Life on a deserted island with a beautiful president

Chapter 375 How Can You Treat Her Like This?

Rest is enough, I think I will kill the white snake that was given to you at that time, and then take out its snake gall.


Suddenly there was a sound of arrows being released behind me, and I felt something was wrong. I rolled around on the ground and hid directly behind a tree.

Then I heard a rustling sound, and I was sure someone must be coming.The knife I keep in my pocket.I hold it tightly in my hand, always ready.

After a while, the previous group of people walked over here. Their skin was dark and their important parts were covered by animal skins. They held spear weapons in their hands.I was relieved to see the group of them, a group of natives.

This group of natives spoke only English, and they chattered for a while, probably meaning why the prey suddenly disappeared?I was far away from them, so I didn't hear very clearly.

The leader of this group is called Kerry.The last time he led his men to fight against the Internet and their group, probably half of them died, but it is normal to have some on the desert island.

If I remember correctly, there was a boy named Liya and a boy named A Shi, they should still be alive, and a woman named Cai Lei.She is a smarter woman in Li Rui's camp.

It is normal for these natives to still live on the island, but will Cai Lei's woman still be here?
I was very curious about this question, so I secretly followed this group of natives to their tribe.

Their tribe is still in the old place and has not changed, but it seems that their life seems to be better now.

Because they used to.Don't wear the upper body at all, and use a piece of animal skin to cover the important parts of the lower body. But now, they are all wearing clothes made of animal skin, and their bodies are washed very clean, and even their hair is well combed. tidy.

Suddenly a taller and slightly shorter girl came out of the room.Her thin back made me very familiar.

I'm pretty sure it's Klee's daughter, Leah.Klee died at the hands of the group of pirates that Li Rui brought over.

Kerry belonged to the patriarch of the indigenous tribe. It is not known whether Leah would inherit her position after she died.

I hid behind a big tree, picked up a small stone from the ground and threw it at Leah.

The small stone just hit Maia's body, and Maddy looked up in my direction.I immediately waved to her.

Liya was very happy when she saw me. Before she ran over, she looked around for 4 weeks, and when she was sure no one saw her, she immediately ran towards me.

She threw herself directly into my arms, and said to me with a blushing face, "Qin Feng, are you here to marry me this time?"


Liya's words really surprised me, she is still a young girl, I don't want to go to prison for a few years.

Back then, in order for Kerry to help me fight Li Rui's gang of pirates, I had to agree to Kerry's request and promise to marry Leah.

I shrugged off to Kerry: "Leah is still young, and it won't be too late to discuss it when she reaches her age."

Then Klee died in battle, and their tribe was seriously injured, leaving only poor Liya and the surviving tribe.

I massaged Liya's head a few times, and messed up her hair, "Little one, you are still young, let's talk about getting married when you grow up."

Leah curled her lips and nodded unhappy.

I asked Leah, "So how is your tribe doing now?"

Liya said with a smile: "Our tribe is booming after having sister Cai Lei!"

As Liya spoke, she couldn't help raising her chin proudly, and proudly said: "Except for those restricted areas, the entire island is now in our hands."

"Cai Lei?" I was a little surprised that she was still here.

"Yes, do you want to see her? I can take you there." Leah asked me, and I replied, "Yes."

I thought about it, anyway, I am also Cai Lei's savior, so I wouldn't be hostile to me.

Even if I have any disputes with her, these residents here can't do anything to me.

Liya took me to a big room, and there were aborigines secretly looking at me, muttering and not knowing what they were talking about.

I am a little confused, do they have any opinion on me?

Immediately, a familiar figure came over with a few people, and I took a closer look, wasn't that A Shi who ignored me on the desert island back then?
Ah Shi and several natives formed a circle and surrounded Liya and me. Ah Shi's face was very unfriendly: "Mr. Qin Feng, why is it you? You'd better leave quickly, and never appear in Our tribe."

The natives who were muttering just now amplified their voices and told me to get out of their territory.

I feel a bit of a headache, and I don't know where I provoked this guy. Every time he sees me, he ignores me, and now he is even encouraging a group of natives to chase me away.

Liya was very puzzled, and hurriedly asked: "Brother Ah Shi, how could you treat Qin Feng like this? Aren't we friends?"

"Joke, what kind of friends would separate you from your relatives, have you forgotten your dead father and those sacrificed clansmen?" Ashi asked in a voice, and the whole tribe showed hatred because of his words.

All the people stopped what they were doing, they all came up and surrounded me, each with fierce eyes, wishing they could come up and tear me up immediately, to avenge their dead patriarch.

Ah Shi pulled Liya past him and looked at me coldly. Liya was struggling beside him, but she couldn't match Ah Shi's shackles.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Liya was anxious, and bit Ashi's palm with one bite. He waved away Liya in pain, and Liya's small body fell to the ground with a bang.

I quickly helped Liya up, only to see that a large piece of skin had been scraped off Liya's arms and face, and blood beads were slightly oozing from the wound.

Liya burst into tears and hugged me tightly, crying tremblingly.

Liya is just a little girl, how could Ah Shi treat her like this.

I was very angry, and stared at Ah Shi with bloodshot eyes and said, "It's better to use up these hands."

Ah Shi jumped up in shock, and then shouted loudly: "Did you hear that, this man is so arrogant, not only killed our former patriarch, but also uttered the arrogant words just now that he will abolish my hand, we have to give him some color Look."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a crowd of voices saying that he would burn me alive to comfort the ancestors.

As they said that, they swarmed up, picked up their weapons, and attacked me. I quickly picked up Liya and drew the Nepalese knife from my waist. Just when we were about to confront each other, a voice came from afar:

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