Legendary Delivery Boy

Chapter 121 I want to be a man with three tails

The next day, Lin Sa applied to Tsunade for a vacation.

"You're leaving for three months?" Tsunade looked at Lin Sa suspiciously.

Lin Sa said solemnly: "I feel that my strength has improved too slowly recently, so I plan to go outside to practice."

The corner of Tsunade's mouth twitched: "Don't think I don't know, your strength has already reached the shadow level."

"It's still close!" Lin Sa twitched her little pinky finger.

Although he has a lot of moves, and it is no problem to beat the general kage class, but the spiritual power still does not exceed 1000, and it is more than 4000 if it is changed to chakra.

The shadow level is equal to the condensing stage, which needs to be condensed, and Lin Saka is at the last step.

Tsunade thought about it, and agreed.

"I agree with you leaving the village to travel, but you can't make any more trouble."

Lin Sa cupped her fists and said, "Understood!" Then she turned and left.

"Hey, you haven't got the release slip yet."

"I can sneak out without a pass." Lin Sa's voice came from far away, probably half of the Ninja Building heard it.

The hashtag on Tsunade's forehead popped up, this guy is really fucking presumptuous.

Things had been packed long ago, Lin Sa found a remote place and summoned Zhengyi.

"Lord Lin Sa, long time no see."

"Zhengyi, why does it feel like your body is getting bigger again?"

Zhengyi said embarrassedly: "I ate another white yuan fruit, so I grew up again."

"Do you have any extra Bai Yuanguo?" Lin Sa showed a reminiscing expression.

Although his body was almost crushed when he ate Baiyuan fruit that time, the sweet and delicious taste also left an impression on him.

Zhengyi replied: "White Yuan fruit is not in stock. After it matures on the tree, it must be eaten in a short time after picking it off, otherwise it will be turned into natural energy and disappear."

"If Master Lin Sa wants to eat it, I will remind you next time that humans can eat two pills, but the third pill will have no effect. Master Lin Sa only took one, and there is still a chance."

Lin Sa nodded in satisfaction, as expected of the honest bird Shoichi.

"Let's go, let's go find Sanwei!" Lin Sa jumped onto Zhengyi's back, flew up with Zhengyi's wings, and set off towards Sanwei's position.


With a flying speed of Zhengyi, it took only two days for Lin Sa to arrive at the island that Qingyin pointed out.

This island is an unnamed island, very close to the border of Kirinin, and has very rich natural resources. The small island has three lakes, the lake in the middle is the largest, and it is also the place where Mio hides.

Lin Sa landed near the lake, looking at the sparkling lake, his mood seemed to be purified, if only he didn't have that terrifying feeling.

"Nian Qi Qi Condensation"

Lin Sa's eyes were condensed with thoughts, and wherever he looked, all the animals with chakra couldn't hide.

Lin Sa turned her gaze to the bottom of the lake.

At a place 300 meters underwater, an extremely powerful aura appeared in Lin Sa's eyes, that aura was like a shocking beast, exuding an ominous aura.

It is more than ten times stronger than the Shouhe seen at that time. Although Shouhe was not in the state at the time and couldn't even spit out the tailed beast jade, his strength was definitely not weak.

Lin Sa lightly squeezed her chin: "Three-tails has been found, how can I call it out?"

As soon as Zheng heard the words, he quickly flapped his wings: "If I just ask it to come out, I can do it."

"What are you going to do?"

"Dive down and slap your face with ninjutsu, you can definitely call it out." Zhengyi said cruel words in a simple voice.

Could it be that Zhengyi has a dark belly? Lin Sa looked at Zhengyi and looked him up and down.

Zhengyi: ゛('◇')?
"Ahem, can owls dive?"

Zhengyi said proudly: "We are not ordinary owls. As long as we enter the blue-striped state, we can breathe in the water, and the water will become our partner."

"Alright then, help me go down and wake Sanwei up."

"Roger that!"

Zhengyi first flew into the sky, then folded his wings, and pierced into the lake like a big arrow.

Lin Sa's eyes could see that Zhengyi's Qi was diving at a very fast speed. It took only half a minute for a short distance of 300 meters.

Then Zhengyi's qi began to surge, he should be using a skill.

Tick ​​tock!Ten seconds later, a shocking cry came from the bottom of the lake, and the lake surface also set off waves.

Swish!As soon as it broke out of the water, it flew into the sky.

"Lord Lin Sa, here we come!"

As soon as the words fell, the lake continued to vibrate, and the lake water also began to turbulent.

Roar!Accompanied by the loud noise, a huge monster exposed its body from the surface of the lake, and the lake water was drained away, forming huge water waves.

Lin Sa quickly jumped onto the big tree to avoid the water waves.

Mio Isofu, with thorns all over his body and three tails, is similar to a tortoise. He is only a little taller than Shuzuru, about 40 meters high, which is only a ten-story building.

"Human, what do you want to do?" The roaring voice echoed, and eyes bigger than a human stared at Lin Sa.

Tailed beasts are intelligent, and of course they know who is the culprit.

Lin Sa and Sanwei looked at each other, and said calmly, "I want to be your Jinchuriki."

"No, you don't want to, I just want to sleep and live peacefully in the water, why do you humans just refuse to let us go."

"Because you have power, you are naturally coveted by human beings. I will not force you to do anything if I become Renzhuriki. I just need your chakra."

"I refuse, you humans are all liars, go to hell, Water Dungeon Water Cannon!"

A ten-meter-large water ball condensed from Sanweiji's mouth, and spat viciously at Lin Sa's position.

The corners of Lin Sa's eyes twitched, the water cannon was a bit big.

"Water Escape Hard Vortex Water Blade"

A water javelin appeared in Lin Sa's hand, and he threw it vigorously.

Water javelins and huge water cannons are just like adults and children, with a huge difference in size.

When the two collided, the javelin suddenly turned into a huge waterspout, and started a fierce confrontation with the water cannon, and there was a sound like gold and iron clashing between the water and the water.

The waterspout was scattered by the water cannon, and the half-shrunk water polo continued to fly towards Lin Sa.

Lin Sawan didn't seem to notice it, and didn't respond at all.

In the end, the water polo flew past Lin Sa and hit a huge tree. The 300-year-old giant tree was interrupted in the middle and fell backwards howling.

If Sanwei didn't scare away the surrounding animals, it would be enough to startle the birds of half an island.

"Sanwei, you should give up."

"Go to hell!"

Mio Isofu was irritated, arched his whole body, wrapped the huge thick carapace behind his body, and rolled forward quickly like a wheel.

Seeing Sanwei Isofu rushing towards him like a huge mountain, Lin Sa certainly wouldn't take it hard.

"Flying Thunder God's Art"

Lin Sa suddenly disappeared and appeared behind Sanwei Isofu.

This is Lin Sa's Flying Thunder God, who uses paper figurines to travel through space.

Sanweiji stroked the air, then immediately changed direction and continued to roll towards Lin Sa.

"Water Escape Water Dragon Bomb"

"Ice Escape · Freeze"

A water dragon of more than ten meters surrounded Lin Sa, and was frozen by Lin Sa's icy cold force, forming a majestic and domineering ice dragon.

Lin Sa stood on the head of the ice dragon and launched an attack on Sanwei, both sides were bound to win.

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