Life on a deserted island with a beautiful president

Chapter 224 What miracle might happen

I ran non-stop towards the direction of the cliff.After walking out from a grove close to the cliff, I saw a person lying on the land with nothing in the distance. I walked up to that person to see if this person was the golden A man with yellow hair?Hadn't he been with Gilia all the time?

Why is he lying here? I tried to see if he still had vital signs. There was nothing serious. He was just in a coma. He must have been beaten. I went around and saw no sign of Ji Liya at all. .

However, I saw a lot of shoe prints. In Xiao Qinzi's place just now, it is obvious that these shoe prints are from the same person, there is no difference at all. The man who was with Ji Liya in a coma, Ji Liya won't be taken away by someone, right?
broken!Something is wrong!Gillia is not safe now!

So, I expanded the scope of my search, and finally found something, that is, I found a series of footprints in the nearby woods. These footprints are the same as those found there just now, but there is a little difference. That is, the footprints I found are deeper than the previous ones, indicating that when this person was walking, his body became heavier' or that person was already carrying Ji Liya on his body at this time.

After the plane arrived here, I was even more scared, and I didn't dare to think about it any more, so I hurriedly followed the series of footprints, and the next ones were all for me, and the more I walked forward Less and less, I carefully observed the surrounding environment, and then left the small town and entered the mountains. Usually, no one would come here, and the only ones who came here were tourists from other places. Just take pictures and look at the scenery on the mountain.

After continuing to walk forward for a short while, I found the open space in front of it, and there was a very dilapidated old house on it.

So I walked over carefully, the road I walked had no windows, because I was afraid that if there were really people inside, I would be discovered by people if I passed by like this, and I could see clearly by the window.

Fortunately, this place is deserted, and no one comes here at ordinary times. This house should be abandoned, and there are weeds all around the house, so I used these weeds to cover myself, and slowly came to a bush in front of the house. Beside, I just like this, quietly moving slowly in the weeds, every time after a while, I came to the gate, in front, the weeds beside the gate became thicker, because this is on an island, so the wind often blows .If the weeds were shaking, no one would notice.

I saw someone inside, checked it out, there were probably three of them, everyone was very strong, just like Charlie, I analyzed it carefully, if I forced my way in like this, I would be such a weak chicken.I'm sure I can't beat those three big men, so I'd better think of other ways.

Just when I was racking my brains and thinking about how to deal with them, I don't know why, a very strange "ss" sound came from next to me, so I looked aside. "What kind of place is this? Why are there so many snakes? I must have stabbed the snake's nest."

It's really annoying. There are so many snakes. I'm usually afraid of these things. If I was bitten to death by a snake, I might as well go out and have a fight with those people.

If I look like this, there may be some miracles. Even if I die, I am still a hero. If I was really bitten to death by these snakes here, then what kind of thing am I? After thinking about it I immediately ran towards the house.

"Hi, how are you?"

Those people looked very powerful, and they came out immediately after hearing my footsteps.

One of the big men asked, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"I'm a tourist, from country Z. Just now, I was taking pictures next to this place, but I encountered a lot of snakes, so I ran all the way from there, please help me." I had an idea , I just lied and said that I was a tourist. In this way, they might not be so vigilant against me. At this time, I looked up and saw Ji Liya. Ji Liya was kidnapped by a chair. The cloth was gagged, and Ji Liya saw me at the same time, and kept screaming at me silently.

In order not to arouse the suspicion of a few people, I immediately turned my eyes back. At this time, the bald man winked at a person next to him, and then walked towards me. I saw this person When I walked over, I immediately started to say: "That's right, it's the weeds next to here, and there are a lot of snakes in it." At this moment, my emotions are not pretended, because there are indeed many snakes here, and I just got caught. These snakes are frightening.

That person was walking towards me directly, but after hearing what I just said, he deliberately made a detour and ran to the grass next to him to have a look. Kicked up, that person was unprepared, I kicked his whole body away, the bald head saw me like this, rushed towards me very angrily, I fought desperately with the two of them, these two people absolutely He has received special training, and his skills are particularly powerful.

Although they are very powerful, they are still not good enough compared to Charlie. Although I can't beat Charlie, Charlie will compete with me every day, so my ability to dodge is still very good.

Just after being kicked in by me, the man in the grass suddenly stood up, still cursing non-stop: "How dare you attack your grandpa, just wait, you must be dead.

As soon as the words fell, there was a screaming sound from the grass. I knew there were a lot of snakes in there, but they didn't know it. They all looked in the direction of that person very strangely. When they were concentrating, the very short man next to the bald head was also kicked in.

That person's reaction was fairly quick. After falling to the ground, he crawled out immediately, and wanted to escape from the grass, but he didn't expect that he had just run out of the grass, and there were more than a dozen poisonous snakes chasing him from inside. Then he came out, and the folding speed was very, very fast. In just one second, several poisonous snakes rushed towards the short man, and he fell to the ground in response. Dozens of poisonous snakes found him behind him. scary.

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