Soon, Qin Hao's question was answered.

A small group of black bugs appeared in Qin Hao's perception. These bugs are exactly the kind of black bugs that are one of the three evils in the elven ruins.

Qin Hao escaped from a larger swarm of insects not long ago, and he is deeply impressed by these little guys.

The scale of this swarm is not large, and there are only a hundred or so in total. Compared with the swarms Qin Hao encountered before, it is nothing.

The speed of the insect swarm was very fast, they didn't move forward in a straight line, but moved in a winding direction towards the abyss.

I don't know if these bugs have special sensory organs, they can always predict the location of space cracks in advance, and easily bypass all the places where space cracks appear.

After a while, the group of bugs flying out of the forest became tired, and led by a bigger bug, they landed on a bush.

Then the little bugs landed on the bushes.

At the beginning, nothing happened between the bushes and the worms. The black worms stood quietly on the bushes, and the bushes didn’t move at all, just like other ordinary bushes.

Many black bugs even stood directly on the spikes of the bushes, and some even crawled directly to the place where the spikes were stained with blood, as if they were licking the blood on them.

However, before the question marks appeared in Qin Hao's mind, the changes rose sharply.

I saw countless sharp thorns growing from the harmless bush that was originally harmless to humans and animals, directly piercing all the insects standing on the bush, only the slightly larger insect that fell at the beginning survived.

The reason why it was able to survive was partly because it happened to be the topmost leaf of the shrub, although the entire shrub had spikes popping out in an instant, including the leaves.

But the spikes on the leaves are relatively shorter, and the bugs that are the core of the swarm are also more vigilant, so they dodge the spikes the moment they emerge.

Except for this one bug, the other bugs didn't have such good luck. The spikes emerging from the bushes directly pierced into the bug's body from the weak joints of their carapace.

Most of the bugs did not die immediately, but struggled to escape from the spikes.

However, no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't break free from the spikes. Instead, they died within a short period of time and gradually turned into small insect specimens.

As for the big bug that had just narrowly escaped death, although it escaped the first wave of attacks from the bushes, it still couldn't escape.

Just when the bug was in shock and was about to speed up and escape, a small tree root that had almost turned black suddenly sprang out from the ground like lightning, directly entangled the bug that was still flying in mid-air, and then dragged it into the ground. underground.

The whole process lasts less than two seconds.

"Hiss~" Seeing this scene, Qin Hao couldn't help but gasped.

These bushes are far more dangerous than he imagined, and they seem to be conscious, able to judge prey and respond in the shortest time.

Moreover, those spikes were obviously poisonous, and those little bugs completely lost the ability to resist in a short period of time after being pierced.

The only uncertainty is whether the poison on the spikes is fatal.

However, judging from the reactions of those bugs, the poison on these spikes is most likely highly poisonous, and there may be something secreted from them that can digest bugs.

In addition to these spikes, the roots hidden under the bushes are the biggest threat. It only takes a few tenths of a second for the entire process from ejecting from the roots to dragging the bugs into the ground.

At this speed, even the quick-responsive bugs were pulled into the ground without reacting.

Although Qin Hao's perception is strong, he is not absolutely sure that he can avoid this kind of attack. If the roots of these trees are also highly poisonous, it is almost impossible for him to cross this area full of shrubs.

"It seems that we can only call a helper."

Qin Hao pondered for a while, then opened a light door directly in front of him.

Then, a green branch protruded from the light gate.

"Evergreen, I need you to grow your roots in that direction, and help me find out what is behind the space crack."

Qin Hao said to the branch.

Hearing Qin Hao's words, he went back directly behind the light gate, and after a while, a huge figure appeared behind the light gate.

Immediately afterwards, the light gate instantly magnified several times, turning into a huge light gate.

"Boom!" Accompanied by a dull sound, Evergreen's huge figure stepped out from the light gate, and with just a light step, the ground shook.

Evergreen's body is huge, and its height alone has reached nearly 20 meters. This is the height after he compressed his body shape as much as possible.

If it is in the complete form of the evergreen tree, the height should be at least [-] meters, but because there are space cracks that appear and disappear everywhere, if it appears in its full form, it will inevitably be divided into an unknown number of parts by these cracks in the space. .

It is precisely because of such a huge body shape that the evergreen tree basically does not appear in its own body during battle.

Although Changqingshu's body is huge, his strength is actually only six-star peak, and he is not good at fighting. Standing up in battle will only become a target, so every time he fights, he only passes through the goalkeeper of space. His branches reach out to offer some help.

But this time is different, if the body cannot descend, his root system will not be able to grow that far, so he can only come out of the body.

"it is good!"

Evergreen's voice was very dull, like the sound of a bellows being pulled.

After hearing Qin Hao's words, his legs took root directly on the ground, and the huge root system quickly grew underground. After a while, the evergreen tree completed the rooting process.

At the same time, Qin Hao's palm also lightly pressed on the trunk of the evergreen tree, connecting his spiritual power with the evergreen tree's spiritual consciousness sea, so that he can share what the evergreen tree perceives up.

In an instant, the spiritual connection between Qin Hao and Evergreen was completed. Through spiritual perception, the picture that appeared in Qin Hao's mind was pitch black, but through perception, he could also feel something around him.

In addition to the rocks and soil, there is also a very large and complicated root system, that is, the root system of those shrubs. It is hard to imagine that there is a shrub that is less than one meter high on the ground, and there is a shrub that is less than one meter deep underground. The huge root system of rice.

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