Jiang Yi swung the huntian pestle and leaped forward, throwing it at the top of the head of the big long-eared monster.

In front of the long-eared monster is the heavenly general blocking the road, and behind him are Jiang Yi, King Flying Scissors and Great Sage Heixuan who are chasing after him.

In terms of strength, I am afraid that the strength of the heavenly generals in front is even stronger.

The long-eared monster thought for a moment and made a judgment. Whether it was the heaven in front or the chasing soldiers behind him, he was no match for him!
Looking at the future Emperor of Heaven in his hand, he has no food to enjoy.

But how could the long-eared monster let the people on both sides get the future emperor so easily, he suddenly threw the future emperor at Jiang Yi.

At the same time, because of this, Jiang Yi had no choice but to withdraw the Huntian Pestle, and the long-eared monster took the opportunity to escape with a flash of light.

"Put Yuanwai Zhang down quickly! I will spare your life!"

The heavenly generals swarmed up and surrounded Jiang Yi, King Flying Shear and Great Sage Heixuan.

The leader of the sky will have a pair of white feathers and golden wings on his back, which is extremely majestic and majestic!

He yelled at Jiang Yi's three monsters!
Jiang Yi protected Zhang Youren behind him, and led Zhang Youren back, exposing King Flying Shear and Great Sage Black Spin in front.

King Flying Shear was not flustered when he saw these generals, but he knew that he was the subordinate of the future emperor, so he behaved relatively calmly.

As for the Great Sage Heixuan, he was very nervous. He had been the king and ancestor in the lower realm for these years, but it was only because the monster race in the lower realm had not lived up to expectations.

It would be different if someone came from the heavenly court. Looking at the dozen or so generals in front of him, which one is not a thousand-year-old demon?

"Brother Crazy, Brother Flying Shear, what should we do now?"

The Great Sage Heixuan asked the two demons beside him in panic, especially Jiang Yi's opinion. He could see that King Flying Shear actually listened to Jiang Yi's words.

"What can I do? I am determined to be the Emperor of Heaven in the future, and the ancestor Hongjun can't stop him!"

Jiang Yi laughed grimly, and suddenly smashed the huntian pestle in his hand at the golden-winged white feather!

"Kill them!"

Gold Winged White Feather became angry instantly, and with a spear in his hand, although he blocked the Hun Tian pestle, he was knocked back three steps by the Hun Tian pestle!
This made Jin Chi Bai Yu very angry, he snorted coldly and ordered, and all the heavenly generals shot together.

King Flying Shear panicked now, shouldn't it be Jiang Yi who revealed his identity and subdued the Great Sage Heixuan together with Tianting?
How did it become the three of them fighting against the heavenly generals.

Without the Golden Scissors, King Flying Shears is even more cunning, and his strength is greatly reduced. A single general will force him to jump up and down, let alone resist.

The Great Sage Heixuan was better, he flew up with a Xuanfeng saber, and blocked the three generals with his own strength.

And the rest of the sky will rush to Jiang Yi, but he can't do anything.

Jiang Yi took his time and hid behind Zhang Youren. Although he was besieged by several heavenly generals, the heavenly generals were afraid of hurting Zhang Youren, so they couldn't do anything to Jiang Yi for a while.


Gold Winged White Feather was furious, more than a dozen generals couldn't even do anything to the three little monsters in the lower realm!
After drinking in a low voice, the golden-winged white-feathered spear was like a dragon, and he pointed at King Flying Scissors.

King Flying Scissors was struggling to deal with a general, but suddenly he saw a long spear stabbing him with such ferocity, how could he dare to block him, so he hurriedly dodged his sharp edge.

As a result, the golden-winged white feather picked it up, and the tip of the gun suddenly turned around, piercing King Flying Scissors' lower abdomen.

King Flying Shears screamed and was captured by the Heavenly General.

On the other side, the Great Sage Heixuan was startled when he heard King Flying Shear's screams. His hands and feet, which could resist originally, slowed down a step, and were also captured by the three heavenly generals.

With only Jiang Yi left, Jin Chi Bai Yu was satisfied.

"I let the Emperor of Heaven go, but I let you go, and your two brothers!"

Gold-winged Bai Yuwei shouted.

"Hey, just rely on you shrimp soldiers and crab generals?"

Jiang Yi sneered disdainfully, and raised his hand to grab the air. The Huntian pestle that had been lifted back instantly returned to Jiang Yi's hand, and Jiang Yi raised his hand and swept it away.

A powerful shock wave swept out, instantly forcing more than a dozen generals to retreat!

"how is this possible?"

Gold Wing and White Feather was startled, he didn't expect Jiang Yi to be so strong.

And the Great Sage Heixuan was even more amazed. Could this be the strength of the descendant of the ancient demon god?I'm afraid it is no less than the power of the demon saint.

That's a demon saint!

Back then, when the demon saints in the heavenly court walked all over the place, it was not as good as a dog in the heavenly court!

But now, a demon saint is enough to dominate half of Beiju Luzhou!
"Monster saint?"

Gold Wing and White Feather's expression is solemn, they will be thousand-year-old demons these days, but if the other party is a demon saint, they will be difficult to deal with.


Jin Chi Bai Yu let out a low drink, and a dozen or so days will immediately retreat to Jin Chi Bai Yu's side and take their positions.

The Great Sage Heixuan and the King Flying Shear took the opportunity to escape to the side, staring nervously at the battle between Jiang Yi and the Heavenly General.

"Monster Formation? I'm just trying to see if my baby is powerful!"

"Flying Shear, protect the outsiders!"

Jiang Yi gently lifted Zhang Youren, and Zhang Youren instantly flew out of the encirclement and landed in front of King Flying Scissors.

King Flying Shear hurriedly protected Zhang Youren, stepped back carefully, and put some distance away from Great Sage Heixuan.

Sensing King Flying Scissors' wariness towards him, Great Sage Heixuan frowned slightly, with a bit of displeasure in his eyes, but because of Jiang Yi's bravery, he didn't dare to show it for a while.

In just a short while, Jiang Yi had already faced off against the demon formation with golden wings and white feathers.

With the blessing of the demon formation, the strength of the golden wings and white feathers is not weaker than that of the demon saint, and the spear in his hand is a sharp weapon, which is comparable to Jiang Yi's Huntian pestle.

King Flying Shears felt something strange.

Back then, he was still holding the golden scissors, and he teamed up with the Bull Head, Wolf Demon, and Snake Demon, but Jiang Yi easily killed all three of them.

If he hadn't been a future celestial general, he would have been killed by Jiang Yi too.

According to Jiang Yi's strength, it might be a bit more difficult to deal with the demon saint and demon formation, but it will definitely not be like this!

Why did Jiang Yi hold back?
Could it be to guard against the Black Spinning Great Sage at the side?

King Flying Scissors was overwhelmed with thoughts, the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out. In the end, he had a headache and could only protect Zhang Youren from accidents.

Jiang Yi slammed the pestle down again, the golden-winged and white-feathered one took a big step back, and the entire demon formation was almost broken.

Gold Wing and White Feather stared at Jiang Yi suspiciously and asked, "Who are you? How can the demon clan in the lower realm have such strength?"

"Hmph, what has this strength, it's enough to hit you!"

Jiang Yi chuckled, and swung the pestle again, several times in succession, hitting Gold Wing and White Feather with chest tightness and blood rushing.

"Split the sky!"

Jiang Yi suddenly yelled, and the Huntian pestle burst down with a powerful brilliance!


Gold Winged White Feather was smashed to the point that his hands were broken, and he spit out a mouthful of blood and flew out backwards!
The demon formation is broken!
The heavenly generals in the heavenly court saw that the main general Jin Chi Bai Yu was injured like this, how could they dare to capture Jiang Yi, and hurriedly helped Jin Chi Bai Yu, who was seriously injured and unconscious, to escape.

"Hmph, Heavenly Court is nothing more than that!"

Jiang Yi yelled to the fleeing generals, extremely arrogant!

All the generals in the Heavenly Court didn't dare to fart, and left in a hurry.

The Great Sage Heixuan was dumbfounded, while the King Flying Shear was full of doubts. What is Jiang Yi doing?

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