genius dancer

Chapter 522 Despicable Act

The second game started.Sure enough, as Lin Bin expected, Ling Yuanzhi continued the previous tactics and broke out with all his strength from the beginning to suppress Fan Shu.

But this time, Ling Yuanzhi's suppression did not go so smoothly.Because Fan Shu retaliated, and also showed his explosive strength.

It seems that Fan Shu has made tactical adjustments and does not want Ling Yuanzhi to continue the previous suppression.However, in fact, he didn't make any adjustments. He just followed Lin Bin's guidance and effectively played to his own advantages.

It's a pity that Ling Yuanzhi hasn't seen Fan Shu's purpose yet. Faced with this young man's full resistance, he secretly sneered: "Do you think this will change anything? How naive."

Ling Yuanzhi adopted this suppressive tactic in order to let Fan Shu use the Three Thousand Worlds.In his opinion, as long as the boy shows his hole cards, even if he loses this round, he can easily defeat the opponent in the next round.

Thinking of this, Ling Yuanzhi spared no effort to improve his rhythm.

Although Fan Shu is good at explosive power, but facing Ling Yuanzhi who is slightly better than him, his explosive ability is not very obvious without using Three Thousand Worlds.

And if he blindly chooses to suppress directly, he will definitely lose the game in the end.So when Ling Yuanzhi speeded up his pace, he voluntarily gave up the method of confronting him head-on.

In the first game, the reason why Fan Shu didn't lose too many points by Ling Yuanzhi was that he chose the method of putting skills first and attacking later.

While Ling Yuanzhi seems to be strong, in fact, it completely violates his best style.If Fan Shu had performed better in the first game, he might have won.

At the beginning of the second game, Fan Shu also chose to explode and suppress, with only one purpose, that is to make the score gap between the two as far as possible, and not to make it too big.

Seeing Fan Shu's act of showing weakness, Ling Yuanzhi was even more delighted.For him, winning two games in a row can save a lot of trouble, but he didn't notice that his advantage in the score this time is not that big.

After the first half of the game, Ling Yuanzhi only led Fan Shu by 38 points, which was more than ten points less than the previous 50-plus points advantage.

These more than ten points may seem like nothing, but to Fan Shu, it is the hope of winning.

The situation in the second half of the round is not much different from the first round.

Although Ling Yuanzhi was a little cautious this time and was not taken away by him, Fan Shu made up for the missed opportunities in the first round, and the score gap between the two sides became smaller and smaller.

In the last minute, Ling Yuanzhi was only five points ahead of Fan Shu.

The continuous explosion in the first half of the round made it difficult for Ling Yuanzhi to make effective adjustments in the second half of the round, but Fan Shu was already ready for the final sprint.

950: 946!With just Lin Bin's simple instructions, Fan Shu's personal performance was improved again, and he defeated Ling Yuanzhi by 4 points.

Seeing the score on the scorer, Fan Shu finally breathed a sigh of relief.You know, in the last minute, he was not sure of winning.

He was just trying his best to display his skills, and he even forgot to secure the victory with three thousand worlds in the end.Looking back, this game really felt like a narrow victory.

Ling Yuanzhi seemed to be unable to accept the fact that he lost the game. Looking at the score on the scorer, his face was cloudy and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"I haven't used Three Thousand Worlds yet, I will definitely win the third round!" Fan Shu is full of confidence in the final decisive round.

Lin Bin also felt that Fan Shu had almost won the game, after all, his students still had trump cards to use.Maybe they don't need to use any trump cards at all, and they can win the third game.

Today, Fan Shu has become a true fifth-level dancer of the grand master. After he has settled down, he will definitely defeat an opponent like Ling Yuanzhi more easily.

After losing the second game, Ling Yuanzhi was very upset.However, there was no pessimism on his face, and the flickering gaze seemed to have some backhand.

After a short break, the tiebreaker game of the third game began.

Looking at Ling Yuanzhi walking towards the stage, Ling Qiancheng shook his head regretfully.In his opinion, this elder of the same genre will be eliminated after this game.

"How could I lose to such a brat, he should be the one who should be eliminated."

Ling Yuanzhi glanced at Fan Shu with some resentment, and there was an imperceptible sneer on his face. "You asked for it yourself, no wonder me!"

Fan Shu didn't notice the change in his opponent's expression. At this moment, he was thinking about how to improve his skills.

Even in the third round, he still didn't intend to use the Three Thousand Worlds Ancient Dance Technique.After all, in this kind of game with the rule of three games and two wins, if you rely too much on the three thousand worlds, you will only make yourself lose miserably.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, try to reduce your dependence on the Three Thousand Worlds, so that you can have more winning chips in future competitions.

As the shocking dance music sounded, the third round of the game also began.

Perhaps aware of his mistake, Ling Yuanzhi did not adopt a positive suppression tactic in the third game, but chose to play his own personal characteristics and advantages.

However, Ling Yuanzhi was still wrong. If he could choose his best style in the second game, he would definitely defeat Fan Shu in the game.

But in the third round, after two rounds of adaptation and adjustment, Fan Shu has become much more proficient in dancing skills.For Ling Yuanzhi, it is very difficult to win him again.

The fact is also true, just after Ling Yuanzhi gave up the explosive suppression, Fan Shu immediately showed his best explosive ability, and suppressed him from the very beginning.

Among the top ten dancers, although Fan Shu is the worst one.But it is also one of the fastest progressing.He is improving rapidly in every game and game.

In contrast, dancers like Ling Yuanzhi have formed a kind of solidification in dance.It is already very difficult to think about making progress.

Of course, Ling Yuanzhi is not without advantages, his stage experience is rich enough.However, judging from his performance in the previous two rounds, the results of his stage experience were actually not as good as Fan Shu's.

Even in the eyes of many people, Fan Shu is more like an experienced dancer, while Ling Yuanzhi is like a reckless teenager.

In the first half of the third round, a very subtle situation occurred.The score gap between the two reached 30 points again, but this time the leader was Fan Shu.

Gaining the score advantage in the first half of the game, when entering the second half of the game, Fan Shu took advantage of a small pause in the rhythm of the dance music, and immediately combined his original simple explosion with a display of skills.

Before the start of the deciding game, Fan Shu had been thinking about how to effectively combine his explosive power with technical details.

This kind of thing is easy to say, but it is not easy to do it, otherwise there will be no distinction between hard and soft dancers.

Although there are many outstanding dancers who can combine strength and softness, such dancers have no advantage over single dancers.

Even if the dance foundation is a little poor, it is easy to appear nondescript, so that the gain outweighs the loss.

Although Fan Shu has always hoped that he can combine strength and softness, but most of the time, soft style dances are his auxiliary dances, and he still focuses on his own advantages.

If you use reasonable choreography to emphasize the technical details while breaking out, it will be the icing on the cake.And this time, Fan Shu wants to use his choreography ability to give full play to the advantages of technical details while breaking out.

This was not done on a whim, in fact, in the second game, Fan Shu started such an attempt.It is undoubtedly the most effective to try in practice.

However, such an attempt first requires dancers to have excellent choreography skills, and Fan Shu has exactly this requirement.

With the change of Fan Shu's dance moves, Ling Yuanzhi, who could have counterattacked in the second half of the round, had no chance, and the score gap continued to widen.

In the previous two matches with Ling Yuanzhi, Fan Shu won by surprise by relying on Three Thousand Worlds.But today's competition relied on his personal dancing skills.

Especially in the last round, it was completely in line with the performance of a fifth-level grandmaster dancer.Without the help of Three Thousand Worlds, Fan Shu could still win the game.

Two minutes into the second half, Fan Shu already had a 2-point advantage.According to this rhythm, he will definitely win in the end.

Ling Yuanzhi couldn't bear it anymore, he knew that if he didn't do it, he would really lose the game.

Thinking of this, his dance steps suddenly became much faster.With a quick sliding step, his body moved towards Fan Shu.

While passing by Fan Shu, Ling Yuanzhi raised his finger quietly.This movement is well disguised, it looks like part of the dance movement.

At this moment, Fan Shu was completely immersed in his dance, and he didn't notice Ling Yuanzhi's actions, let alone the faint dust floating under the bright white spotlight.

The floating dust is too fine, if you don't observe it carefully, it will be like the halo scattered by the light.But the "halo" flew into Fan Shu's breath the moment he turned around.

In an instant, Fan Shu felt his eyes go dark, and even the dance music surrounding him suddenly fell silent.

How is this going?Before Fan Shu had time to think about it, a reminder from the dance instrument came to his mind: "Tiantian Jingxin successfully detoxified the negative effect for you."

Negative effect, did Ling Yuanzhi use a special ancient dance just now?

Fan Shu is no stranger to those special ancient dances with negative effects.Si Xuan had mastered this kind of special ancient dance technique before.

That kind of special ancient dance technique, which is somewhat evil, was banned by the dance association and various schools because of its special negative effects.After all, that kind of ancient dance too much affects the fairness of the game.

Although the talent of purifying the heart given by the dance instrument can make Fan Shu exempt from negative effects, he still hates this ancient dance technique, especially when someone uses it on stage!

But when Fan Shu looked at Ling Yuanzhi seriously, he found that Ling Yuanzhi didn't use any special ancient dance technique, it was clearly the orthodox Qinglong school ancient dance technique.

"What's going on here!" Fan Shu couldn't help wondering.

However, Ling Yuanzhi was more puzzled than Fan Shu, because he found that his medicine powder had no effect on this young man.

Could it be that he hid just now?Thinking of this, Ling Yuanzhi inadvertently raised his finger to Fan Shu with a somersault.

Fan Shu, who had been observing Ling Yuanzhi carefully, could see clearly this time.He saw a layer of fine powder flying out of the opponent's nails.

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