I sighed and said, "Natural selection, survival of the fittest, that's how it is for savages."

"That's why I'm grateful to those savages who saved me. During the days I spent with them, I found that the savages who saved me were very different from the savages of the elephant clan. They were not as cruel as the savages of the elephant clan. , They are kind and benevolent, there is no hierarchical system, everyone works together, and distributes resources according to the old, the young, the sick, and the weak. Those who are weak like me can often get the best food."

I still have some doubts about what Fu Yueyan said. In my eyes, savages are the same as elephant savages, just like ordinary animals, lacking wisdom. These behaviors of wolf savages who can save Fu Yueyan are very impressive. Unbelievable.

"The difference between humans and animals is that humans have goodwill in their hearts, while animals only think about survival." Zhang Xiaowen commented.

I was silent there for a moment, isn't this slapping myself in the face?

But yes, there are exceptions to everything, and if we encounter them, there will be more.Falling on a deserted island, accidentally finding a gold mine, and bumping into wild men, these things are hard for ordinary people to encounter one after another.

I nodded, "It turns out that I have seen less."

Fu Yueyan wiped away a few tears, then recalled:

"After that, I was grateful for the wildlings who rescued me and kept me. I wanted to do something for them, so I joined their hunt. But one day, when we were hunting a large animal, no Carefully alarmed their colony, we were besieged, quite a number of savages were injured, and the blood flowing everywhere stained the ground red. I was scared and anxious at the time. It was the first time I saw such an astonishing scene. Afraid of losing this group of people who were generous and loving to me, I hurriedly searched for herbs. I didn’t know if this could stop their blood, but I still gave them the herbs I had stored. I was extremely sad at the time At one point, it became difficult to breathe, and I was really afraid that they would die just like that.”

"But fortunately, those medicines are useful, and those injured people gradually improved, so from then on I was determined to use my medical skills to help them and repay them."

"You also know that my ancestors practiced medicine, so I am very familiar with pharmacological knowledge, so I have been using my knowledge to help them treat diseases and heal wounds. Herbs are scattered, so I I often go looking for medicines for several days in a row, so this time I was arrested by the wild people of the elephant clan and they didn't find it in time. I guess I went to find herbs again. But I stayed behind when I was caught. There is a distress sign, and as long as they see that mark, they will know that I am in some danger."

"One time when I was looking for herbs, I accidentally saw the restricted area guarded by the clansmen. Children are always very curious, so I sneaked in to have a look."

Fu Yueyan said with an embarrassed smile on his face.

"The restricted area they guard is a deep cave. After I went in, I kept walking and walking. The light dimmed little by little. I kept moving forward. My instinct told me that this cave must have an end."

At this point, I interrupted him and asked, "Wait, did you notice the walls of that hole?"

"Ah? Is there something wrong with the wall? I didn't pay attention to that at the time." He replied with some doubts.

"Think about it carefully, is there any special pattern on it?"

It so happens that the restricted area guarded by the wolves and savages is also a cave, so is there any connection between these two restricted areas, or some similarities?So I want to verify it with Fu Yueyan.

Fu Yueyan frowned and thought for a while, then replied: "I really don't know, I don't have a deep impression of those, but it is also possible that I forgot after seeing them, after all, I was still young when I entered, and it has been a long time since now. "

"Apart from that time, did you go in later?" According to Fu Yueyan's recollection, it seems that he only went in that time.

"That's right, that cave is very gloomy. After I've been there once, I don't dare to enter it a second time."

"Gloomy? Isn't that just a cave? Could it be that something happened to you there?" I asked.

"That's not true, but it's pitch black inside, and I can't even see my own fingers clearly."

I nodded, yes, he was only a child at the time, and it is normal for him to be afraid of the dark.

"But, I remember you said that you saw sculptures." I suddenly thought of this, so how does he explain this?

"Well, in that environment, no one would feel scared. I didn't dare to go because it was too dark, but for other reasons." Fu Yueyan explained very bluntly, as if he didn't want to lose himself in front of the two beauties. To save face, he hurriedly explained that he was not afraid of the dark.

"Scary, what's the matter? Is there anything else in it? I'll ask Fu Yueyan."

"No, but it's dark, it's really, really dark. Also, it was so dark when I walked in that I couldn't see anything clearly."

I think so too, such a young child, after seeing such a dark scene, will definitely never want to go there again.

"Wait, no, I thought of something else. Didn't you say you saw the sculpture?" I thought of this.

"That's right, you don't know how scary the situation was at that time. I didn't want to go just because it was dark." Fu Yueyan seemed to be afraid of the dark. It was really a shame to be in front of these two beauties, so he rushed explain.

"At that time, I went all the way deep inside, and I didn't know how I could have the courage to go so deep alone. Now I have someone to accompany me, and I dare not go in."

As Fu Yueyan spoke, his tone became serious, "I don't know how long I've been walking, just when I thought it was a bottomless pit, suddenly"

His voice suddenly became louder and sharper.

This time, together with Zhang Xiaowen and Princess Ruth, they screamed.

I was taken aback and hurriedly asked him "what's going on?"

"It's okay, I bumped into something just now. I'm sorry!."

I just heard Fu Yueyan and Zhang Xiaowen crying and howling together, so I thought something happened.Unexpectedly, it was only Fu Yueyan who was writing his stories vividly there.

We listened very carefully to that kid Fu Yueyan talking about her own psychology.So we didn't pay attention, and he called him suddenly when we were not prepared.We were taken aback by saying that.Not to mention the girls talking and laughing, even I was quite frightened by her.

"You're sick! What's your name?" I slapped Fu Yueyan hard on the head. I've found that this movement is very smooth in the past few days. "Are you trying to scare us to death?"

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