I saw her lying there on all fours, and I couldn't help laughing.

I thought that my excessive behavior would annoy her, but I didn't expect her to ignore me at all.

"Come here and have a look, what is this?" After hearing her words, I pulled Princess Ruth to find a way that seemed to be safe, and then walked down slowly.

Zhang Xiaowen, holding a golden stone in her hand, was full of bumps. For a while, I really didn't see what it was.

The stone was about the size of a ping pong ball, and it was not very expensive in shape, and it looked very ugly.Princess Ruth next to her seemed to see something: "If I'm not mistaken, it should be gold."

After hearing these two words, I was very excited and quickly took that thing from Princess Ruth.

If this piece of stuff is really gold, it will really sell for a lot of money.

In fact, to be honest, I have just graduated for a year, and I am just an ordinary employee. I am very excited to see so much money.

I bit the stone lightly, because I knew that the distance between gold and gold was relatively soft, and two hard teeth appeared on the stone, so I fell into deep thought.

"Why don't we burn it with fire." Zhang Xiaowen, who was next to me, was also very excited when she saw me biting the stone.So, we piled up a pile of guys, lit a fire according to the method yesterday, and burned it for a long time. I watched the stone become brighter and brighter, and we became more sure that it was gold.

"My God, it's really gold. I didn't see that he got rich." Zhang Xiaowen was very excited and shouted.

Looking at Zhang Xiaowen who is so excited now, I can't believe it. Is this the beautiful and generous stewardess I knew before? This is simply a little money fan.

Princess Ruth also looked at her in disbelief, not sure if this person was her former sister Xiaowen.

"Hurry up and wake up. Aren't you the exclusive stewardess of Princess Y? Your salary is definitely not low. Even if it's a piece of gold, it's only 10,000+ yuan."

I looked at Zhang Xiaowen from the side, and couldn't help but say something.

Zhang Xiaowen looked at the piece of gold very carefully, and then gave me a supercilious look: "What do you know, even if my salary is high, who else would think too much money?"

Yes, yes, you are right, everything you said is right, I looked at Princess Ruth, very helpless.

But suddenly I had an idea, if this is a stone, then there won't be a big gold mine on this deserted island where we are now.Suddenly I remembered the gold of the Indians back then. If my inference is correct, no surprises, we are really going to get rich.

So I wanted to go back to the big space we were in before, and suddenly someone seemed to be coming from behind.

Obviously, the two girls next to me also sensed something was wrong, they were all looking at me very nervously, so I covered my mouth to keep them from talking.

A few of us found a place with lush grass and squatted there, secretly observing everything that happened.

The movement seems to be getting louder and louder, it should be some footsteps.

Could it be that there are other people here besides us?At this time, my phone was covered with sweat, and Princess Ruth was also very nervous, holding on to my arm. Zhang Xiaowen was not as fearless as before, and she was holding me tightly.

Footsteps sounded getting closer, probably four or five people.

All of a sudden, four people came out from the bushes, each of them was very strong, wrapped in bark as clothes, and had some bone decorations, and each of them had a long spear in his hand.

It's really unlucky, no wonder I brought them here for you, it must have been something that came out when I just burned something, and that's why I brought them here.

"How can there be fire here?" one of the savages spoke.

They spoke intermittently and their pronunciation was not very standard, but I could clearly hear that they spoke Chinese.

The more they talked, the more nervous I felt. Looking at them like this, I didn't know whether they were friends or enemies.

And there are two professors beside me.I gestured to Princess Ruth and Zhang Xiaowen to keep them quiet, and they nodded.

The four savages searched for a long time, and then gestured to each other. From the looks of it, they didn't speak very fluently either.

The place we were staying in was still very hidden, they didn't notice us, they looked around very suspiciously, turned around, and were about to leave.

"哗啦啦" suddenly came the sound of stones rolling to the ground.

I suddenly turned my head around and looked at Zhang Xiaowen. It turned out that the thing was gold, and it was originally in her pocket. I don't know why it suddenly fell out just now, and rolled down the hillside.I was secretly unlucky, this must be over now, we have been discovered.The four savages seemed to have really heard something, then turned around and walked towards us.

"Run!" I yelled at the two of them, and then dragged them and ran as hard as I could.

"My gold, my gold fell." Zhang Xiaowen said regretfully.

"Isn't it just a piece of gold? Could it be that for the sake of gold, you can even give up your own life?

I frantically grabbed the two girls and ran forward.

Suddenly two spears flew over.

All three of us were scared to death and stopped immediately.

The speed of those four people was extremely fast. At the moment we hesitated, they caught up like this, and we were surrounded, and they were still talking about something.

As for what they were talking about, I couldn't understand, so I could only scold them in my heart, why couldn't they speak more standardly when they spoke.

We had no choice but to raise our hands in surrender.

The four savages used thick and long vines to entangle us. Fortunately, there are no thorns on the vines, otherwise it would be very uncomfortable.

They didn't want to kill us where we were, but pulled us in one direction.

Along the way, I thought of many ways to speak all the Chinese pinyin and dialects I knew, but those people didn't seem to want to talk to me at all.I don't know, whether I don't want to talk to me or I don't understand at all.At this time, the faces of the two girls had turned pale, and I could only try to comfort them both in a low voice.

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