genius dancer

Chapter 484 Lynch's True Strength

Zhonghai Park is the favorite place for Zhonghai citizens to go after dinner and tea.

In the morning, there are people doing morning exercises and hanging their voices; at noon, there are even young couples making love to each other in the gazebo; and at night, it is the time when there are most square dance aunts and hip-hop lovers.

But in the middle of the night, when almost the whole of Zhonghai was asleep, there were few people in the huge Zhonghai Park.

However, after the silence of Zhonghai Park, there was still a slightly thin figure practicing his dance in an open space in the park, sweating profusely.

Unlike other hip-hop lovers who like rhythm and atmosphere, this dancer in the night does not have any accompaniment dance music. He only uses his emotions to capture those rhythms that do not exist.

Judging from the dance steps with bright rhythmic colors, this dancer is completely integrated into the non-existent rhythm, bringing those sometimes high-pitched and sometimes elegant rhythms into a kind of magical splendor.

This dancer dancing solo in the middle of the night was none other than Fan Shu who was preparing for tomorrow's competition.

Due to family conditions, Fan Shu did not have his own dance practice room.So many times, he relies on his sense of rhythm to practice and master dance outdoors in poor conditions.

"Congratulations on completing a new round of main quests and obtaining special booster items..."

Before the prompt from the dancing instrument ended, Fan Shu couldn't wait to choose the follow-up task.The reason why he is so anxious to perform the dance instrument task is to get the reward of the dancer pill.

Jiang Tian's wrist fracture was serious, coupled with her inherently fragile bones, this wrist fracture is not only difficult to recover, but may even leave some sequelae.

Faced with this situation, Fan Shu knew very well that Jiang Tian's hand injury could be fully recovered only after getting the dancer pill.

It's just that the reward of dancer pills completely disappeared from the task rewards after Fan Shu was recognized by the dance instrument and successfully promoted to the second-level dancer of the master.

Fan Shu has been dancing in the open space of the park for a long time, and he has almost completed all the dancer tasks that can be completed independently, but there is still no reward for dancer pills.

Even so, Fan Shu still did not give up. He started to challenge the last task of this round: get 5 points within [-] minutes.

This kind of task is really difficult enough, a 10-minute match, 5 minutes to score [-] points, it seems that only dancers at the sixth level of the master can do it.

Compared with the sixth-level grandmaster, Fan Shu, who only has the strength of a third-level grandmaster, is still too far behind.It is simply impossible for him to score 5 points in [-] minutes.

But Fan Shu didn't feel that this task could not be completed. In this situation without any dance music, he could release himself more boldly.

"As long as you continue to maintain a high explosive rhythm, it is not impossible to get 5 points in [-] minutes." Fan Shu said silently to himself, and then chose to carry out the task.

From the beginning of the mission, a striking 5-minute countdown appeared in Fan Shu's mind.In that ever-regressing time, he finally showed his strongest explosion.

Since he danced solely for the sake of scoring, Fan Shu didn't have any restrictions on his dancing posture.Driven by his strong explosive power, he looked extraordinarily crazy.

If someone passed by Fan Shu at this time, they would definitely be shocked by his appearance.This is not dancing, it is clearly a patient who escaped from a mental hospital...

5 minutes is not too long, and even under Fan Shu's crazy dancing posture that broke out with all his strength, the time seemed even shorter.

With the rapid countdown in his mind, Fan Shu's personal score also increased faster.Fortunately, he has mastered Shanhe Dance, so he doesn't have to worry about overloading his body.

However, in such a high-intensity dance, Fan Shu felt a deep sense of fatigue. This kind of too violent performance seemed to be unable to arouse even the talent of fighting spirit.

Even so, Fan Shu did not stop his powerful explosion at all.

Even whenever he feels his rhythm slowing down, he will let his body make some extreme movements.These extreme movements will make him feel tearing pain.

And this kind of pain is Fan Shu's spur to himself, spurring himself to stimulate more potential, so as to make his outbreak more violent.

"Congratulations, you have completed the 36-point task assessment within [-] minutes and [-] seconds, and you have won two chances to reward the carousel."

The turntable reward can be said to be the most lucrative reward for the dance instrument. Fan Shu has won many rich prop rewards in this kind of turntable reward before.

The most important thing is that in this kind of rich turntable reward, there is even the dancer pill that Fan Shu is eager to get.As long as you get the dancer pill, Jiang Tian can recover her health.

With deep anticipation, Fan Shu turned the reward wheel in his mind, hoping that he would be lucky enough to get the reward of the dancer pill.

"Congratulations, you have received a special reward dance promotion. This special reward can raise all the dances you have mastered to a higher level."

"Congratulations, you have successfully mastered the first level of the Three Thousand Worlds!"

"Congratulations, you have successfully mastered the third level of neon clothes dance (13-18 paragraphs)..."

Fan Shu felt a little overwhelmed by the series of prompts in his mind.Not to mention the first level of the Three Thousand Worlds, it is only the 13th stage of the Nishang Dance, which has not yet been mastered.

Under this special dance promotion reward, Fan Shu actually skipped six unlearned dances, and directly entered the 19th stage of the fourth level.

Although this dance improvement reward is a one-time reward, its perverted ability is definitely something that Fan Shu has never encountered before.

After being slightly surprised, Fan Shu gradually calmed down.Although the dance improvement reward is very exciting, but at this moment, what he needs most is the dancer pill.

"There is one last chance, this time we must get the dancer pill reward!" Fan Shu prayed silently in his heart, while turning the reward wheel again.

Perhaps the dancing instrument sensed Fan Shu's prayer. This time, the pointer on the reward dial actually stopped at the word "Dancer Pills".

"Congratulations, you got a dancer pill."

Why is there only one?Seeing the number of dancers' pills, Fan Shu couldn't help feeling sorry again.But after regretting, his face became more expectant.

Although a pill may not be able to fully transform Jiang Tian's physique, it should be able to heal her broken wrist.Thinking of this, Fan Shu carefully put away the precious dancer pill.

It was already very late, and Fan Shu could only wait until tomorrow morning to go to the hospital and let Jiang Tian take the dancer pill, so as to restore her health.

Finally he could breathe a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then Fan Shu walked towards his home.

Before walking too far, Fan Shu vaguely heard orderly and natural footsteps coming from ahead.Such footsteps are naturally the steps of a dancer.

In the middle of the night, is there anyone still practicing dancing?With some curiosity, Fan Shu walked over to the source of the voice.

Some streetlights in the park had been extinguished, and the night had grown darker.

But even in such a dim light, Fan Shu could still recognize at a glance that one of the two dancers dancing in the middle of the night was his good friend Lynch.

In order to fulfill the solemn appointment, Lynch came to Zhonghai Park to dance with him. The reason was that he didn't want others to know his true strength.

Like Fan Shu's dance practice without dance music, the dance fight between Lynch and Zheng Zheng also has no rhythm.Both of them use dance to show those distinct and unique rhythms.

"Lin Qi's dancing skills are so high?" Fan Shu looked at his friend in the dark night, who was completely like a master, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Before, although he had doubted Lynch's dancing skills, he did not expect that his good friend had dancing skills far superior to his own.

Because of this, Fan Shu thought at first that he had identified the wrong person.But when he paid close attention, he found that he had not mistaken the person, and one of the two dancers was indeed Lynch.

At this moment, Lynch and Zheng Zheng are fighting fiercely, and both of them have also shown their strength as top dancers.

His solemn dance style is just like his personality, calm, sophisticated and impeccable.And the dance he uses doesn't know where it came from, it's like a mountain, which makes people feel deeply stressed.

"This person is so powerful, he has such a strong ability to suppress." Fan Shu secretly compared in his heart, and he found that if he met such an opponent, he would definitely lose.

What surprised Fan Shu even more was Lynch's performance.

From the point of view of dance, Lynch has not changed much from usual. The dance steps are exactly the cloud dance steps taught by Lin Bin, and the movements are just conventional street dance moves.

However, Lynch, who seemed to have not changed, used the things he usually learned to deal with his opponents like a fish in water, without any sign of being suppressed.

"Could it be that Lynch is better than that dancer... No, his dance steps seem to be different from before."

Fan Shu quickly discovered the difference in Lynch's dance. In the seemingly ordinary movements, there was something else subtly and subtly mixed in.

It is precisely because of such things that people can't see through that makes Lynch completely invincible.

Facing such a high-level fighting dance, Fan Shu didn't want to disturb Lynch at the moment, but chose to stand in a dark corner and observe carefully and carefully.

"It's no wonder that Qiaoqiao and I can't see through his strength. It turns out that he is not only good at hiding, but even his dancing skills are beyond my talent for observation."

How strong is Lynch's dancing skills?Perhaps Zheng Zheng, who has the level [-] strength of a grandmaster, would be a good comparison.

Although there was no dance music or scoring device in the dance fight between the two sides, with Fan Shu's level of understanding of dance, it can be seen that Lynch still has a slight advantage.

Sure enough, after the two stopped, they solemnly and appreciatively said to Lynch: "I admire, I lost to you."

"Accepted." Lynch smiled casually, and then said: "Don't forget your promise, you can't tell others my true level."

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this, including my boss."

what happened?Hearing the conversation between Lynch and Zheng Zheng, Fan Shu was even more puzzled.He couldn't figure out why his friend deliberately hid his strength?

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