arranged.

The ghosts floated through the opposite wall and disappeared in file. The auditorium is a good place to watch a play, so we have to grab a good seat first.

"Now, in a single line," Professor McGonagall said to the first-year students, "follow me."

Hill followed a stocky boy, and behind him were sisters Patil and Lily.

They walked out of the room, through the foyer, and through a double door at the back into the luxurious dining room.

Students from other classes in the academy were already sitting around four long tables, above which thousands of candles floating in the air illuminated the dining room.Glittering gold plates and goblets stood on four tables.There is another long table on the table at the top of the restaurant, which is the teacher's seat.

Professor McGonagall took the first-year students over there and made them line up facing the entire upper class, with the teachers behind them.The candlelight flickered, and hundreds of faces stared at them like pale lanterns.Ghosts also shone dimly silver light among the students.

Being watched by so many people, all the freshmen were a little nervous, and the next sorting test made them even more uneasy.

Hill yawned out of boredom. He felt that it was really boring for so many rookies to stand here for the veterans to watch.Speaking of nervousness, Hill was not nervous at all being watched by so many people.At least these people's vision is not as sharp as Lily's, and Hill said there is no pressure.

Looking up, the velvety black canopy is dotted with stars.It has been enchanted so that it looks like the sky outside, and it is hard to believe that there is a ceiling there, and it is hard to believe that the restaurant roof is not open to the air.

Professor McGonagall gently placed a four-legged stool in front of the first-year students, and then placed a pointed wizard hat on the stool.The hat was patched, worn out, and very dirty.

Everyone in the restaurant was staring at the hat, and there was no sound in the restaurant.Then the hat twisted.There was a wide slit in the brim, and like a mouth the hat began to sing:

You may think I'm not pretty,
But don't judge people by their appearance.

If you can find a more beautiful hat than mine,
I can eat myself.

You can make your bowler hats black and shiny,

Keep your silk top hats sleek and crisp.

I'm the magic hat for the Hogwarts test,
Naturally, it is much taller than your hats.

any thought hidden in your mind,

Can't hide from the golden eyes of the magic hat.

Try it on,

I will tell you which college you should go to.

You may belong to Gryffindor, where there is bravery buried in the bottom of my heart,
Their courage, boldness and boldness make Gryffindors outstanding;

You may belong to Hufflepuff, where the people are just and loyal,

Hufflepuff students are stoic and honest, unafraid of hard work;
If you're smart, you might get into wise old Ravenclaw,
Those who are wise and learned will always meet their fellows there;

Maybe you'll get into Slytherin, maybe you'll make a true friend here,
But those cunning and insidious people will use all means to achieve their goals.

Come and put me on!Don't be afraid!Don't panic!

In my hands (although I don't even have a hand) you're safe

Because I am a thinking magic hat!
After the hat finished singing, the audience burst into applause, and the hat bowed to the four dining tables one by one, and then stood still.

Professor McGonagall took a few steps forward, a roll of parchment in hand.

"Whoever I call now puts on a hat and sits on a stool for sorting," she said. "Hannah Abbott!"

A rosy-cheeked little girl with two blond braids stumbled out of the queue, put on her hat just enough to cover her eyes, sat down, and paused for a moment.

"Hufflepuff!" Hat shouted.

The people at the table to the right applauded Hannah and welcomed her to their table, which was supposed to be Hufflepuff.

"Susan Burns!"

"Hufflepuffs!" cried the hat again.Susan quickly ran to Hannah and sat down.

"Terry Boot!"


This time the second table on the left clapped their hands.When Terry joined them, several Ravenclaws stood up to shake his hand.

Mandy Bloche was also assigned to Ravenclaw, and Lavender Brown became the first freshman in Gryffindor. There was a burst of cheers at the farthest table on the left. There was a pair of twins there, it should be Ron's twin brother, they booed.

Then Millicent Burst became Slytherin's freshman and walked to Slytherin's table.

"Justin Fletcher!"


Sometimes the Sorting Hat calls out the house names right away, but other times it takes a while to make a decision.For example, Seamus Finnigan, a boy with light brown hair, sat on the stool for almost a full minute before the hat announced that he was assigned to Gryffindor.

Hill let out a sigh of relief. The Fox family is all Ravenclaws, and he wouldn't be surprised. Although he may not be able to take risks with Harry and the others, Hill doesn't feel regretful.

"My dear little master, I have been in touch with some of my old friends, many of whom are no longer in Hogwarts, but the guy with the Sorting Hat is still there, and he seems to be very interested in you."

Booker's voice rang in his mind, it turned out that it was just getting in touch with old friends from Hogwarts.

"Well, let it arrange me in Ravenclaw, I don't want any trouble, the Fox family has always been Ravenclaw, I don't want any trouble."

"Don't worry, master, the Fox family belongs to Ravenclaw, which was stipulated when Hogwarts was founded."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's talk later, it's almost your turn."

Hill came back to his senses, the first freshman was assigned to Hufflepuff, and then Professor McGonagall read out the next name.

"Hill Fox!"

Hill turned around and walked slowly to the chair. He even took the time to look at the teacher's seat. His eyes stopped at the center of the guest seat. Albus Demps was sitting on a big golden chair. profitable.

The current headmaster of Hogwarts is recognized as the greatest wizard of his time. His well-known contributions include: defeating the dark wizard Grindelwald in [-], discovering twelve uses of dragon blood, and partnering with Nicole May in alchemy Effective in technique.

Dumbledore wears half-moon glasses, has a long, crooked nose, and hangs down his silver hair and beard.At this moment, he was looking at Hill with a gentle smile on his face.

Hill nodded to Dumbledore, then reached out and picked up the sorting hat, and then


Hill bent down in pain, clutching his feet, and beside his feet, a long silver sword inlaid with rubies fell aside!
Sword of Gryffindor!

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