I can summon worlds

Chapter 19 Frozen

"Hoo~" After pushing open the stone door, Zhui took a long breath.

The weight of the stone door was much heavier than he estimated, and it took a lot of effort to push it open.

"Okay, come with me." The old orc opened his cloudy eyes, and walked into the door first with a cane.

Qin Hao and Wei Qi followed closely behind, and Niutou and Zhu came to the end naturally.

The moment he passed through the stone gate, Qin Hao only felt a sense of weightlessness and the sky spinning. When he felt down-to-earth again, he saw the back of the old orc.

What about around?It was a rolling iceberg. The temperature here was extremely low, and there was a vast expanse of white ice mist under his feet. After landing for a breath or two, Qin Hao's clothes were already covered with a thin layer of ice crystals.

Immediately afterwards, the figures of Vicky, Niutou and Zhu and others also appeared one after another.

"Transportation gate?" Qin Hao was a little surprised. The stone gate turned out to be a transmission gate. You must know that only a nine-star archmage can set up a teleportation gate, and he must be an archmage who specializes in space magic.

It is well known that orcs do not have magical talents. Beastmen are born with strong bodies and have strength no less than five-star warriors when they are adults, but they do not have any magical talents.

It is impossible for orcs to learn magic. This is the consensus of everyone in the mainland. Even mixed-race orcs with human blood have extremely poor talent in magic. It is almost impossible to even practice as a three-star magician, let alone Talk about a more advanced magician.

Therefore, this portal cannot be set by the orcs, and there is a very powerful seal attached to this portal. Without the old orc's beads and blood, it is impossible to open the portal.

The first time Qin Hao saw the Shimen, he thought it was just a portal leading to a small world, but after passing through, he realized that it was actually a portal.

"It's so cold!" Vicky couldn't help shivering. In such an environment, even with flint, her body would still feel cold.

Even the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Niutou and Zhu Zhu both wore a piece of clothing, let alone the others.

"Old patriarch, what is this place?" Qin Hao couldn't help asking.

"Did you feel it?" The old orc didn't answer Qin Hao's question, but asked Qin Hao back.

"Huh?" Qin Hao was taken aback, his brows slightly frowned.

what do you feel?What else can I feel but cold?
Suddenly, Qin Hao seemed to realize something, and immediately closed his eyes.

Sure enough, after Qin Hao closed his eyes, a ferocious dragon sat in the air, and a cold breath like a natural disaster swept down, instantly freezing Qin Hao's spirit.

"Demon dragon?" In an instant, Qin Hao opened his eyes from the shock, staring at the old orc in front of him.

The magic dragon sealed by the chain is within this space. When outside the stone gate, although the breath of the magic dragon is full of pressure, it can only be emitted through the stone statue after all.

The sense of oppression and destruction brought by the stone gate is not at the same level. It is like visiting a tiger in a zoo through glass. No matter how fierce the tiger is, it cannot cause harm to people. As long as you realize this, you will There will be no psychology of fear.

But after entering this space, it is equivalent to being in the same cage as the tiger. Even knowing that the tiger is chained, the sense of oppression and crisis is extremely frightening.

"Did you see the tallest iceberg? The dragon's body is locked there." The crutch in the old orc's hand pointed to an iceberg piercing into the sky in the distance.

"The icebergs here, the freezing of the extremely icy lake, and the bitter cold in the extreme north all come from the locked dragon." The old orc once again uttered a staggering message.

"What? How is it possible?" Vicki's eyes widened, but she realized in an instant that this was probably true.

The old orc didn't answer, but shook his head and looked at the tallest iceberg.

"The magic dragon is about to wake up, and the frozen lake means it is about to wake up, and the chains are about to fail." After a while, the old orc sighed, "The century of extreme cold is coming."

"Old patriarch, can you tell us in detail about the origin of this magic dragon? Also, what is the extremely cold world?" Qin Hao adjusted his mentality slightly and asked.

"A long time ago, we orcs were the masters of the entire continent, and our footsteps spread all over the land of this continent. At that time, we orcs were the well-deserved land overlords."

"However, until one day, a natural disaster came, and a snow disaster that covered the entire continent came. Countless orcs were frozen to death and starved to death in the ice and snow, and the orcs were almost wiped out."

"We have been searching for a long time, and finally found the source of the disaster, that is it - the abyss dragon."

"No one knows where it came from, the only thing that is known is that it is the source of all this disaster."

"Not only us orcs, other creatures are also slowly going extinct in this extreme cold. It is so powerful that no one can resist it at that time, and all creatures are silently going extinct."

"However, there is no unparalleled road. Not long after the natural disaster came, a strange strong man who had never seen before approached the last of our orcs. He said that he could help us solve the natural disaster. The price is freedom. , for survival and the continuation of the race, we have no choice."

"So there is this space and the chains that lock the dragon?" Qin Hao asked.

"Yes, this space was opened up by that strange strongman, and the chains that lock the dragon are poured with the blood of our orcs." The old orc smiled, and then squeezed out from his injured palm. A little blood dripped to the ground.

I saw that the blood not only did not freeze in such a cold environment, but instead turned into a red light and melted into the ice surface, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

"This entire space is part of the seal that seals the dragon, but after so many years, the power of this seal has long been exhausted, and the dragon will escape sooner or later." The old orc shook his head. As I said in the past, when the extremely icy lake freezes that day, it means that the seal will not be able to hold on."

"And the blood of our orcs is the only thing that can strengthen this seal in a short time."


"Mission: The Fragment of Truth has been completed! Rewards are being distributed!"

"Huh? Such a simple task is completed?" Qin Hao was a little dazed. Is this task so simple?Just listen to a story?

He thought he was going to collect clues like a script killing, and then deduce the truth, but that's the end?

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