genius dancer

Chapter 583

Although Gu Nan successfully reversed the passive situation, Miyamoto Masaichi's excellent speed ability still put her at a disadvantage.

The strength of the opponent aroused Gu Nan's competitive spirit, and she ignored Fan Shu's advice again, and suddenly changed her original style.A set of coherent big floor explosions allowed her to narrow the score gap between the two sides by a lot.

Gu Nan's sudden outburst made many people see some shadow of Fan Shu.Indeed, only in this way can he be like the student of that oriental boy.

Looking at his disobedient student, Fan Shu frowned more and more.

Gu Nan, who did not follow the requirements at all, not only wasted his energy for nothing, but also exposed his own characteristics to the other party.This really annoyed Fan Shu a little.

It's just that no matter how impatient he is off the stage, Gu Nan can't correct him at this moment.

Gu Nan's dancing skills are slightly worse than Miyamoto Masaichi's, and he was in a passive rhythmic situation at the beginning.Although she quickly adjusted back, it was not so easy to win against her opponent.

Continuous outbursts can only stop Gu Nan from falling behind, but they cannot allow her to overtake.Halfway through the game, she was still 10 points behind her opponent.

Entering the second half of the round, although Gu Nan's performance became more and more exciting, he even suppressed his opponent from time to time.However, Masaichi Miyamoto's performance was extremely stable, no matter how she suppressed it, she would never be moved.

As the game time slowly passed, Gu Nan became anxious again.Fan Shu's advice before the match had been completely forgotten by her.

"If this goes on like this, we won't be able to last until the third game." Fan Shu has already noticed that Miyamoto is clearly draining Gu Nan's energy, but she doesn't realize it.

Sitting at the other end, Miyamoto Musashi saw that Gu Nan was completely taken away by Miyamoto Masaichi, and his face showed a bit of complacency.In his opinion, the teacher Fan Shu's level is still a little lower.

The first game has come to an end, Gu Nan has narrowed the score gap to five points under the full catching up, which seems to give her hope of victory.

In order to win the first round, she desperately chose to explode with all her strength.But at the same time as she broke out, Masaichi Miyamoto, who had been waiting for work, also accelerated the pace.

570: 575!Gu Nan, who tried his best in the first round, lost by 5 points in the end.

Such a result made Gu Nan very unwilling, and she even regretted listening to Fan Shu's words.How could he lose the game if he exploded with all his strength from the very beginning?
"I think after this competition, you can go back to your country, because you will definitely be eliminated in the first round!" When Gu Nan walked off the stage, Fan Shu's severe accusation was greeted.

Gu Nan was obviously taken aback for a moment. In her eyes, Fan Shu had always been very gentle.Even when he asked himself to carry out that high-intensity explosive training, the teacher had never had such a stern expression.

"You are self-righteous and competitive. You have been exhausted by your opponent in the first round. Do you think you can hold on for three rounds?"

Before Gu Nan had time to refute, Fan Shu received a more severe accusation.

"The promotion rules of the competition are calculated based on the total score. How many points do you think you can score in the third game? It's only three hundred points at most!"

"I don't need you to worry about it. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have lost the first game!" Gu Nan, who was greatly wronged, refuted Fan Shu angrily.

"Well, from now on, I won't give you any guidance, you can do whatever you want." Fan Shu sat on the bench and ignored Gu Nan.

Fan Shu's appearance made Gu Nan somewhat at a loss. She was silent for a long time before sitting on the other side angrily.After a short period of panic, this proud girl was still more unconvinced.

As a descendant of the school, although Gu Nan has the basic advantages of a child of a family, he also has the arrogance of a child of a family.This girl who doesn't have much stage experience still has a little bit of self-righteousness.

"Even without you, I can still win the game and advance!" Thinking of Fan Shu's attitude, Gu Nan felt even more aggrieved.

With the mentality of wanting to prove himself, Gu Nan stepped onto the stage again.This time she wanted to prove to Fan Shu that she was not as vulnerable as he said.

The dance music for the second game was prepared specially for Gu Nan.

With the strong rhythm of dance music, she fully demonstrated the level of high-intensity hard training before the game, and the continuous explosion, more and more has the shadow of Fan Shu.

Sure enough, in the face of Gu Nan's powerful outburst, Miyamoto Masaichi could no longer win the opening advantage, and was at a disadvantage from the very beginning.

Such a result made Gu Nan more proud, and she was more confident to win this game. As for the physical problem, she completely ignored it.

Fan Shu off the stage looked at Gu Nan whose advantage was becoming more and more obvious, but the worry on his face became more and more serious.

As a teacher, Fan Shu knew Gu Nan very well.This girl is indeed talented, but she is weak in physical strength.If she can't use tactics reasonably, she won't be able to last three rounds at all.

At this moment, Gu Nan's desperate outburst made Fan Shu feel that in the third round, it would be great if she could score [-] points.

If the result is really like this, Gu Nan will definitely be eliminated in the first round to advance according to the total score.

"Your attitude towards Gu Nan is too gentle, which is not a good thing for her. You are a teacher, so you should be as strict as a teacher!"

Shen Lan's words echoed in Fan Shu's mind, and he couldn't help but reflect. Is it really because of his own attitude that Gu Nan is so determined to go his own way?
The way Gu Nan didn't listen to advice at all made Fan Shu really want to give up. He even thought about not paying attention to this student who didn't listen to advice.

But if Gu Nan is really eliminated because of this, Fan Shu still feels a little uncomfortable.In his view, this student's achievements should not be the case.

But what should we do now?Fan Shu already regretted giving up on Gu Nan.

Thinking of this, Fan Shu took out the notes from his body.Since he started learning choreography, he has developed the habit of carrying notes with him.

The competition on the stage has reached a fever pitch, and the audience burst into applause from time to time.Fan Shu, who was sitting on the teacher's seat, was immersed in drawing and writing.

"Already leading by 20 points, I will definitely win this round!" Looking at the score on the scorer, Gu Nan showed a bit of joy on his face.

Faced with his own suppression, the opponent has no counterattack power at all.This also made Gu Nan feel that his decision was extremely correct, and he couldn't help but relax a bit.

It was just that Gu Nan relaxed a little, allowing Miyamoto to firmly seize the opportunity, and quickly narrowed the gap to 15 points.

Seeing such a scene, Gu Nan quickly put away his relaxed attitude and accelerated the pace again.

As the saying goes, those who are obsessed with the authorities are clear to the onlookers, and many professional dancers have already seen that Miyamoto Shoichi is using clever tactics to let Gu Nan quickly consume his energy.

Gu Nan, who seems to have the upper hand, is actually completely under the control of the opponent's rhythm, so she can only maintain this advantage by constantly consuming physical strength.

Undoubtedly, Miyamoto Masaichi's grasp of rhythm is far better than Gu Nan's.This invisible rhythmic initiative is far more unsolvable than the obvious rhythmic suppression before.

In contrast, Gu Nan's shortcomings of inexperience on the stage were even more exposed. She never realized that she had been led away.

Although that oriental boy is an excellent dancer, it is a pity that he is not an excellent teacher.With this view, many pairs of eyes fell on Fan Shu.

Surprisingly, as a teacher, Fan Shu lowered his head and didn't know what he was writing.As for the competition on the stage, they are completely indifferent.

"Are you going to give up?" Miyamoto Musashi looked at Fan Shu who looked like this, with a bit of disdain on his feminine face.

The second game was about to end, and Gu Nan still maintained a 15-point lead.It's just that her dancing steps are obviously much slower.

It's not that Gu Nan has relaxed, but that her physical strength has almost been exhausted, and she has no ability to continue to explode at this moment.

Masaichi Miyamoto, who had been waiting for a long time, launched a full-strength explosion at this time, and the score gap between the two sides began to get closer and closer as the game time ended.

10 points, 8 points...

Seeing that her scores were being overtaken by her opponents, Gu Nan couldn't help becoming impatient. Regardless of the physical exertion, she chose to forcefully explode again.

It's a pity that this girl's explosive ability is poor, and coupled with her lack of physical strength, in the last coherent floor movement, the rhythm also slowed down by a beat.

The warning light for mistakes came on, and Gu Nan's personal score fell instead of rising, which made her give up her advantage even more.

how so?Because of the mistake, Gu Nan also became nervous, which once again exposed her shortcomings.

Before she had time to adjust the rhythm, she thought about counterattacking her opponent, but the result was that mistakes were added to mistakes, and the warning lights for mistakes kept blinking.

500: 579!It wasn't until the end of the game that Gu Nan really reacted, but it was too late, this time she was 79 points behind.

This is not the worst.The most serious thing was that Gu Nan obviously felt that he had no strength left.Some trembling legs made her realize clearly that she could no longer continue the game.

After dragging her heavy body down the stage, Gu Nan remembered Fan Shu's advice and realized how stupid her own willful behavior was.

"Am I really going to be eliminated?" I don't know whether it was self-blame or grievance, tears flowed from Gu Nan's eyes.

"Hurry up and memorize this set of dances, try to avoid physical exertion, maybe there is a possibility of promotion." Fan Shu's voice came from Gu Nan's side.

Hastily wiping away the tears from his face, Gu Nan saw the note handed to him, which was a set of dance scores.

This set of dance scores was made by Fan Shu during the second round of Gu Nan's competition. He hoped that through a set of dances that required less physical strength, this student could avoid being eliminated from the competition.

To make a complete set of dances in such a short period of time, and this set of dances must be in line with Gu Nan's actual situation, this kind of thing is probably only Fan Shu can do.

However, Fan Shu is not absolutely sure whether he can keep his promotion qualification through this set of dances.After all, even he did not expect that Gu Nan would make consecutive mistakes in the second round.

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