However, before he finished speaking, Emperor Zhenwu slapped Chen Nuo on the head with his palm.

If it was other gods, if they were hit by Emperor Zhenwu's palm, even the primordial spirit would be scattered.

But Chen Nuo, after being slapped in the face, still stood firm as a mountain, with a disdainful smile on his face.

When Emperor Zhenwu was in a daze, Chen Nuo asked casually:
"Is the fight over? If it's over, it's my turn to make a move."

As he spoke, Chen Nuo casually took out his plantain fan.

With the appearance of the plantain fan, the gods in the audience were in an uproar.

Even Emperor Zhenwu was completely paralyzed.

He thought to himself that he had endured it for so many years, but he didn't want to be cheated by Lao Jun, a seemingly amiable old bastard.

If he knew that Chen Nuo was Laojun, why did he come here today to mess around?
It's all right now, not to mention the opponent's strength is so strong, and Laojun's precious blessing.

How is this still playing?
There is no way to play at all.

Just when Chen Nuo was about to blow Emperor Zhenwu away, Emperor Zhenwu suddenly stretched out his hand,
"and many more."

Chen Nuo stopped what he was doing and asked:
"Wait for what?"

Emperor Zhenwu gritted his teeth and asked:

"How did you get your plantain fan?"

Chen Nuo smirked and said:
"Given by the old gentleman."

Hearing these words, Emperor Zhenwu gradually came to his senses.

In his view, all of this is Laojun's conspiracy.

Obviously, Laojun wanted to use Chen Nuo to get rid of him completely.

Only in this way can Laojun firmly hold all the power in the heavens in his own hands.

Emperor Zhenwu thought of this, and when he was about to ask again, Chen Nuo decided to take the Jade Emperor down sooner, and with a slap of the fan, Emperor Zhenwu flew out for a hundred and eight thousand miles.

All the gods present were dumbfounded.

They stared blankly at the empty doorway for a long time before someone asked in a low voice:

"what happened?"

"What else could be going on? Emperor Zhenwu was blown away."

"No way? Is our God of War in the north so vulnerable?"

"'s over, it's over."

The gods lamented one after another, and the Jade Emperor felt like a treasure.

Although he already knew that Chen Nuo was very strong, he never thought that this kid was already so strong.

The patriarch of the heavenly court, the majestic Zhenwu Emperor, was so vulnerable under Chen Nuo's hands.

If such a person becomes his son-in-law, he will never have any worries in the position of Jade Emperor.

However, thinking of Chen Nuo's expression of resistance just now, the Jade Emperor knew that Chen Nuo must have something to belong to in the mortal world.

Besides, Chen Nuo abducted Chang'e to the mortal world some time ago, and Chang'e has not returned yet.

Maybe, the relationship between these two people has been sublimated.

It just so happened that I took the opportunity to go down to earth this time to inquire about the specific situation.

Let's see how many beloved women Chen Nuo has in the mortal world.

At that time, if possible, he would go to say hello to Yuelao, and ask Yuelao to cut the red rope first, and then tie the red ropes of Chen Nuo and his own daughters together.

While thinking about it in his mind, the Jade Emperor turned around and said with a smile to the gods present:
"My dear friends, Chen Nuo has already competed with Emperor Zhenwu just now. If there is anyone who is not convinced, why not fight Chen Nuo together today. If there is no one, then I will go down to earth with Chen Nuo now. Inspect and inspect the work in the mortal world. As for matters related to the heavenly court, the four princes can handle it on behalf of the widow."

Under the obedient consent of the immortals, the Jade Emperor winked at the Queen Mother, who immediately reacted.

It is said that when Chen Nuo took the Jade Emperor to the mortal world, Ksitigarbha had been imprisoned in the mental hospital for four full days.

During these four days, after detailed investigations, the police still failed to find out the true identity of the crazy monk from the large database.

This morning, when the police were about to go to the mental hospital again to check the real identity of Ksitigarbha, they did not expect that Chen Nuo, who had just returned to the mortal world and learned that Ksitigarbha had been arrested by the police, rushed to the place with Jade Emperor. police station.

Wearing a Chinese tunic suit, the Jade Emperor turned into a mortal and followed Chen Nuo.

When the two of them entered the police station compound, Jade Emperor followed Chen Nuo blushing and asked in a low voice:

"Aiqing, is this mortal world so unrestrained nowadays? Why do most of the women not even wear pants when we come all the way?"

Chen Nuo was not in the mood to explain this to the Jade Emperor.

He said casually:

"Your Majesty, don't ask so many questions. I have two things to discuss with you first. The first thing is what I said when I came here. For the time being, you just don't talk about it and pretend to be dumb. The second thing is Two things, you can't show your divine power when you encounter anything, now that the world is advanced in science and technology, I'm afraid that after you show your own strength, it may cause people to panic and cause disasters."

The Jade Emperor nodded quickly, besides, how could he care about messy things now.

The beauties in the world have already dazzled him and made his mind flutter.

Taking the Jade Emperor with him, Chen Nuo went straight to the door of Deputy Director Wang Gang's office.

After knocking on the door, after a while, Xiao Hu opened the door from the inside.

After seeing Chen Nuo, Officer Hu hurriedly shook hands and said hello.
"Brother Chen, you are here. During this period of time, we happened to have a case and wanted to check with you, but you have not been here. By the way, who is this gentleman?"

Facing Xiao Hu's inquiry, Chen Nuo smiled and said:
"You can call him Big Brother Di. Is Director Wang there?"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Gang got up and came to the door.

He cordially took Chen Nuo's hand, and after inviting Chen Nuo in from his office, Wang Gang said with a smile all over his face:
"Brother, you are here. I received the following report that they arrested a crazy monk four days ago, but when they checked the other party's identity, they found that the other party had no identity information. No, in order to avoid the wrong arrest People, I am preparing to lead a team to conduct a new inspection today. Since you are here, brother, you just tell us who this monk is."

Upon hearing this, Chen Nuo hurriedly asked Mr. Wang:

"Director Wang, tell me where this monk is now?"

"We are Qionghai Mental Hospital."

Chen Nuo was dumbfounded.

Do you think these goods are dead?

Arresting Ksitigarbha to a mental hospital, isn't he afraid that Ksitigarbha will go crazy and take them all away?
Surprise is nothing but surprise, but the most important thing right now is to save his sister quickly.

Now that the Jade Emperor has been invited by himself, there is no need for the Ksitigarbha King to act.

So, after the other party finished speaking, Chen Nuo hurriedly said to Director Wang:

"Director Wang, I would like to trouble you to take me to him now. I asked him to come here to save lives."

Director Wang showed embarrassment.

Even though he believed everything Chen Nuo said.

But doing anything in the world requires rules and procedures.

If this person is released before the true identity of the King of Tibet is verified, it will be a little troublesome if something goes wrong.

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