Alt: Opening Fusion Plasma Spark

Chapter 174 There must be a problem

Sai Luo shook his head secretly in the space.

The red light spots that he saw condensing Beria before appeared from where Chang Chi was probably standing.

But just because of this suspicion of Changchi, as a companion, he would be too distrustful.

Chang Chi watched from behind as Zenta suddenly stopped and continued to walk forward, motionless, as if he was thinking about something.

He is clear about the relationship between him and Sai Luo now, if it is not connected by the word "companion", their relationship will not be like this.

He has dark power in him, and even the dark power has something to do with Beria. When he was about to fight against Sophie, it was already destined that the dark energy in him would be exposed.

Once this matter is exposed, they will no longer be companions, and may even become enemies in the future.

There is no real friend who will always support you in the world. He trusts the relationship of using each other more.

But now with the example of Tregchia, this mutual utilization relationship seems to be less reliable.


morning three days later.

Chang Chi was lying under the shade of a tree, the sound of the light rain falling on the ground was ticking.

Very nice.

Chang Chi lay there looking at the sky with his head in his arms. The cool wind blew his hair, which made him feel much calmer and more comfortable.



Chang Chi frowned suddenly, looked at the sky and sat up like this.

A black dot in the sky grew bigger and bigger, and finally took on the shape of a robot.

"This is……"

Looking at the appearance of the robot, Chang Chi frowned even more, because the appearance of this robot was exactly the same as the robot Beria gave him.

Three days have passed since Beria appeared, and there was no news of Beria in these three days, not even a hair of Beria was seen.

This already made him very vigilant, but now such a robot appeared again.


The robot fell tremblingly and quickly, as if something went wrong, and then disappeared from Chang Chi's sight. Chang Chi could only hear a loud explosion.

Changchi stood up and was about to go over to have a look, when he saw a spaceship flying in the sky again, and the spaceship flew towards the direction where the robot fell.

The appearance of this spaceship is very familiar, but I have never seen it before.

Hmm... That spaceship seems to be the spaceship that Chao Canglu's Xingyunzhuang turned into in the plot given by the system, right?

Lu Asakura is here too?

Chang Chi clapped his hands, and the rain on his hands was quickly wiped off. With the blue light appearing on the surface of Chang Chi's body, Chang Chi disappeared in place and went straight to the robot.


In the ruins, Chang Chi came here according to where the robot fell.

But it was disappointing, the robot was smashed due to an uncontrolled explosion, and there were no people around the robot.

Either the man who piloted the robot exploded, or the man who piloted the robot had left.

However, Changchi was not without gains, because he met the spaceship chasing the robot. Just as he thought before, this spaceship was changed by Chao Canglu's Xingyun Zhuang.

Changchi wanted to know if Asakura Lu knew something, so he entered the spaceship.

The spaceship is still the same as the original base.

It's just that the internal environment is a bit messy at this time.

Books, garbage, and other miscellaneous things were almost all on the ground.

Maybe it was too hasty, and I didn't have time to sort it out.

"Well, that's it." On the sofa, Chao Canglu, who had been chatting with Changchi for a while, bent over, put his hands on his lap, and lowered his head, looking somewhat uncomfortable.

It's really embarrassing to be alone with Mr. Changchi. Mr. Changchi really doesn't seem easy to get along with. Why do you always keep a straight face? Did I say something wrong? ! ! !
Sitting next to him, Changchi also felt Chao Canglu's uneasiness, but he didn't try to break the quiet atmosphere, and even became silent, without saying a word.

According to what Asakura Lu just said, Asakura Lu came here following Fushiidek, and it was Fushiidek who drove the robot just now.

He also heard from Asakura Lu's good friend Peijia that Fushii Izuk seemed to have cheated Asakura Lu, something like that.

Chang Chi didn't want to know about this at all. For him, apart from Fushii Dek's coming to this planet, he heard almost no useful news from Asakura Lukou.

But according to his logic,

Now that Asakura Lu has come to this planet, Beria may go to Asakura Lu immediately.

After all, Chao Canglu is the son of Beria, and Beria can easily swallow Chao Canglu and use it as nourishment to enhance his strength.

If this is the case, let Sai Luo and the others contact Chao Canglu. As long as Chao Canglu sees Beria, several people can rush over as soon as possible.

Anyway, whoever meets Beria first, other people can quickly come to support.

"Mr. Chao Cang, do you still have the communicator from last time? I need three, so that you, me, Sai Luo, and another Ultra fighter can communicate with each other." Chang Chi was silent, and suddenly spoke.

"Ah? Oh," Asakura Lu Wenyan was stunned for a while, then turned to look at a yellow chandelier next to the base, with a cautious tone, "Lime, three...four communicators, is it okay, please? is you!"

"Okay, Lu."


Chang Chi gave the three communicators he got to Hong Kai and Sai Luo respectively, and kept one for himself.

After chatting with Sai Luo and the others for a while, they went back to the woods.

On the day of Fukui's debut, Chang Chi thought that there would be some disturbance, but it turned out that there was no such thing.

And now, another day has passed.

Just when Chang Chi thought that there was nothing particularly big going on today, there was a sudden loud noise.



King Red, King Aire, Mechanic Gomora, and Dark Lopes Sero appeared all at once, and the locations where they appeared were still in the undamaged city.

Chang Chi was walking on the street with his hands in his pockets, looking at the monsters, going against the fleeing crowd.

These monsters are probably released by Fushii Dek. Beria is going to make a move?Just why do this?
Do you want the Ultra fighters on this planet to consume their physical strength?The monsters were intentionally placed on cities that were not destroyed.

Chang Chi didn't know what Beria was going to do, so he just stood there and watched, without choosing to transform.

But if he doesn't transform, it doesn't mean that others won't come out to stop the monster.




The second after the monster appeared, Zero, Orb, and Geed appeared intermittently.

Sanao stood side by side very imposingly.

Zero attacked first, releasing light directly at the monster.

Seeing this, Uub and Geed also released light one after another.

In this way, Sanao and the monster fought for a full 3 minutes.

Gedd was directly beaten to release the transformation.

Not because Sero Objet is weak, but because they defeat a monster and new monsters will appear.

This is obviously consuming their physical strength.

Chang Chi didn't have much interest in watching their battle, and his attention was all attracted by the two people standing behind him taking pictures.

Onami and Matsudo Mori.

Did he remember that these two people were suspected of being possessed by Beria, and they appeared behind him at this time, just to take a photo?

And it was when the monsters appeared and the Ultra fighters were about to run out of energy.

There must be something wrong with these two!
Changchi noticed Ounami and Matsudo Mori, and Matsudo Mori also noticed Changchi at this time.

After all, there were only three of them standing on this street at the moment.

"Are you here to take pictures too?" Matsudo Mori took a step forward, a little puzzled, with a mobile phone in his hand, standing behind Chang Chi, and looked at Chang Chi, "Did we meet somewhere?"

"Hiss, are you the one who came to look for Kai and Shantae?"

Matsudo Mori pointed at Changchi unconsciously, with a naive smile on his face, "Right, isn't it?"

Changchi ignored Matsudo Mori, and Ounami who was standing behind Matsudo Mori had red eyes.

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