I know, I'm going to the bathroom.

So, I smiled at Lu Yaoyao, and told her that it would be convenient for me to go out, and she nodded slightly at me.

I got up and walked out the door, and I ran to the nearest beach in the pouring rain.

After about 10 minutes or so, I went back to the house.

"Oh, my plan can't be carried out."

I sat in the house, watched the pouring rain outside, and sighed.

Affected by the weather, the activities were hindered, and the plan I had originally thought up had no way to be implemented.

Moreover, if you go outside in heavy rain, if you don't pay attention, you may be struck dead by a thunderbolt from the sky.

Therefore, the two of us can only stay in the house to avoid the heavy rain.

Fortunately, the weather lasted for a short time. Just when it was about to get dark, the rainstorm stopped.

The moon is shining brightly on the earth now.

Beside the fire, I handed the cold water to Lu Yaoyao.

I saw Lu Yaoyao drank the water after a few sips.

After drinking the water, Lu Yaoyao licked her lower lip, and I felt that she wanted to drink again.

I couldn't help but be fascinated by the side, and was fascinated by her inadvertent charm.

"What are you looking at!"

Lu Yaoyao put down the bowl, turned her head and stared at me viciously.

After the goddess woke up, her complexion was slightly better at the beginning.Except for a while at first, she treated me like an enemy.

I am a good man who doesn't fight with women, and I don't care about her so much. I went to her side and picked up the bowl, then went outside to get some water and came back.

By now, the toxins in Lu Yaoyao's body should be under control.

Judging by her appearance, her body has not deteriorated and should be improving continuously.

I was also relieved for her.

However, our current situation is not very good.

There is only so much water left, and it may even be a problem to get through tomorrow.

What is lacking now is not water but food.

There are no more bananas, which means we have to find food to keep us fed.

I scolded Li Rui silently in my heart.

But it is useless for me to say anything now, after all, bananas will not reappear because of my resentment, and the destroyed banana forest will not reappear either.

I filled some more firewood into the fire, and boiled some water. I poured some water and put it next to Lu Yaoyao. By the way, I told her that I was going to eat first.

When I left, although Lu Yaoyao didn't say anything, her face still showed anticipation and concern.

I know what she means.

Expect me to find food safe and sound.

So, I gave her a grin, and I left the house.

As far as I know, there is a high tide after a heavy rain in the coastal areas
After high tide, there is plenty of food left on the beach.

With this in mind, I walked towards the beach.

When I came to the beach, I found that the sea had flooded most of the beach.

Before I left the house, I made a torch for the shelter. At this time, I held the torch high and walked on the beach, looking for something to eat everywhere.

I first visited the beach on the left.But nothing was found and no shadow was seen.

Then I went to the beach on the right in frustration.

As I walked, I thought the chances of finding something to eat this time were slim.

However, after I walked for a while, I saw that there was still something on the beach ahead.

I am full of energy.

So I wanted to run over there

I'm so happy to see this

This is a stranded fish.

I know many fish in the sea are poisonous, but I know this one is edible because it is tuna.

The fish was quite large, I think about 5/6 catties.

I almost burst into tears when I saw the tuna.

I am very happy.

I stuck the torch in the sand and grabbed the fish and kissed it a few times.

At this time, I was really happy. How should I put it, since I was a child, I have never been so happy because of a fish.

Because it can save the lives of Lu Yaoyao and me.

I picked up the tuna, took the torch I stuck on the beach, and marched towards the beach ahead.

But it looks like my luck has run out and there's nothing left

Although it is a little regrettable, I am very satisfied and happy with this tuna.

So I happily returned to the temporary house.

When Lu Yaoyao watched me come back with this big tuna in my hand, she also had a happy look on her face.

I grinned at her, and then waved the tuna in my hand to her, and she also smiled at me rarely.

Then I saw her in tears, she was crying.

But I knew exactly why she was crying.

Because after enduring hunger for a long time, I was suddenly happy and excited to see food.

So, I found a sharp piece of rock in the surrounding open ground and cleaned the tuna clean.

But instead of throwing away the guts of the tuna, I wrapped the guts in banana leaves.

Although the internal organs cannot be eaten, we can use the internal organs as bait to harvest some small fish and shrimps to eat.

Then, I divided the tuna one by one, and I took two pieces and grilled them on a skewer.

After roasting for a short while, the fish exudes a delicious aroma.

Lu Yaoyao and I were salivating when we smelled the smell of fish.

After a while, the fish was cooked and I took the first piece and gave it to Lu Yaoyao.

When Lu Yaoyao took the fish, he didn't care whether it was delicious or not, just like a person who has been hungry for 800 years, he chewed it with big mouthfuls

She ate it in a few bites

She finished eating the fish and licked her mouth a little dissatisfied.

But her gaze betrayed her thoughts, she always casually looked at my unmoved piece of fish.

Seeing her like this, I thought that she was weak and needed nutrition, so I handed her my piece.

She hesitated for a moment, then reached out to take it, and began to gobble it up again.

I shook my head helplessly, I can only go out and bake another piece.

After eating and drinking enough, I went to clean the bones of the tuna.

Lu Yaoyao looked at me suspiciously and asked: Why? .

I grinned at her and said that the next time we eat fish, we will have to look at these fish bones.

Lu Yaoyao nodded in understanding and smiled.
This delicious food changed Lu Yaoyao's mood.

Her attitude towards me at this time is not as fierce and cold as before.

After about 15 minutes, Lu Yaoyao and I warmed up by the fire.

At this time, I picked a few pieces of charcoal from the fire and said to her.

"Come, come, eat this."

"Are you mistaken that this is charcoal?"

Lu Yaoyao looked at me suspiciously, she didn't know why I let her eat charcoal.

I said: "Charcoals reduce the toxins in your body."

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