Life on a deserted island with a beautiful president

Chapter 236 This Voice Is Really Familiar

"It's abominable! You must be safe and sound, Ji Liya!" Charlie was already in a hurry, but he could only stand by the side. Charlie is always very calm when encountering things, but if there is anything involved If it's his daughter, then his emotions will be out of control.

"Charlie, don't be in such a hurry, relax, I still have a way to do it now, I was just worried that something unpredictable would happen, so I put a GPS positioning system on each of the three of us." I said to him and patted him on the shoulder.

Charlie was looking at me with incredible eyes. I took out my mobile phone from my pocket, and then turned on the positioning system to see where Gillia is now. At the same time, I also sent a message to Sam, and now I need his help. Send more people, but these people need to obey my orders, so as not to be discovered by them if there is any trouble in the early action, then they will be vigilant.

From the mobile phone, the place where Ji Liya is located is a cathedral called St. George. Charlie and I plan to go there first and observe the situation in advance.

"The two of us choose not to show up for now. They will definitely return to their dens later. We will follow them directly. Only by doing this can we take them all down!" Without thinking about it, he yelled at me: "What do you think? You still want Ji Liya to be taken back to their den by them? Ji Liya will be in danger like this, you kid is really Doing things without considering the consequences, it is not obvious that they want to use Ji Liya to lure them into the bait."

I was a little speechless, gave Charlie a big roll of my eyes, and said, "Old man, are you out of your mind now? When you meet Ji Liya, you become stupid and irrational at all? Think about it carefully." If their target was Ji Liya, why did they go to such great lengths to kidnap her? It was easy to kill her, but they didn't do it. What do you think is the reason?"

After hearing what I said, Charlie was no longer so irritable, and calmed down, and then the two of us found a car and walked straight to the location of the positioning system.

During the journey we followed, I could feel that the group of people were also very thoughtful in their work. They turned back and forth for no reason for a certain period of time, and went around these places. It is estimated that they were also afraid of being followed. I was very confused about how I got these locators, and then asked me this question while I was in the car, and asked me if this locator is reliable, those people will not be able to detect it, isn't Charlie looking down on it? Me?How could the locator I put on my body be discovered by others casually, but as for how I got it, I dare not tell him about it. I can guess that if he knows the source of the locator, It will definitely make me overwhelmed and walk around.

It took me a lot of effort to get such a high-tech product with Prince Sam's subordinates. I'm still very optimistic about this locator.

We saw the group of people staying in their cars for a long time in a dilapidated warehouse that should have been abandoned for a long time, but it is estimated that this place should not be their general den, but it is very likely that they put Ji Leah was locked in this place, so Charlie and I drove there quickly.

I drove the car very fast on the road, and it took us more than ten minutes to arrive at the abandoned warehouse. It was already evening, and the sun was about to go down. Now we are in a remote In the outskirts, this deserted warehouse happens to be here. There are no people living around. There is an open space near the warehouse. We parked the car there. From the appearance, this warehouse has not been used for a long time. , full of weeds were growing wantonly in the open space next to it, Charlie and I walked slowly towards the warehouse, and stopped behind the warehouse, which happened to have a fire exit leading to it. After being seen by us, we walked in and walked to the end of the stairs. The structure of the entire warehouse was just clearly visible. We didn’t see anyone here, but there was a stool in the middle of the warehouse. A mobile phone was placed on that stool.

Charlie walked over to me, deliberately put his voice very softly, and then said to me cautiously: "The group of people should be afraid that we will bring reinforcements, so they deliberately set a trap for us. Fortunately, we let Sam's people go first. Listening to our notice, not acting rashly, I guess they must have installed surveillance cameras around here, we have to be careful what we say."

I also agreed to him very softly, and then walked down the stairs with Charlie. I just picked up the mobile phone that was placed on the bench in the middle of the warehouse, and then the phone rang.

"Mr. Charlie is doing well recently! It seems that I really read the right person. It is really smart for you to find this place. Your daughter is currently on this map in your mobile phone. If you want to ensure the safety of your daughter, then go to This location, now you have received the route to this location on your mobile phone, I am waiting for you here!" After speaking, there was no sound on the other end of the phone.

Charlie then clicked on the location received on the mobile phone, and it showed a map with a location in it. The fixed location was a small town called Charles Leah. After planning the route, we planned to set off there. As soon as the car door was opened, another message came from the other side of the phone, and a video jumped out after clicking on it.

"I saw your daughter. She is here now. If you want her to be safe, you must come here quickly. You don't have much time left."

Through the video content, we can see that Ji Liya is lying in an empty room without even some simple furniture. She fell asleep on a bench, but she seemed to be stunned by anesthesia Yes, the person who took the video turned the camera to the front at the end and took a picture of himself, but the damn thing is, he can't see his face at all, because he is covered by a clown mask, see It looks very cruel and brutal.

"I'm really familiar with the voice just now, but I just can't remember where I heard it." When the clown appeared in front of Charlie's eyes, Charlie behaved normally, but he was very familiar with the voice. Now I was racking my brains thinking.

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