I can summon worlds

Chapter 530 Demon Dragon Clone

In fact, the ability to do this depends on the incomparable vitality of the evergreen tree.

Don't look at Qin Hao just integrating his spiritual avatar into the roots of the evergreen tree. In fact, it is the fusion of Qin Hao's spiritual power and the vitality of the evergreen tree to achieve this step.

Moreover, Qin Hao's small wooden root avatar not only possesses the spiritual power of Qin Hao in his heyday, but also has the vitality no less than that of a seven-star warrior.

In other words, the vitality of the evergreen tree is strong enough to consume such vitality. Ordinary creatures, let alone six-stars, even seven-stars are unlikely to create a clone with seven-stars vitality.

Qin Hao moved this Mugen's body a bit, and he was not used to it at the beginning. After all, this is not his own body, let alone a living body, so it is inevitable that he will be a little sluggish in controlling it.

Fortunately, Qin Hao's mental power is very strong, and the ability to learn and adapt is directly proportional to his mental power, so it didn't take Qin Hao much time to fully familiarize himself with this wooden root avatar.

After Qin Hao is fully familiar with this body, the strength he can display by relying on this body is actually no less than his regular combat power.

From the perspective of vitality, the physical quality and vitality of Mu Gen's avatar are actually higher than Qin Hao's body, so strictly speaking, the combat effectiveness of this body is not much worse than Qin Hao's body.

The only thing that can't compare is probably the recovery speed of mental power, and the various equipment in Qin Hao's system space.

Even the spirit pearl in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, Qin Hao actually stuffed one in this wooden root avatar.

Although the mental power recovery speed of the Mugen avatar is far slower than that of the main body, it is superior in that it has strong vitality, so that when using the spirit orb, it can consume the remaining vitality at the same time after draining all of its spiritual power.

In this way, the power that erupts in that instant may even exceed Qin Hao's body using the spirit beads. Of course, once this is done, the spirit beads left by Qin Hao in the avatar will completely exhaust all the power, which is not a big loss.

After getting ready, Qin Hao once again put a windshield shield on his wooden root avatar, keeping the roots of the evergreen tree far away, and jumped directly into the deep well.

As soon as he entered the deep well, Qin Hao felt an extremely strong aura of a dragon blowing towards his face, and his wooden avatar instantly became a layer of faint black.

At the same time, Qin Hao's spirit was also shaken, as if someone had poured cold water on his face in the winter, and his mind instantly cleared up a lot.

Qin Hao cheered up quickly. In addition to continuously increasing the output of mental power to maintain the protection of the wind, Qin Hao also released his perception to investigate the source of the dragon's breath.

Because if it was just the aftermath of the battle, then the breath of the magic dragon would only be scattered all over the battlefield, instead of continuously gushing out of a well like it is now.

This shows that there must be a root that continues to emit the dragon's breath, such as a part of the dragon's body, weapons used by the dragon, and so on.

When standing at the mouth of the well and looking down, the well was almost bottomless, but when Qin Hao jumped down from the mouth of the well, he found that the well was not as deep as he imagined.

As soon as he entered the well, Qin Hao felt the scene around him changing rapidly, as if what he had entered was not a well, but a kaleidoscope world.

Just when Qin Hao was still remembering and perceiving the changes in the surrounding scenes, all the bizarre scenes disappeared immediately, and what appeared in front of Qin Hao was an extremely strong aura of a dragon, which was so strong that his vision was blocked , like a thick fog.

If you rely on your eyes alone, you can't see what's around you. The visible range is less than two meters away.

Qin Hao frowned slightly, and at the same time released his perception.

However, under the suppression of the dragon's breath, his perception can only perceive things within a range of less than 100 meters.

However, compared to the distance of visibility of less than two meters, the mental perception can at least perceive things within a range of 100 meters, which is quite good.

Behind Qin Hao was the same deep well. Although Qin Hao didn't feel a thing and stood on the edge of the well when he came out, Qin Hao was sure that as long as he entered this well again, he would be able to return to the chaotic space just now.

After entering here, in addition to the strong breath of the magic dragon, there is also a faint sense of crisis hanging over Qin Hao's heart, but because of the limitation of perception distance, Qin Hao can't find anything unusual .

Although he could only perceive a distance of 100 meters, Qin Hao still easily found the source of the dragon's aura.

Going along the source of the dragon's breath, the breath of the magic dragon became more and more intense. Qin Hao could clearly feel that the surrounding cold air was eroding his wooden root body at an extremely fast speed. , Qin Hao's wooden root avatar was about to be completely eroded and turned into a servant of the magic dragon.

Suddenly, Qin Hao, who was walking slowly, paused.

He had already sensed the source of the abyssal dragon's aura, but when he saw the source of the abyssal dragon's aura through his perception, he was shocked, and he stayed where he was.


"The side challenge task is triggered - the wrath of the dragon; defeat the clone of the abyss dragon; task reward: lucky draw chance * 5, points reward * 100000."

"In view of the high difficulty of this branch task, if the host completes the challenge, the reward will be increased by 50.00% on the original basis."

Just as Qin Hao stopped, the system's prompt sounded in his mind.

"It turned out to be the avatar of the abyssal dragon. I was shocked!" After hearing the prompt sound from the system, Qin Hao's originally tense heartstrings loosened a lot.

Just now, an extremely huge black dragon head appeared in Qin Hao's perception, and it was the head of the familiar abyss dragon. He is going to directly stimulate the spirit beads in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

Fortunately, this is just the clone of the abyss dragon, not his body, and at this time, the clone of the dragon is sleeping, with his eyes closed, and even Qin Hao is 100 meters away from it. find.

However, even though this is just the clone of the Abyss Demon Dragon, the aura emanating from it is not weak at all, and has reached the nine-star level.

Even standing at a distance of 100 meters, Qin Hao can still feel the extremely strong sense of oppression brought by the nine-star powerhouse. Coupled with the huge body shape of the magic dragon avatar, this sense of oppression is even more linear. The younger ones would probably be scared to pee directly.

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