The turntable in Qin Hao's Sea of ​​Consciousness is very large, and it is covered by hundreds of white fog clusters, and each fog cluster is a world.

At the beginning, Qin Hao only looked at the worlds on the turntable during the lottery draw, so Qin Hao basically didn't understand what worlds many fog groups represented.

However, Qin Hao hasn't received any missions for a while, so he will observe the fog on the roulette from time to time.

After observing for a period of time, Qin Hao also discovered some characteristics. First of all, although these fog clusters are all on the turntable, a small part of the fog clusters are gray.

In other words, it is impossible for these dance troupes to be drawn. Qin Hao doesn't know the reason, but with the increase in the number of lottery draws and his strength, he will definitely know the reason.

Secondly, the fog clusters on the turntable also vary in size. A world with a higher force ceiling represents smaller fog clusters and a lower probability of being drawn.

This is in line with the design of all lottery systems. The stronger things are, the harder it is to get them. It's normal. The only thing that makes Qin Hao feel uncomfortable is that there is no krypton gold system in this lottery system.

"Hey, the lottery system doesn't even give krypton gold, so draw some wool." Qin Hao couldn't help cursing after seeing his pitifully few chances to draw a lottery.

And the last point, after one of the worlds is drawn by Qin Hao, the fog representing this world will shrink by one point, which means that the possibility of Qin Hao drawing this world again will decrease.

"Do you want to use up the lottery this time? Or save a big one?" Qin Hao was a little confused. He didn't think he was the Emperor of Europe, and he never believed in miracles. Anyway, so far, Qin Hao Hao hasn't tried the so-called single-draw miracle yet.

Before time travel, Qin Hao also played card games. Every time he draws a lottery, it is often not very good to draw a single card, but if he accumulates a lot of big cards and then draws, he can usually draw quite good cards.

So after getting this lottery system, Qin Hao has been thinking about saving a lot of money, hoping to draw something good.

But things backfired, every time something happened that forced Qin Hao to use up the only lucky draw chances, so Qin Hao's wish to save lucky draw chances has never had a chance to come true.

"Oh~ forget it, smoke it." Finally, Qin Hao couldn't help but sighed.

Now is the most dangerous time in the Northland, where is there still time to slowly accumulate opportunities for the lottery draw? If he can get a 10-minute experience card, it is already a great main force.

After the previous lottery draws, Qin Hao also summed up some lottery draw experience. Galio's strength is about eight stars, and the experience time after the draw is 10 minutes.

Tazmi's strength is five-star, and it can burst out to six-star strength in a short burst, so Tazmi's has no time limit, but there is a limit on the number of times he can be summoned.

At present, the strongest player Qin Hao has drawn is the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato. He should have quasi-nine-star strength, and with the extremely powerful Flying Thunder God, even the nine-star strong may not be his opponent, so his experience time Only 10 minutes.

The stronger the summoner, the shorter the time to experience it. If the drawn character is comparable to Qin Hao's strength, or only exceeds one level, it may exist forever.

"Do you want to draw a lottery?" The system prompted.

"Yes." Qin Hao said silently in his heart.

The pointer spins rapidly on the turntable again.

This time, Qin Hao calmed down a lot. He had already used the chance of the last lottery draw, and he also drew a strong player comparable to nine-star strength, but he only had 10 minutes to experience it.

So, even if he didn't get a strong one this time, he didn't really care that much. Of course, it would be best if he could get a nine-star strong one.

"Ding!" Amidst his thoughts, after the lottery draw was over, Qin Hao looked up at the mist pointed by the roulette pointer.

In the mist, there is a world full of yellow sand, a crescent moon hangs in the dark sky, under the moonlight is a thin man with a pair of demon wings, and a round hole in the man's chest. Transparent hole.

Although there was a hole the size of a fist in the man's chest, the man was alive and there was no sign of injury at all. The most important thing was that there was a white helmet-like thing with only half of one side on the man's head.

"Reaper, Ulquiorra?" Qin Hao was stunned for a moment, a little surprised that he got into the world of Reaper.

The dance troupe representing the world of the god of death is considered very small in the fog group above, but it was unexpectedly drawn.

"Reaper's world has been selected, and characters from the Reaper's universe will be randomly selected. Do you want to start the drawing?" The system's prompt sounded again.

"Yes!" The moment Qin Hao saw the world of death, Qin Hao's originally calm mood suddenly became excited.

In hundreds of worlds, the world of Reaper is quite powerful. If you pick out any captain at random, they all have nine-star strength, and Qin Hao is now a one-star sorcerer apprentice. Maybe he can get a nine-star powerhouse. Time to extend the experience time a little bit.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing—Da Xu. Do you want to summon it immediately?"

"Daxu?" Qin Hao was stunned again, this time not because he got Daxu, but because what he got was not an experience card, but a real Daxu, the one with no expiry date .

Although Daxu is not a particularly powerful existence in the world of the god of death, strictly speaking, he also has the combat effectiveness of the vice-captain level. In this world, he is also an eight-star powerhouse.

And because Xu Shan possesses extremely powerful destructive power, in terms of destructive power alone, Da Xu's destructive power is no less than that of Jiuxing.

Qin Hao didn't think that his little one-star sorcerer apprentice could summon a complete and unrestricted eight-star powerhouse.

Consciousness sank, Qin Hao quickly found Daxu who had been temporarily stored by the system.

The things Qin Hao draws through the system, unless they have already been used, exist in the space of the system. When you want to use them, you can use them as soon as you think about them. It is very convenient, but this is limited to storing things summoned through the system. Things cannot be put into the system.

Because this big head is not an experience card, but a real big head, so it is different from other experience cards drawn, just such a big head tens of meters high stands firmly in place .

With a height of nearly 1.8 meters, Qin Hao looked very small standing under the feet of Daxu. Before he got close, Qin Hao felt an extremely strong spiritual pressure from Daxu, pressing hard on him like a mountain. .

"Name: Daxu; From: Death World; State: Chaos (out of control)." When looking at Daxu, a prompt from the system appeared in Qin Hao's eyes.

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