"Fuck, shit, monster..."

Ye Chen was awakened from his sleep by the monster, and when he opened his eyes, he found Qin Wan and the others were all around him.

"Brother Ye Chen, what's wrong with you, why are you sweating profusely?"

"Is it a nightmare, it's all right, it's all fake, come on, drink some water to calm down the shock."

Fortunately, it was a dream, otherwise, Ye Chen didn't know how to face it.

"It's okay, don't worry about me, it's just a dream."

Although Ye Chen said so on his lips, he had other plans in his heart.

He was very sure that he was dreaming just now, but he was not very at ease in his heart, he always felt that it was more than just a dream.

If those monsters are real, how can they resist.

Ye Chen bowed his head and pondered there, and didn't tell them what happened in the dream.

The most important thing now is to build the protective cover.

"Qin Wan, let everyone know that there is a meeting in the meeting room."

Soon everyone was summoned to the meeting room, and Ye Chen didn't hide it, and directly told everyone what he saw in his dream.

"Dividing the provinces can greatly reduce the difficulty of our work. It's a good idea."

"But wouldn't the country of Hua be split up in this way? Is the country of Hua that is divided still the country of Hua?"

"There is no need to worry about this. The train is our communication bridge. The super-powered train can fully take on this responsibility. With the speed of the super-powered train, it only takes me an hour to go from south to north."

"Just do it like this, divide the provinces, you people go to each province to teach them super invincible alloy technology, our operation can begin."

"Dean Pei, I will leave this matter to you to manage. I need to see the results of the protective cover within three months. If it fails, I will ask you."

"But the manpower is not enough."

"Wouldn't it be enough for a population of more than one billion in Huaguo? All factories shut down, all schools stopped teaching, and they all taught me super invincible alloys. This is their only guarantee. Everything is based on super alloys. Other things depend on back."

Ye Chen directly made a final decision. In this extraordinary time, it is extremely important to save your life.

"Mr. Zhao, you are an expert in railways. I will leave the matter of super-powered trains to you. This train must run through all provinces and have a large capacity."

"You can take whoever you want. In the same three months, I want to see a complete railway."

Although the real end of the world will come in five months, but by the third month, the world will start to mess up.

Various strange phenomena will occur frequently, earthquakes and tsunamis are minor problems, and volcanic eruptions are like setting off fireworks.

"The rest of the people will come according to the previous plan. Everything is very important, and there must be no sloppy."

"One last reminder to you all, three months, I will see the results after three months."

"Will it be three months..."

"No, there is no time to bargain. Three months is the final bottom line. If it exceeds three months, you will bear the consequences yourself. Go."

Ye Chen didn't give them a chance to bargain at all, and only gave them three months.

"Three months is three months. Eat less, sleep less and work more. Three months should be barely enough."

"There is no time to delay, I will go first."

After arranging all the work properly, Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

He has almost done what he should do, and the rest can only be left to fate.

"Ye Chen, what are you still worried about? Our preparations should be sufficient."

"As far as we are prepared, unless the earth explodes, ordinary disasters can't do anything to us."

"you're right."

Ye Chen is not worried about natural disasters at all, those are just small troubles.

What really worried Ye Chen were those giants and monsters.

The monster in his dream, when he hit the axe, the protective cover was torn with a huge opening, and when he punched down, the protective cover was dented with a hole.

The most important thing is that Huaguo's weapons have no effect on them. The lasers shoot at them, as if they are tickling them.

"Is that a dream? Is there really something we don't know about on Earth?"

"System, does the behemoth in my dream really exist?"

"System? System?"

No matter how Ye Chen called this time, the system didn't hear anything.

This made him even more suspicious.

He has almost figured out the rules of the system, and if there is no audio from the system, then nothing good will happen.

The disappearance of the system this time is probably related to the behemoth in his dream.

"No, I have to guard against it. If it is true, all the efforts now will be in vain."

"If the super invincible laser gun doesn't work, then change to the cosmic invincible laser gun. If the cosmic invincible laser gun doesn't work, then change to the cosmic super invincible laser gun. There is always a weapon that can defeat these monsters."

After Ye Chen stabilized his emotions, he turned his attention to the woman beside him.

After all, these girls are the key to victory.

Research is impossible. He is a third-rate college student, so he knows nothing about scientific research. All these things have to be exchanged.

The price of exchange is straight men, straight men can only rely on these women.

"The cosmic super invincible laser gun needs 100W straight male points. It takes three months to save enough 100W straight male points. It is too difficult."

"No, you have to hurry up."

"I said that the make-up skills of you guys are too bad. Your face is covered with powder, and you haven't seen it in a few days, and you have become fat and dark."



Qin Wan and the others were caught off guard by Ye Chen, they thought Ye Chen was thinking about something there.

In the end, it turned out that I was stuck, fat and dark. .

You must know that the three most taboo words for women are that you are fat, dark, and pink.

As a result, Ye Chen violated all the taboos at once.

"What did you just say? I didn't hear clearly."

"I can also give you a chance to reorganize the language."

"Speak carefully, and then talk after you think about it."


Facing the threats from the women, Ye Chen pretended not to know anything, and smiled there.

"You guys are really crazy, and you've eaten so well during this time, look how fat you've become."


A crisp sound rang in Ye Chen's ears, and when he turned his head, several people were gearing up there.

"Sharpening the knife to the pigs and sheep, some people really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

"Yeah, he thinks he's a cat with nine lives."

"Sisters, it's time for him to learn more, call me."


Without the slightest hesitation, the five of them rushed towards Ye Chen and beat him up.

This beating didn't show any mercy, and soon Ye Chen became a national treasure, with two dark circles under his eyes, aggrieved there.

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