Something went wrong?

Chen Nuo took a closer look and found a talisman hanging in the hall.

But it was all a deceitful trick, and the yin and yang eyes were opened.

It was found that something was wrong with this hotel, there was a special aura everywhere, this kind of aura had been seen by Chen Nuo in the ghost world.

The ghostly aura of the underworld.

"It seems that your place is haunted by ghosts, but you invited a great fairy, right?"

The salesperson was taken aback, how did this person know?
"That veteran is in danger!"

After Chen Nuo finished speaking, he entered, but the waiter couldn't stop him.

"How many floors?"

Chen Nuo asked.

The waiter pointed to the upstairs and said, "The third floor."

So Chen Nuo ran to the third floor, and when he entered, he saw a very funny scene.

In front of the old Taoist, there was a cloud of black air, and there was a woman in the black air, baring her fangs.

"Well, you little old man, how dare you provoke me, your aunt!"

After all, a mouthful of black smoke was spit on the face of the old Taoist. The old Taoist has never caught a goblin before, and he learned it from his master who walked the rivers and lakes.

What set up the altar, just shout a few spells with a mahogany sword.

The question is why, it's over all at once, and the face turned purple after being spit out by the other ghost's black breath.

Lie flat on the ground.

Chen Nuo stood still, thinking that this old man doesn't have that ability.

As a result, he was sprayed and rolled his eyes, feeling a little speechless.

Looking at the monster here, he was about to make a move, Chen Nuo stepped forward and yelled: "Stop!"

Two steps to the front of the black mist, stretched out his left hand.

It's not too late, the ancient ax came out in his hand, and because of the bodiless reason, the golden light on his body won.

The blackness dissipated instantly.

The monster crouched in a corner.

Chen Nuo came over and stepped on the monster.

To be precise, this monster is dead, but if he has a cultivation base and his soul is immortal, he becomes a ghost.

escaped from hell.

"Daxian spare your life!"

The ghost shouted, and Chen Nuo stepped on it and said, "Well, you monster, if you dare to come out to harm people, are you not afraid of thunder?"

The monster hurriedly said: "Da Xian, you can kill me, but I don't want to harm anyone, I want to take revenge."


Chen Nuo squinted his eyes and said, "You are already dead, and the affairs of the world have nothing to do with you. Who do you seek revenge on?"

"Lu Xiaoyu."

After saying the name, Chen Nuo paused a little.

He kicked open the door of the next room, pointed and said, "Go in, don't try to run, or I'll blow your mind away."

Ghosts must be terrified.

This is Da Luo Jinxian, who wants to kill himself to play.

Turning around, Chen Nuo looked at the old man. This guy was already hovering on the verge of death, he was breathing but not breathing.

I can only beg him.

Diluted some condensed liquid of all spirits with water and sent it into the mouth of the old man.

After a while, the black air on his face dissipated, and the old man woke up leisurely.

"What's wrong with me?"

When he came up and asked himself what was wrong, Chen Nuo said: "Old Taoist, don't lie to others in the future, if you meet the truth, you will lose your life in the future."

The old Taoist doesn't know how to catch monsters, and he doesn't know how to practice, so he just came here to be confused.

It turned out that this time I met the real one. In the past, it was all fake, and many things were caused by psychology.

The old man got up and ran quickly.

Not daring to stay here, Chen Nuo returned to the room.

After a while, the manager and the others came up, and Chen Nuo was already waiting at the door.

"This... the master."

The manager stepped forward and said respectfully, "Well, how is the matter going?"

Chen Nuo patted the manager on the shoulder and said: "The matter has been settled, but I need to stay with you for one night, and you can open for business tomorrow."


The manager was overjoyed, and Chen Nuo nodded.

"Just live in this room, you go down."

The manager hastened to leave, not because of anything else, this guy might be a great fairy, and he should not be provoked.

Not long after the manager left, Chen Nuo returned to the room.

Now that no one was bothering her, she went back to her room and saw the miserable appearance of the ghost, she shuddered and said, "Can you change it a little, so that your original appearance will be fine."

For ghosts, this is easy.

The black mist wraps and then recedes, she is a symbolic beauty, Chen Nuo took off her shoes and sat cross-legged on the bed.

There is no such thing as a big Luo Jinxian.

Said to the ghost: "Find a place to sit down, I have something to ask you."

The ghost hurriedly got up, pulled the chair over the computer desk and sat down.

Chen Nuo looked at her, it seemed that she was a monster in life, but after transforming into a human, she was really pretty.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Chen Nuo asked, the demon sighed and said, "I'm telling you the truth."

"Na Lu Xiaoyu lied to me and found out that I was a demon, so he found a mage and killed me."

The body is still imprisoned in the cellar of the Lu family.

Lu Xiaoyu?
He still dares to sleep with monsters, which is quite capable, but it is impossible for ordinary people to see monsters, and he doesn't take the initiative to show up.

Chen Nuo said: "Although I'm not happy with Lu Xiaoyu, I can be sure that you definitely seduced him first, and you deserve it if you are killed."

Things still have to be sorted out.

If you don't take the initiative to show up, can Lu Xiaoyu do anything to you?

The demon was in tears, and the temperature around him also began to drop, feeling extremely wronged.

"To tell you the truth, it's not like that."

The ghost was aggrieved and teary, Chen Nuo hurriedly said: "Stop, stop, don't cry!"

"Speak out if you have any grievances, but don't cry."

The woman began to speak slowly: "I am a weasel, named Huang Manting."

"I have always cultivated with good intentions, and I have never had the intention of hurting others."

Chen Nuo listened quietly without interrupting. Huang Manting said, "Because I just succeeded in cultivation, I have always wanted to secretly help people accumulate merit."

"If it's the day when you become an immortal, you can go ask for a seal."

Chen Nuo has two opinions, that is, it is not easy for this little animal to cultivate, and after going through adversity, he needs to find someone to beg him.

That is to meet and ask that person what he thinks.

Is it like a man or like a god.

Once a person tells you, she can change whatever you think in the future.

Cultivation is very cruel, and not everyone can succeed in cultivation.

Huang Manting belongs to the latter, and when she was about to leave, she passed by Lu's house, and saw that Lu Xiaoyu had no intention of studying and was always thinking about a woman.

Huang Manting can understand a person's heart.

So in the middle of the night, he changed into Chen Lele's appearance and went to find Lu Xiaoyu.

Advise him to study hard, make progress every day, and if he becomes famous in the future, he can propose marriage.

Wouldn't it be nice to be in the same family?

In the end, Lu Xiaoyu persuaded him instead.

I stayed and slept, and later found out that Huang Manting was a monster, so I invited a mage, not from China.

In short, Huang Manting was killed.

The body was also sealed in the cellar.

As long as you have spent seven to seven days of refining and eaten Huang Manting's body, you can live forever or something.

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