The moment the brown light ball entered Yang Chen's body, Yang Chen immediately entered a very mysterious state, so much so that the masked girl didn't hear what he said that he wouldn't survive three days.

The light cluster is like a huge energy body, an unprecedented majestic force flows into Yang Chen's limbs and bones along the position of Yang Chen's dantian.Under the impact of this powerful force, Yang Chen's internal organs trembled violently, and all the blood vessels seemed to burst!
pain!It hurts!
Yang Chen's forehead was already covered with dense cold sweat, but the huge pain made him unable to make any sound.

The masked girl watched quietly from the side, and there was no wave in her eyes, as if the great pain Yang Chen endured was very common in his eyes.

A mass of purple and gold intertwined flames ignited from the girl's hands, and the flowing light alternately filled with mysterious colors.

go!Under the girl's order, the Zijin Flame shot out towards Yang Chen's dantian as if it had eyes!

ah!Yang Chen, who was in pain and was about to lose consciousness, let out a low growl.

"Your body of an ordinary mortal is far from being able to digest the spirit of a third-order beast like a bone claw bear. This ray of purple-gold true energy can not only help you refine the huge overflowing energy, but also prevent you from exploding and dying." death," the masked girl said softly beside her.

Under the blessing of Zijin Zhenqi, the berserk energy of the Bone Claw Bear raged crazily in Yang Chen's body. The meridians in Yang Chen's body had been stretched a whole circle. When the meridians were about to break, the Zijin Zhenzhen wrapped around the meridians The Qi crazily compressed this force back.

If it weren't for Yang Chen's hard life since he was a child, and his perseverance was much higher than ordinary people, ordinary people who are waiting for leisure would have been forced to explode by this force!

But even though Yang Chen had only the last sliver of sobriety left, at this moment, under the confluence of the two forces, Yang Chen's body would turn red and purple for a while, like a balloon that would explode at any time!
The masked girl is watching from the side, if you can't even pass this level, what qualifications do you have to lead us to victory!
After about half an hour, the ups and downs of Yang Chen's body gradually slowed down, and the huge pain and exhaustion caused Yang Chen to collapse to the ground.But if you observe carefully, you can see surprisingly that Yang Chen's originally white skin has blue veins like swimming dragons, and the tight muscles all over his body are full of infinite power. If Yang Chen is still awake, he will find that the dantian The rapidly rotating energy cyclone gradually converged into a drop of golden liquid, and there were traces of purple thin threads swirling around the liquid!

Seeing the changes in Yang Chen's body, the masked girl also breathed a sigh of relief, the corners of her mouth slightly raised. If Yang Chen saw it, her jaw would drop in shock.

It seems that you did not disappoint me!
When Yang Chen woke up, the surroundings were silent. He seemed to have entered a very deep sleep just now. In his dream, it seemed that a purple light group and a golden light group were intertwined and fighting, and finally both light groups turned into dust.

Opening his eyes, Yang Chen saw not far away, a masked girl was sitting on the ground, wiping the golden leather whip with a piece of blue printed silk cloth.The slender figure looks particularly charming under the dappled light and shadow of the dense forest.

"You're awake." The cold but clear and pleasant voice interrupted Yang Chen's thoughts.

"En! Thank you very much this time!", Yang Chen sincerely thanked him, because he could clearly feel the powerful force that could erupt within his body, and he was even confident that if he encountered the Bone Claw Bear again, he would not have to blindly Run away so you can fight alone!
The masked girl shook her head faintly, and said in a deep voice, "You don't have to thank me, you just need to know that the responsibilities you need to bear in the future will be hundreds of times and thousands of times heavier than the help I give you!"

Future responsibilities?After hearing this, Yang Chen was thoughtful, he always felt that this masked girl seemed to have known him before.

"Now that it's done, you should go back, your companion is still waiting for you." The masked girl stood up and patted the dust off her body. "But remember! Don't talk to anyone about what happened to me today." Bring it up!"

Before Yang Chen could speak, the masked girl took out a simple booklet.

"This book is called "The Illustrated Book of Hundred Spirits". It records most of the rare and ferocious beasts on the island. I believe it will be helpful to you." After speaking, he threw the booklet to Yang Chen.

Yang Chen nodded solemnly when he received the pamphlet. He has never been an ungrateful person, but he knows that any words of thanks now seem pale. Although he doesn't know the real purpose of the masked girl, just by helping him improve his cultivation Because, giving the booklet to help him survive, this is worthy of Yang Chen's careful treatment.

It seems that I can only repay my favor slowly in the future!

The masked girl had already turned her back into the distance, looking at the gradually walking away figure, Yang Chen felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"Girl, may I ask your surname, I will wait for Yang Chen to repay you in the future!" Yang Chen stood with his hands hanging down, looked straight at him, and shouted to the slender background in the distance.

However, the footsteps of leaving didn't mean to stop at all, Yang Chen couldn't help but smiled wryly, this time he was really favored and didn't even know who his opponent was.

Just when Yang Chen packed his clothes and was about to turn around and leave, a cold voice came from a distance.

"You don't need to repay your kindness, you can call me Wu Ya!"

Uya?It turns out that the masked girl's name is Wu Ya, which is really a strange name.Yang Chen smiled, and quickly walked towards the direction of the cave shelter.

During the return journey, Yang Chen was surprised to find that his left arm, which had been scratched twice, could move freely. Even his body felt more powerful than before, and his walking speed doubled unconsciously. More than enough!
Presumably, even if he encounters a pack of wolves alone, it is not in vain, Yang Chen is full of confidence.

In a happy mood, Yang Chen returned to the cave under the stone wall in only 10 minutes.

"Partners! I'm back!", Yang Chen shouted happily when he saw the shelter, and seeing that he was able to come back alive, everyone must be shocked!

However, Yang Chen's shout did not receive any response, Yang Chen couldn't help frowning slightly, did something happen?
A bad premonition arose spontaneously, and he walked quickly to the entrance of the cave, only to find that there was no one in the cave!
Yang Chen carefully observed the cave while thinking quickly.

Judging from the altitude of the sun, it should have been a day since going to the dense forest to collect herbs, to breaking out of the coma. Gu Yiqiu's wind and cold in one day should not be enough to completely heal. Besides, Xia Xiaoli's leg injury is impossible to walk without a week of recuperation. Obviously, they couldn't take the initiative to go out, which means that something happened during his constant period, and it was on the bad side.

Um?Seeing the two extra human footprints on the cave entrance, Yang Chen instantly realized something.

not good!Yiqiu and the others are in danger!Immediately, Yang Chen quickly rushed out in the direction of the shoe prints like a tiger!

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