These wolves are obviously not the same as the wolves they usually see. Not only are they much stronger in size, but the key pair of scarlet eyes reveal a strong evil aura.

It seems that this deserted island is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Yang Chen gently embraced Gu Yiqiu with his arms, the more dangerous he was, the less he could let the enemy feel his fear, especially for animals like wolves.

Under Yang Chen's comfort, Gu Yiqiu's fear also eased a lot.

"Yang Chen, will we be eaten today?" Gu Yiqiu asked in a very low voice.

Yang Chen smiled faintly, and said, "Don't worry, there's a man next to you, if I'm going to be eaten, I'll be the first to be eaten."

Seeing Yang Chen's confident look, Gu Yiqiu hummed lightly.

Although he knew that he was just comforting himself, after all, what they were facing was not a wolf, but a pack of wolves, but they felt a sense of security in their hearts.

"Yiqiu, the situation is very dangerous now, if you do what I say, you can only be a dead horse now as a living horse doctor!"

"I've watched an episode of Animal World before. When encountering animals like wolves, first of all, you can't let them smell their own fear! Take a deep breath and calm yourself down quickly. Now take a deep breath with me!"

Listening to Yang Chen's words, Gu Yiqiu took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly.

The wolves outside are still watching the prey in the cave.

"The second step, don't take the initiative to launch an attack, this will expose your own strength, and don't turn your back to the wolves, or you will pretend that you are the hunted. Stare at it, stare at it with your most fierce eyes !"

The most vicious look?Gu Yiqiu tried hard to recall some past events that made her angry, and then looked at the wolves as angrily as possible.

After several minutes of eye contact, the wolves were not sure whether the prey inside was a threat, and did not attack rashly.

"Yang Chen, we can't face each other all night, I'm so tired, I want to sleep."

Yang Chen said with a smile, "You can still sleep at this time, get your anti-wolf spray ready now, and persevere, after all, wolves are not short of food, so there's no need to take risks to fight us."

"Huh? How do you know I have anti-wolf spray?" Gu Yiqiu was still staring at the wolves, wondering.

Yang Chen snorted coldly, and said, "From the beach to the cave, you hid this thing in your sleeve all the way, do you really think I didn't see it?"

Gu Yiqiu smiled awkwardly, "Okay, after all, we just met, I am a thin and beautiful little girl, I must take some precautions... But, from now on, I believe you are a good person!"

Yang Chen rolled his eyes, and said no more.

After more than 20 minutes, just when the two were about to be unable to hold on, the wolves finally retreated slowly.

Yang Chen and Gu Yiqiu took a long breath, and lay heavily on the ground. After a night of tossing, the two of them were indeed tired.

The next morning.

Yang Chen's sleepy eyes opened his tired eyes, he turned his head and looked to the side, his nosebleeds were about to gush out when he saw it!

I saw Gu Yiqiu with no clothes on his upper body, facing away from him, holding a small comb to straighten his hair.

Probably due to long-term fitness, Gu Yiqiu's back is white and firm without a trace of fat, and his narrow waist seems to be able to be held with only one hand.

I really want to pinch it!

Feeling the hot gaze from behind, Gu Yiqiu looked back and found that Yang Chen was staring at him.

"Pervert!" Gu Yiqiu threw a high-heeled shoe with his backhand, causing Yang Chen to scream.

"Huh! Men really don't have a good thing!" Gu Yiqiu had already put on his clothes at some point, and glared at Yang Chen with a puffy face.

Yang Chen smiled and scratched his head, "Well, I really didn't do it on purpose, how did I know you didn't wear clothes early in the morning... But, your figure is not bad!"

"You still say!", Gu Yiqiu smashed another shoe, and said angrily, "Isn't it because the clothes were soaked in the sea yesterday, don't you know that girls' clothes are not easy to dry! Forget it, tell you pervert I don’t understand anymore!”

Yang Chen could only sneer and stop talking, otherwise he was really afraid that Gu Yiqiu would be angered and it would be uncomfortable.

After the wolf pack incident last night, Yang Chen also changed his initial view on this deserted island.

First of all, they are located near the coastline, and they can all encounter this kind of carnivore. It is estimated that there may be more ferocious species on this island.

Secondly, the eyes of those wolves were the ones that disturbed Yang Chen the most. They were a scarlet color that could only be seen on TV. Could it be the unique mutant wolves on the desert island?
Yang Chen also realized that if he only relied on eating coconuts, he probably wouldn't be able to last for a few days, and he had to be on guard against wild beast attacks all the time.

Therefore, the current refuge must be further strengthened, and fire must be produced. On the one hand, it can eat cooked food, and on the other hand, it can also be used as a weapon against wild beasts.

After making a decision in his heart, Yang Chen took Gu Yiqiu to the beach to fish and light a fire.

There is never a lack of food in the sea, and it didn't take long for Yang Chen to catch several sea fish with a spear made of a few branches.

Gu Yiqiu was also very excited to see the sea fish jumping around on the beach, which meant that they could finally eat fish.

With the fish, the next step is to light the fire.

Yang Chen found a few very dry rattans from under the coconut trees on the shore, and picked up a pile of hay.

Yang Chen tied the rattan to a wooden branch with ease, and kept rubbing it against another dry branch.

Seeing Yang Chen's very professional look, Gu Yiqiu also showed doubts, "Why do you feel like you have been to this deserted island? You can even drill wood to make fire?"

Yang Chen said with a smile, "Of course you girls don't understand. The usual hobby of us men is to watch this kind of survival videos. If you watch too much, you will naturally get used to it. Of course, this is also my first attempt, so I don't know if I can succeed. "

Gu Yiqiu held her pretty face, quietly squatting next to Yang Chen, watching Yang Chen get into the fire intently.

After more than ten minutes of hard work, a little blue smoke finally appeared on the hay.

Yang Chen hurriedly shouted, "Yiqiu, hurry up and blow hard on the burning place!"

Gu Yiqiu hurriedly brought his mouth closer and blew on the sparks vigorously.

"It's still far away, come closer!" Yang Chen shouted.

Gu Yiqiu took a look at Yang Chen, thinking that this guy doesn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, how can a little girl like me be so energetic.

Although I thought so in my heart, I still followed Yang Chen's instructions and blew against the sparks.Yang Chen continued to speed up rubbing the branches.

A small flame ignited from the dry grass, Gu Yiqiu laughed excitedly, Yang Chen also showed a smile, finally he could eat the first cooked food on the deserted island!

Yang Chen added some hay into it, and the fire burned even more.

After the internal organs of the sea fish are removed, they are skewered with twigs and grilled on the fire.Sea fish has its own salty taste, so it doesn't need too much seasoning.

The smell of grilled fish is getting stronger and stronger, Gu Yiqiu is drooling, his eyes are shining!It smells so good!
Just when Yang Chen was about to hand a fish to Gu Yiqiu to taste, two strange figures suddenly appeared in front of them.

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