As soon as the voice came out, the entire auction house was stunned, and even the host didn't realize it all at once. After all, the bid of 1000 million was too unbelievable.

Everyone guessed that in the VIP room No. [-], there was another big man who dared to double the price after the Tianchen Chamber of Commerce bid in the No. [-] room. Obviously, this was not for auctioning products, but to find fault.

However, there was no displeasure on Yang Chen's face, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Looks like the fish took the bait!"

Yang Chen thought.

As early as this morning when he met Chu Jiangyuan, Yang Chen talked about his strategy on how to find out Chu Jiangling, the second master of the Chu family.

To prove whether the second master of Chujiang is the mastermind behind the scenes, the key lies in whether the other party will obstruct Chu Nan in the dark, and the auction is a place that not only protects privacy, but also has competition. Under the mechanism, it is easy to judge whether the opponent is an enemy, a friend, or an ordinary passerby.

So the first thing Yang Chen has to do is to get enough exposure before the auction starts, so that he can attract Chu Jiangling and others, and gain their attention as soon as possible.

However, it was also a coincidence. Before Yang Chen had considered what to do, Zhou Hu and Duan Tie, two unlucky guys, actually took the initiative to provoke him, and directly gave him a magic knife. The row of faces made him instantly become the well-deserved focus of the entire auction.

After attracting Chu Jiangling's attention, Yang Chen and the others must have a conspicuous position in the auction venue, so that the other party can accurately obstruct them, and VIP box No. [-] is the place that attracts the most attention.

Once there is an obvious price-gouging behavior in the auction, most of the time it is possible to know whether someone is doing bad things behind the scenes. At this time, you only need to notify Chu Jiangyuan who came in casually to make a sensory confirmation, and you can basically judge whether the other party is right or not. Yang Chen guessed the mastermind behind the scenes.

Therefore, when Yang Chen's price was obviously suppressed, in the VIP room No. [-], except for Jin Lei and Bai Xiuming who showed a little shock, everyone else seemed expressionless, and even seemed a little happy.This strange expression confused Jin Lei and the others. Could it be that the president and the others like to be played under pressure?
At this time, the heroic bid of 1000 million directly raised the atmosphere of the auction to a climax.

"Now, the price of our super-grade equipment has increased to an astonishing figure of 1000 million copper coins. Will this figure continue to climb even higher tonight?"

The host was full of excitement, today he can earn as much as 1000 just by relying on this 10 million rake, and what is even more frightening is that this 1000 million seems to be far from the end!

Sure enough, just after the host finished speaking, Yang Chen quickly raised the sign.

"I'll pay 2000 million."

Yang Chen's indifferent tone exploded in the hearts of the audience like a thunderbolt. Everyone's eyes were filled with shock, but also showed envy and admiration, "Look at the local tyrants, even the auction price is doubled, and any random The amount added is a figure that I and other people will never earn in my lifetime, it's really more popular than others!"

After Yang Chen finished paying the price, the VIP box next door unexpectedly did not continue to follow, as if the previous offer of 1000 million was just an unintentional move.

Seeing this scene, Chu Nan asked suspiciously, "Brother Chen, why didn't my second uncle next door stop following us? Isn't it reasonable that he wants to stop us with all his strength?"

Yang Chen glanced at the solid soundproof mask, and said with a smile, "It's true that he wanted to prevent us from successfully taking pictures, but the current things are far from worthy of playing all the cards. If nothing unexpected, the opponent's offensive will be It's getting more and more fierce, after all, as long as he keeps me from getting any benefits, then you won't get anything either."

Seeing that no one continued to increase the price, the host dropped the hammer.

"Congratulations to the VIP room No. [-], for obtaining the non-attribute super-grade armor, the Zijin Panlong Baojia!"

Seeing that the long-awaited thing finally arrived, Yang Chen also breathed a sigh of relief.

In the next auction of weapons and equipment, Yang Chen's No. 3600 box and Chu Jiangling's No. [-] box had contacts with each other, and basically took over all the collections at the auction. The price was raised too unbelievably, and the most expensive item in the auction was only [-] million copper coins.

Although the cost was huge, Yang Chen also reaped a lot. Not only did he buy himself a pair of super-grade shoes with special speed-up effects, but he also took pictures of the only light-attribute super-grade weapon in the audience, the Phoenix Dance Whip, for Gu Yiqiu.As for higher-level peerless weapons, even in this kind of auction that has raised the level, it has never appeared.

With the end of the auction of weapons and equipment collections, the auction has also entered the final stage, auctioning the finale treasure of this auction!

For those who often participate in auctions, the finale collection of each Wunan City auction is extremely rare, and many people have never heard of it. In the last auction, the finale collection was a At that time, a weapon of the peerless level was auctioned for a sky-high price of 2 million; and in the last auction, the finale collection was the legendary sixth-level inferior beast, the inner alchemy of the Demon Blood Dragon Flood Dragon, which is comparable to human beings. The energy essence of the Wu Zong strongman directly sold 2000 million, the highest record in history.

No one knows how the organizers of the auction got these things, and no one knows how the organizers ensure that these things will not be hijacked halfway.But one thing everyone can be sure of is that each finale collection will definitely refresh people's perception of the world!
The audience was silent, and everyone's eyes were anxiously waiting for the last piece of collection to appear. Even though they knew they couldn't afford it, they still wanted to see what kind of fetish they would come up with in this highest-grade auction. place.

On the auction stage, the red curtain that had been tightly closed was slowly pulled away, and even the host, who had been talking eloquently before, looked solemn at this moment.

Yang Chen stared intently at the center of the booth, and saw a small golden square box quietly selected on the display shelf. Since the lid of the box was tightly closed, everyone still couldn't guess what it was.

The host carefully held the golden square box into his hand, and gently opened the lid of the box with the other hand wearing a white glove.

The moment it was opened, the golden light in the box shone, so dazzling that no one dared to look directly at it.

After the light dissipated, Yang Chen squinted his eyes to see clearly what was in the box.

I saw a huge golden scale floating above the box, exuding an ancient aura from the prehistoric, and everyone who felt this aura couldn't help trembling in their hearts!
Just when everyone was curious about what this bead was, the host's voice came faintly.

"Our last collection today is not a treasure in the traditional sense, but a dragon scale of a golden dragon!"

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