Chen Qinzhou felt exhausted from the inside out, and this time the monster made him also feel strenuous.

But he didn't have time to think about this, because he could hear the mournful cries of the crowd in the distance, that red mist!Chen Qinzhou's heart sank and immediately rushed towards the direction of the sound.

Liu Yingying covered her mouth and looked at everything in front of her. Just ten meters away from her, where the red mist splashed just now, a large number of twisted and dry corpses fell on the ground. At a glance, they looked like sardines group.

What's going on here?Isn't the monster defeated by Ultraman?Why are so many people dying?Liu Yingying wiped away the tears from her eyes, and suddenly saw a little boy rushing towards the corpse, she hurriedly grabbed her back, the red mist was too weird, it only took a moment to kill him So many people, the past may be in danger now.

But the little boy must be fifteen or sixteen years old, and he has a lot of strength. He pushed Liu Yingying away and entered the corpse field. Just as Liu Yingying was about to chase after him, she saw the boy suddenly fall to the ground. There were fine cuts in the skin, perhaps because of the pain, his mouth was opened wide, and the horrible blood inside made the scalp numb.

Liu Yingying looked at the boy anxiously, and wanted to save her when she moved her feet, but suddenly someone grabbed her arm, and when she turned her head, a middle-aged man firmly held her arm, shook his head and said, "You will definitely be fine if you go." up."

Liu Yingying understood that she gritted her teeth and watched the boy's body gradually distort and wither away, and this scene was also watched by the people present and in the live broadcast room. They all felt that this was too cruel to witness the death of a young man.

Chen Qinzhou ran all the way, and suddenly saw a group of people in green uniforms running towards him. Before the people arrived, the voice came, "Dangerous, don't run around! Avoid those red fog!"

Chen Qinzhou stood in place, a group of people came to him, the leader looked him up and down and said, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I hid when the monster came." Chen Qinzhou lied.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm the team leader of the Monster Investigation Section. I found something weird here, but I didn't expect to meet a monster. Fortunately, I was lucky." Chen Qinzhou smiled wryly.

"From the Monster Investigation Division? We are from the Monster Operations Department, and I am the team leader Zhang Qiang!" Zhang Qiang looked at the man in front of him with some admiration.

"My name is Chen Qinzhou, Captain Zhang, what happened outside?"

"Captain Chen, it's too miserable outside, too many people have suffered, and the red mist spit out by that monster is too scary." Zhang Qiang said with lingering fear.

Chen Qinzhou was silent for a long time before he said, "Then what are you doing here?"

"Saving people, saving one is one!"

"I'm with you!"

Zhang Qiang's eyes showed appreciation, he patted Chen Qinxing on the shoulder, and took the lead towards a place.

Chen Qinzhou smiled and followed the team, searching the ruins.The destructive power of the big mouth monster is too strong, everything around it is destroyed, the collapsed houses diverted the river, and all kinds of poultry and livestock fled around, and of course there were some corpses.

The team came all the way to search for a dozen people, and they also joined the search and rescue team one after another.

"Captain, there's someone unconscious here!" A little soldier shouted.

When Chen Qinzhou heard the words, he rushed over immediately. When he saw the man's face clearly, he showed a surprised expression. This guy is not dead?
Da Biao only felt a violent shaking, and opened his eyes in a daze, and what he saw was a gentle smiling face. Da Biao swore that this smiling face was one of the few that he felt warm in his life, comparable to his old father playing cards. Smile at him afterwards.

But when he saw the smiling face clearly, the warmth suddenly turned into fear. He muttered his mouth, and kicked his feet to the ground crazily.

Chen Qinzhou looked at his sudden change of expression, and asked with a deep face, "What did you see?"

"I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything!" Da Biao shook his head anxiously.

"Be honest, what did you see? Don't say that I killed you!"

"You asked me to say it, I saw you talking to the monster, and you beat him." Da Biao said with a sad face.

"That's it?" Chen Qinzhou fixed his eyes on this guy's face. If he dared to tell a lie, he would die.

"That's really it, it's gone, brother, believe me." Da Biao was in a hurry, he killed people like hemp, felt the killing intent in the eyes of this person in front of him, he couldn't afford to provoke him, just kidding, he could punch him Can you afford to offend someone who beats flying monsters?
"I hope what you said is true!" Chen Qinzhou stood up and glanced at the team that was still searching, and said, "Quickly stand up with me and save people together!"

"Brother, my legs are numb. What's going on? Around here?" Da Biao stood up with trembling legs, and looked around suspiciously.

"It's your luck, the monster appeared just now and didn't trample you to death." Chen Qinzhou said.

"What? Monster... what monster?" Da Biao was startled. Before he fell into a coma, he only felt himself flying up suddenly, and then suddenly lost consciousness.

Chen Qinzhou pointed to a direction, where the broken body of the big mouth monster was lying there quietly.

Da Biao looked at the mountain-like monster in shock, his face trembled, and he said, "Why doesn't it move? Is it dead? Who killed it? Ultraman?"

Chen Qinzhou smiled lightly, but did not answer this obvious question.

"Altman is really awesome, I think he is my real father!"

Chen Qinzhou took a look at this guy, he didn't want such an old son.

The search and rescue continued. Zhang Qiang led the team and searched and rescued 30 people within two hours. He didn't give the order to evacuate until there was no one in the area.

"You must pay attention to the red mist spewed out by the monster. If you encounter it, you will die, and you will not be able to save it!" Zhang Qiang reminded everyone loudly.

"But where can I see the red mist clearly at night?" Someone in the team said.

Zhang Qiang stopped in his tracks. He had special equipment and could see clearly, but his brothers and ordinary people did not. If he rushed forward and caused unnecessary losses, it would not be worthwhile.

"Rest in place, don't move around, this place is not far from Hongwu!" Zhang Qiang said.

The team had been busy for most of the night, and they were already tired. Chen Qinzhou was also tired. It took a huge amount of energy to become an Ultraman, and then followed the team to walk such a long distance. He was really tired, so he leaned against a Blocking the long-abandoned wall, he closed his eyes and took a rest.

Chen Qinzhou in his sleep suddenly felt a commotion.

"Is there anything to eat? I'm starving to death!"

"I'm dying of hunger, and I won't give you anything to eat. What do you mean?"

The noise came to Chen Qinxing's ears more and more clearly as he woke up. It turned out that he was hungry and clamored for something to eat.

He got up and patted the dirt on his buttocks. After a few hours of rest, the fatigue finally became less obvious.

He walked up to Zhang Qiang and asked in a low voice, "Can't we go there now?"

"No, the red mist hasn't completely dissipated, and you will die if you go out!" Zhang Qiang said.

"Then how did you get in?" Chen Qinzhou asked curiously.

"The monster didn't spit out this kind of red mist at the beginning. We came in at that time, so we were lucky. If it was a few minutes later, our entire team would probably be gone!"

"Then what's it like outside?" Chen Qinzhou asked.

"Don't mention it, you will understand when you read it tomorrow, it's too miserable." Zhang Qiang shook his head for a while, as if he didn't want to mention this matter.

Chen Qinzhou rubbed his forehead and fell into deep thought. At this moment, the noise rang out again, and it was just those few people clamoring for something to eat.

"Why don't you take care of it?" Chen Qinzhou asked Zhang Qiang.

"No matter what, just quarrel, and you won't die."

"Young, if you let them continue to make trouble, something will happen sooner or later. If it's not convenient for you to take action, let me do it!" Chen Qinzhou smiled, and walked straight towards the crowd regardless of what Zhang Qiang meant.

"What's the noise?" he asked.

A skinny middle-aged man and a fat middle-aged woman were yelling. When Chen Qinzhou asked him, he immediately cast his eyes on him. One of the men complained: "I haven't been given food for so long. Yes, do you treat us as human beings?"

"That's right, don't treat us as human beings!" The woman also echoed

Chen Qinzhou smiled and said, "You didn't eat and everyone didn't eat, so why are you the loudest? They took such a big risk to save you, why can't you be as grateful as a person?"

"What are you again, besides, isn't this what they should do? A grateful heart? Our people have paid taxes, and don't even have this right?"

The words of the middle-aged man aroused the goodwill of many people, and they all talked about it in a similar way.

Chen Qinzhou's nose is almost blocked, are these guys still human?Is this for fear that the world will not be chaotic?
He grabbed the middle-aged man by the collar and pulled him over, "You are in sales, right? You can say that, but it's a pity that you have no brains."

"Hey, young man, impulsiveness is the devil, if you touch me, you will definitely have no good fruit, believe it or not?" The middle-aged man threatened.

"This world is so vulgar, does it matter to you? It doesn't work with me!" Chen Qinzhou let go of his collar, and then stuck a big ear scraper on it, "The guy who doesn't know how to be grateful is really rubbish !"

The middle-aged man was knocked down to the ground by a slap, and started to howl. When the woman saw the man's appearance, she immediately threw her teeth and claws at Chen Qinzhou, and her fat body rolled over like a football.

"Dare to beat my husband, do you know who he is! Don't even think about living in Hangzhou for the rest of your life, you won't be able to survive in the whole of China." The middle-aged woman threw herself in front of Chen Qinzhou, grabbing him with carrot-like fingers s face.

"Fuck you!" Chen Qinzhou looked at the woman's greasy face and the nail polish on his fingernails. He felt disgusted for no reason. He kicked hard, hitting the woman's oily belly.

The woman flew backwards with a scream, fell to the ground and howled and said: "Beat a woman, are you still a man!"

Chen Qinzhou was overjoyed upon hearing this, did the co-author think she was a woman?
He walked over and grabbed the woman's thin and greasy hair, and threw it out like a sack.

When Da Biao saw this, his eyelids trembled. This gesture was equally neat and neat when throwing Ah Hao.

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