Legendary Delivery Boy

Chapter 211 The Final Showdown

Nioh Masaharu's Nioh Phantom is not just an imitation, his ability to copy is even stronger than Huadi.

Not only can you use Tezuka's Tezuka Domain, Tezuka Phantom, and Zero Slicing Ball, but you can even use the limit of hard work and the limit of brilliance.

Without enough strength, it is impossible to reproduce such a perfect Tezuka.

With Tezuka Phantom, Nioh Masaharu reversed the situation and directly surpassed Fuji Shusuke's score, Li Haida 5-4.

Fuji Zhousuke is not a vegetarian either, and various counterattacks appear frequently, and finally he uses the sixth counterattack Xinghuahuo.

It is also the style of Fuji Shusuke, full of gorgeousness and skill.

The final singles match against No. 2 was won by Shusuke Fuji with a score of 7-5.

At this time, Qingxue's score was one draw, one loss and one win. The two sides were very close, which was unimaginable before the game.

Originally thought that the Lihai Conference, which had no dead ends, had the upper hand, but now Qingxue had the upper hand.

Soon it was the doubles No. 1's turn.

On Qingxue's side is Oishi Kikumaru, of course, while Lihai University's side is Marui Bunta-Jackal Kuwahara.

Although it is the first time the two sides have played against each other, their respective information can be clearly seen in the Kanto competition.

There was a stalemate at the beginning of the game, but after Oishi and Kikumaru used their synchronous abilities, the opponents were dumbfounded.

With the blessing of coordinating ability, Oishi Kikumaru won the No. 7 doubles with a score of 5 to 1.

Now Aigaku has the upper hand, even if the No. 1 loses in the singles, it will only be a draw. As a substitute, Echizen Ryoma can basically cover the bottom line.

Lin Sa held the racket and said to Longma: "You probably won't have the chance to play, but you have to watch this game carefully, it will be very helpful for you to understand the last gate."

"Understood, long-winded." Longma was still arrogant.

Originally, Ryoma was participating in the US Open, but he ran back to participate in the National Competition while he was free.

Originally, he just planned to watch the game to cheer, but under the instigation of everyone, Ryoma began to participate, and he basically appeared in the previous games.

In the final battle against Li Haida, Lin Sa came back, and Long Ma could only retreat to the bench.


Yukimura Seiichi, son of god, and king Lin Sa, this is a very attractive duel.

Not only the personnel of each school, but also professional tennis managers, magazine reporters, tennis coaches and so on.

The singles No. 1 match has not yet started, and the auditorium is already fully occupied.

This was a grand event that had never been seen in previous competitions, and it made everyone very nervous.

The least nervous is the two people on the field.

"Son of God, Yukimura Seiichi, I wanted to fight with you for a long time, and today I finally have the chance." Lin Sa smiled and shook hands with Yukimura Seiichi.

Yukimura Seichi said expressionlessly: "No matter who it is, I will go all out, no one can stop my victory, and Li Haida's three consecutive victories."

It was rare for Yukimura Seiichi to say so much, and Lin Sa saw through Yukimura Seiichi's anxiety at a glance.

It is everyone's dream to win Li Hai's three consecutive championships, and it is also Yukimura Seiichi's dream.

But now, Li Haida is at an absolute disadvantage. Even if Yukimura Seiki wins, he has to play another substitute match.

For the strength of the substitute, Yukimura Seiichi did not have much confidence. He saw the strength of Echizen Ryoma, at least surpassing Akaya Kirihara.

Basically, it is [-]% possible that Li Haida will not be able to win the third consecutive championship, and the usually calm and serious Yukimura Seichi is inevitably a little anxious.

"Let's wait and see." Lin Sa turned around and returned to the teeing area.

Standing in the serving position, Lin Sa thought a lot, and finally used the most memorable outspin serve.

This move was completely non-threatening to Yukimura Seiichi, and he fought back easily, and then Lin Sa showed the unique moves of all the powerful.

Zero-style slices, explosive ball flurry, super volleys, Atobe's ice world, etc., but every ball was countered cleanly and powerfully by Yukimura Seiichi.

No matter what the move is, Yukimura Seiichi can see the essence at a glance and strike back accurately.

Even the coat Yukimura Seiichi used to pretend to be wearing didn't fall off, and the strength of the Son of God weighed heavily on everyone's hearts.

"1 to 0, the two sides exchange the right to serve."

Lin Sa lost the first game cleanly.


"Son of God, Yukimura Seiichi, is too powerful, and I can't think of confronting him at all."

"It is said that some of the masters who played against him had mental breakdowns and had to give up tennis in the end."

The atmosphere on Qingxue's side was equally dignified.

Miki Sadaharu took out the data notebook belonging to Yukimura Seiichi.

"Yukimura Seiichi, since he stepped into the tennis world, has maintained a record of unbeaten victories. His strength is desperate. It is said that he has the ability to deprive the five senses. Some people have even been beaten to the point of collapse."

After listening to Qian Zhenzhi's introduction, everyone's faces became even more ugly.

Depriving the five senses, it's too fucking crazy, this is playing tennis, not a fantasy world.

On the other side of the Shitenbao Temple, Shiraishi Kuranosuke explained to everyone the essence of Yukimura Seiichi's deprivation of the five senses.

"Yukimura Seiichi's strong strength gives the opponent the impression that he can accurately return any ball. When this impression goes deep into the body and mind unconsciously, the opponent will feel fear and even be unable to move his body."

"This feeling seems to be deprived of the five senses, causing symptoms of severe motor neurosis. This is Yukimura's tennis, powerful and terrifying."

Back on the court, Yukimura Seiichi still had the absolute advantage in the duel between the two. Yukimura Seiichi didn't have fancy tricks, but just returned all the balls and hit Lin Sa's dead corner.

Soon, the game progressed to the fourth inning, and the score was 3-0 at this time.

It was also the first time that Lin Sa was beaten so badly. Although there were deliberate factors on his part, the strength of Yukimura Seichi was undeniable.

Seiichi Yukimura comes across as a ruthless ball-playing robot, returning all the tennis balls meticulously, leaving no gaps to exploit.

The strong oppressive force made Lin Sa's spirit tense.

Of course Lin Sa knew the essence of Yukimura Seiichi's deprivation of five senses. For him who has Sharingan, this kind of mental attack has no effect at all.

The important thing now is to hit the ball that Yukimura Seiichi can't fight back. Thinking of this, Lin Sa's momentum changed, and his whole body began to emit a soft light.

Tried and tested to the limit, activate!

On the opposite side, Yukimura Seichi said blankly: "This trick is useless to me!"

"You won't know until you fight."

Lin Sa concentrated all his strength on his right hand, and at the same time his muscles bulged, and he swung the racket in his hand violently.

"Sonic Ball!"

boom!Everyone only heard the sound of a collision, and the tennis ball had left the court.

Yukimura Seiichi showed a bit of astonishment, the speed of this ball exceeded 250 kilometers per hour.

The referee was also confused, because he didn't see the trajectory of the ball. Fortunately, he knew that these tennis players were playing games, so he found a high-speed camera in advance for the finals.

Slowed down by a high-speed camera, the tennis ball is indeed inbounds.

"15 to 0!"

Lin Sa pointed at Yukimura Seiichi with the racket: "It's my turn to fight back!"

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