Alt: Opening Fusion Plasma Spark

Chapter 177 Is it an illusion?or reality?

Time back to 20 minutes ago...

Changchi was like a heavy object, without any resistance or reaction, he fell at an extremely fast speed, hit the ground heavily, and rolled several times before stopping with his head on the ground.

If it wasn't for him still breathing, I'm afraid he would have thought he was a dead person.

At this moment, he has been thrown into a space by Beria. The space is full of heavy black and red. It seems that there is no edge and the area is very large.


Where Chang Chi was thrown in, a swirling black portal opened immediately, Beria walked in, and stopped in front of Chang Chi.

But Chang Chi remained motionless.



"Changchi, you released Beria, come with us to the cosmic prison!"

A strong and majestic voice sounded, and Chang Chi couldn't feel the reality of stepping on the ground. He felt a little flustered and opened his eyes for a moment.

The purpose of entering is to be led by the father of Ultra, flying in the sky, surrounded by rows of dozens of Ultra fighters around him.

He could see Sero, Uub, and Geed in the team, and they looked at him with scrutiny and determination.

So, Beria's release was really discovered?

No, it was Tregear who released Beria, so what does he have to do with him!
He almost confused himself, even though he was attacked by Beria the moment before, why did he transform himself the next moment, and was surrounded by so many Ultra fighters.

It's impossible to think about it.

Looking at the very realistic and nonsensical scene in front of him, Chang Chi didn't know whether his own brain hole was too weird or the illusion was too level.

That's right, Chang Chi guessed that this was an illusion, and all of this was imagined by him.

Because Beria's energy has an ability, which is small enough to allow people to see certain things or things that they are afraid of, and big enough to make people fall into darkness and be controlled by Beria.

It's just that the latter's falling into darkness is not because of energy and spiritual blackening, but because of being infused with Beria's energy and falling into fear and unable to get out of fear.

Beria definitely has his reasons for using this ability on himself.

It's impossible to waste time doing something that doesn't make sense.

Beria didn't choose to go to Asakura Riku immediately, but found him and used this ability on him, just to make him inspire fear?

Certainly not.

Could it be that he wants to devour himself and gain strength like he devoured Asakura Lu in the original plot?

This is possible, because there is dark energy transformed by Beria's power in his body.

And why didn't Beria choose to devour it directly, perhaps because he knew that there was still light in his body?
After all, people in this world think that light and darkness cannot be merged, so they try to transform the light energy in their bodies into dark power?

Then why not just use the previous method to infuse a large amount of dark energy into his body, instead of using this skill?

It seems quite simple to think about it. If you use the previous method to convert the light energy caused by the plasma sparks in your body into dark power, it is possible, but the conversion time is too long.

And what if you fall into fear and then guide a little bit, and voluntarily fall into darkness?

A moment, a few seconds, a few minutes, that's all.

But these are just his conjectures, but apart from this, he can't think of other reasons why Beria did this.

Recalling all the thoughts of being attacked by Beria, Chang Chi came back to his senses.

Looking at the dozens of shocking faces unique to Ultraman in front of him, Chang Chi stretched out his hand in front of them and made a claw-like hand, stabbing directly into his arm.

Well, no pain, no bleeding.

Everything around, including the Ultra fighters, seemed to be still at this moment, motionless.

This is indeed a fantasy.

Knowing that this was an illusion, Chang Chi lost his fear a little. He bypassed the Ultramen and found the figure of Ultraman Zoffie as he wished.

Chang Chi narrowed his eyes slightly, and flew directly towards Ultraman Zuofi, the energy slowly revealed on his arms gathered together, forming a ray of light and shooting out.

There was no sound when the light was shot out. Seeing that the light was about to hit Ultraman Sophie, the light penetrated directly from Ultraman Sophie's chest.

Sophie Altman remained motionless, like a puppet.

The light just now dissipated as if it had never appeared before.

"Boring." Chang Chi didn't look at Zuo Fei anymore, he found that since he hurt his shoulder with his hand just now, this illusion seemed to have stopped, and it didn't run anymore.

All Chang Chi can do now is wait.

Because the power Beria gave him didn't dissipate, it just gradually decreased a lot.

You have to wait until you no longer have the power to see the illusion in your body, then the illusion will be released.

But he didn't have to wait too long, because he could feel that the energy that allowed him to see the illusion was already very weak.

Changchi folded his hands, waiting for the illusion to be resolved, and at the same time thinking about how to deal with Beria.

At most, Beria has just recovered from his injuries, and his strength has also increased a lot. Should he be tough?
This is too unsafe.

But speaking of it, Beria used this ability on himself that could only scare him a little bit. Since he had his purpose, would he pretend to follow the other party later?
Remove the opponent's guard and sneak attack secretly?
But no matter what, he was sure that since he was in the illusion, he must have fainted in reality, and the biggest possibility for Beria to deal with him was to throw himself into a space.

Does it mean that the time I spend in the illusion is directly proportional to the time in reality?

Chang Chi thought about it, but found that the surrounding things gradually became blurred. It wasn't that the illusion was disappearing, but that he was falling down at an extremely fast speed! !
Changchi felt the feeling of falling, and immediately stimulated the power in his body, but he couldn't activate it no matter what, he could only feel a feeling of powerlessness and panic, as if the organs in his body were about to explode.

There is pain, is this not an illusion, but obviously...

Changchi was falling faster and faster, and he couldn't think anymore, he could only see that he was about to hit the ground.

If you don't have the ability to wrap, you will become a pool of meat! ! !



"Plop plop plop..."

Chang Chi suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

The feeling of falling down just now is vivid in my memory, but why am I lying down?And he seems to be on the bed?
Chang Chi looked around, and the surrounding environment gradually became clear.

This is a small room with antique wooden windows, a wardrobe, a bed, a table and stools. Apart from these, there is only one green potted plant in the room, and nothing else.

Where is this place?
Chang Chi frowned, he died again?

Chang Chi lifted the quilt covering his body, and found that what he was wearing was not his own clothes, but ordinary black pants and plain white clothes.

No matter how this kind of dress looks and doesn't match this room, Chang Chi is stunned.

Did I really travel through again, or this place is also an illusion.

Changchi raised his hand, using the previous induction method to condense energy, but no matter what, he couldn't condense even a trace of energy.

Have you crossed over again, do you want to start again?

For a moment, Changchi didn't know whether he should be thankful that he was far away from that dangerous world, or regret it.

After all, he experienced all kinds of things in that world, not only did he not get revenge, but he also didn't see the result he wanted, so he left hastily in this way.

A sense of powerlessness and unwillingness emerged in his heart, and slowly gathered into an inexplicable fear. At this moment, Changchi suddenly realized, could this be an illusion?

Chang Chi patted himself lightly, it didn't hurt, but he felt it.

So is this an illusion, but how can an illusion feel?

Chang Chi lay back again, flat on the bed.

If this is an illusion, you can leave immediately, but in such a real illusion, it is hard not to imagine that everything you have experienced before is an illusion.

Maybe he never crossed over at all, and after the first car accident, he became a vegetable. Maybe these are all his own fantasies.

By the way, it is also possible that my head is broken and I have hallucinations.

Suddenly I feel that everything is fake, but yes, if it is the real world, there will be no plot in the world with Ultraman.

But if there are such real feelings, are these imaginations still imaginations?
Wait, why does this line feel so familiar?

Changchi felt a sudden stabbing pain in his heart, and his eyes went dark.

This voice is the system?

Before he had time to think about it, Chang Chi passed out completely.

When I woke up again, I found myself in a place with only two colors, black and red.

"Finally woke up, okay?"

Changchi was lying on the ground at this time, and after opening his eyes, he was dazed for a moment before he realized it, and then stood up in a half-squat with his hands on the ground, and saw Beria stretching out a hand in front of him.

Beria didn't mean to care at all when he said this, Chang Chi patted his clothes, a little confused about the current situation.

In fact, it is better to say that I am a little confused than confused.

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