After leaving home, Chen Nuo rode a tricycle towards the company.

When Chen Nuo delivered the courier yesterday, Chen Nuo encountered the ghost of Lou Nuo.

It was also because of the appearance of Lou Nuo that Chen Nuo was blessed by the system.

And also got rewards.

Although Chen Nuo was very happy and satisfied when he received the reward.

But at this time, he still hoped in his heart that he would never meet Lou Nu, let alone other ghosts.

After arriving at the company and getting the goods he needed to deliver, Chen Nuo left the company on a tricycle and started delivering the courier.

For every courier, Chen Nuo will look at the name on it very carefully.

After confirming that there is no problem, he will dial the other party's phone.

In the past, when there were not so many things, Chen Nuo could send out hundreds of things in one morning.

But now there are not fifty in the morning.

At noon, Chen Nuo didn't take a break after eating, so he went directly to deliver the courier.

Since the delivery is slow, the delivery time should be longer.

But while delivering the courier, suddenly a black shadow appeared not far away, and the black shadow flashed past.

It was very fast, but it was still detected by Chen Nuo.

Chen Nuo didn't dare to continue walking in the direction of the shadow, so he changed a road and continued to deliver.

But wherever he went, the shadow followed him.

Chen Nuo felt a little apprehensive, couldn't it be that Lingyi was after him?
But think back to when the ghost came out before, the system would give Chen Nuo the ghost card in advance.

Now this system has not issued a card, could it be that the system is stuck?

"System, system, give me the card quickly, a ghost has appeared." Chen Nuo shouted anxiously.

But after waiting for two or three minutes, the system did not answer, and no card appeared in my mind.

This made Chen Nuo a little bit unbearable. At this critical time, your shit system is fine, so you ran to be lazy.

If anything happens to me today, I will drag you to my back.

Now that the system doesn't work, he can only fend for himself.

Riding three rounds, Chen Nuo rushed towards the main road.

As long as it can reach the main road, this thing will definitely not catch up.

With this thought in mind, Chen Nuo speeded up.

When he reached the main road, he turned his head and looked in four directions, front, back, left, and right, but he did not see the black shadow again.

It seems that Chen Nuo has no choice but to continue to deliver in this kind of alley, and can only switch to the road for delivery.

With this in mind, Chen Nuo rode directly to the company on three rounds.

The intersection in front of the company.

Seeing that the company was close at hand, Chen Nuo was sure that there would be no danger, so he relaxed.

But at this time, a car on the opposite side stepped up the accelerator and came.

Chen Nuo wanted to escape on three wheels, but there were cars on the left and right, and there was no way to avoid it.

In desperation, Chen Nuo jumped down directly, but his speed was too slow, the car hit him as soon as he got off the third wheel.

Chen Nuo was hit and flew tens of meters away. After landing, Chen Nuo glanced at the driver of the car.

Before seeing the driver, he saw a black shadow floating out of the cab.

After the black shadow showed its true colors, Chen Nuo's face was full of surprise.

Because it was not other ghosts that caused him to have this car accident, but a starving ghost.

After seeing this, Chen Nuo fell into a coma, and his whole body gradually became cold.

He didn't know how long it had been, but when Chen Nuo heard someone calling his name, he immediately opened his eyes.

There is nothing in front of my eyes, there is nothing, as if I am in a white space.

"Chen Nuo, it's time to hit the road with us." At this moment, a voice came from the end of the bed.

Chen Nuo raised his head and looked towards the end of the bed, where there were two half-human, half-demon things standing there.

A human body with a bull head and a human body with a horse face.

"Hey, are you cosplaying? What kind of event, why are you still playing this thing?"

"The bull's head and horse's face, it's scary." Chen Nuo got off the bed with a smile, walked towards the two and wanted to take off their masks.

"I know, I know, it must be Lao He and Lao Li, right?"

"Can you guys be a little bit interesting? How old are you, it's childish to still play this." After speaking, Chen Nuo began to look for an exit to leave here.

But after searching for a long time, he didn't find anything.

This made him a little puzzled, how could he not find an exit when it was so good?

After standing still and thinking for a few minutes, Chen Nuo returned to the side of the bull-headed horse: "Aren't you two tired? There is such a heavy thing on your head."

"You are not tall in the first place. If you continue to be pressed down, you will shrink. Hurry up and take it off."

At this time, Chen Nuo hadn't realized that the two standing in front of him were bull-headed and horse-faced.

"Bold, how dare you disrespect the two of us."

"Ma Mian, I think we should teach him some lessons before taking him down." Niutou shouted angrily.

"Okay." Ma Mian agreed without hesitation.

"Old He, Old Li, you can think clearly, I am tall and big, if you come to fight me, will it be beneficial?"

"Forget it, forget it." Chen Nuo waved his hand in response.

As soon as these words came out, the bull heads and horses looked at each other, shouted, and with an extra chain in their hands, they directly hit Chen Nuo.

When Chen Nuo saw the iron chains in their hands, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

This is really a knife stab in the ass, open your eyes.

Can these two even do magic tricks?Why didn't you find out before?
Chen Nuo didn't want to fight with the two of them, and kept dodging.

But after dodging for a long time, he found that the two seemed to be for real.

"Let me tell you, if I really do something, I won't be merciless, you guys have figured it out." Chen Nuo told the two of them.

The bull head and horse face did not say a word, and attacked Chen Nuo again.

Seeing this, Chen Nuo didn't dodge any more, and started to fight back at the two of them.

I don't know if I don't fight, Chen Nuo found out after this dozen, the two in front of me are not Lao He and Lao Li at all.

"Who are you guys?" Chen Nuo asked after the two sides opened up some distance.

"Who are we? We are bull-headed and horse-faced, you are dead, come with us."

"Come with us to the underworld." Niutou said seriously.

"If you resist again, then don't blame our brothers for not giving you a chance, so that you can't reincarnate and start a new life." Ma Mian also threatened Chen Nuo.

Hearing this, Chen Nuo showed a surprised expression on his face, bull head and horse face?
Isn't this the character in the myth TV series?

Why do they really exist?

He even met him, isn't it amazing?
But now is not the time to be surprised, the most important thing now is how Chen Nuo will leave the two of them.

He was killed by the starving ghost. He didn't know if the starving ghost would go to Chen Le.

Chen Lele was alone at home, if the starving ghost went, Chen Lele would definitely not be able to escape.

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