The root cause is that this battle was not out of their original intention, and if it wasn't for the order of the Four Heavenly Kings, they probably wouldn't have traveled all the way here.

It is also because of this that Li Jiang was given a chance, a chance for them to cast a trap.

When a person doesn't want to do something, he will find thousands of reasons.

And Li Jiang, precisely in these short few days, quietly planted psychological hints for them, not by any special means, but just some things that were occasionally mentioned when they got together, just Plant a seed.

And the thunder sea that was created with the force of thunder before is the nutrient that activates that seed, thus making this group of guys, even though they have a lot of strength, but they are unable to exert it due to various reasons.

It's a pity... alas.

Li Jiang sighed inwardly. Although it was impossible to stop them from attacking, the speed at which these guys broke free was far beyond his expectation.

Especially after the Goat Beastmaster's words, Dang even broke free. Obviously, this Goat Beastmaster is by no means simple, at least... definitely not as simple as he showed!
The beast kings in the distance roared up to the sky. The group of monsters who were rushing forward, regardless of the loss, stopped their movements at this moment, and then gave way to several beast kings in a very tacit understanding. into the sea of ​​thunder.

The Beastmaster is indeed worthy of being the Beastmaster. For ordinary monsters, one hit kills them. Even Lei Hai, whose corpse cannot be found, for Beastmasters, under the raging thunder, they never left any traces on their bodies. trace.

"Human race! You are dead!"

The beast kings roared and rushed towards Li Jiang. How could they not realize at this moment that they were played by Li Jiang, by a weak human race that they have always looked down upon!

It seems that this time it has to be serious.

Li Jiang looked at the ten beast kings rushing towards him, half of them were in the middle stage of Xuanxian, and the remaining five were in the late stage of Xuanxian.

The hand holding the Xuanlei Sword tightened, Li Jiang stepped on his foot, and the next moment he appeared in the sea of ​​thunder.


The sword light flashed, and the sword fell down. Xuanxian, who was rushing to the end, had no power to resist under the huge strength gap. The following is useless.

Blood gushed out, and the corpse was covered by the sea of ​​thunder almost instantly.

"'s not a little bit strong."

Feeling that the middle-stage Xuanxian beast king was easily killed by him, although there was a big gap between the two sides, Li Jiang could detect it, and it was much easier for him to face such an opponent than before.

What a great speed!

The pupils of the group of beast kings suddenly shrank, this speed is a bit mysterious, when did the Xuanxian Dzogchen of the human race have such a speed?This son, not only has many magic tools and extraordinary power, but even his own cultivation is extremely extraordinary!

"Let the old man come!"

A three-legged toad beast king that showed its prototype stood on one foot, walking on thunder, with its abdomen protruding high, as if there was a special force gathering in it.

Looking at the toad's high swollen abdomen, and the small hole on the back with a trace of dark black venom flowing continuously, it fully explained what kind of scene the opponent's next move will be.


The Toad Beastmaster opened his mouth and spewed out a large amount of ink-colored liquid, which rose to the highest point and exploded, falling like raindrops towards the surroundings.

Even Lei Ting was completely corroded under this venom, exposing the pitch-black earth.

Along with the venom, there was also a stench, and when it was blown by the wind, even if it was just a smell, countless monsters fell to the ground and died of exhaustion.

"Damn it, this bastard actually used such a large-scale attack directly!"

A group of Beastmasters who left the battlefield one after another looked at the Toad Beastmaster who was sprinkling venom and gas to his heart's content, his eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

What the hell, it’s a good thing that you didn’t bring the elite of the clan this time, otherwise, I’m afraid there will be a big problem. With the cultivation of the toad beast king, even ordinary Xuanxian would not dare to use this kind of poisonous gas and poison. Resisting stubbornly, not to mention those monsters that can't even reach Xuanxian, let alone touching them, even if they smell the poisonous gas, they will definitely die.

"I don't know what happened to the human race?"

Everyone looked at the place that was shrouded in poisonous gas. Now Li Jiang was shrouded in poisonous gas. Even for them, it was difficult for them to see clearly the situation inside.

"It's a bit tricky."

Li Jiang inadvertently took a breath of poisonous gas, and found that the poison could actually slow down the movement of spiritual power in his body, and immediately turned his external breath into internal breath, and at the same time, his whole body turned into a layer of spiritual power as a protective barrier to isolate him from the outside world. open.

The venom that fell like raindrops hit Li Jiang, landed on the protective barrier, and made a sizzling sound, trying to corrode the barrier.

However, the barrier is formed by Li Jiang's own spiritual power. Unless Li Jiang's spiritual power is exhausted and he can no longer maintain it, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to be corroded by mere venom.

But if it goes on like this, I'm afraid it's not good.

Li Jiang knew very well that his enemy was not just the Toad Beastmaster, but also the other eleven Beastmasters were staring at him, ready to take his own life at any time.

The reason why they don't make a move now is probably because they want the Toad Beastmaster to take the lead.

Let him try his own level first...

Li Jiang walked through the poisonous gas and poisonous rain at a leisurely pace. If he went out rashly, he might be hit head-on. Instead, he planned to take advantage of the poisonous gas to find a way to deal with the toad beast king.

If at the critical moment of the battle with the Beastmaster, the Toad Beastmaster hit him, even if he couldn't die, he would still have to give some of his strength to suppress the toxins in his body.

After thinking for a while, Li Jiang stepped on his feet, his body flickered in the poisonous gas one after another, braved the poisonous gas and rain, and came to the side of the toad beast king.

Just when Li Jiang was about to make a move, a blast of scorching heat came straight to Li Jiang'er through the obstacles of poisonous gas.


Looking at the transparent liquid, even if he hadn't touched it directly, Li Jiang was aware of the terrifying high temperature contained in it. If he came into contact with it unpreparedly, it would definitely be hard for him.

Just as he was about to dodge, a blue ray of light shot from behind, breaking through the barriers of poisonous gas and attacking Li Jiang.

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