That night, with the consent of his roommates, Lin Tong took the drunken Fan Xiuran back to take a look at his place.

Lin Tong brought some barbecue supper for all four of them, and everyone else agreed, and bringing something to eat would never make people bored.

Both of them drank, Lin Tong didn't ride a Harley, but took a taxi.

Don't drink and drive, and don't drink while driving, this is the iron law.

The driver was horrified, and was worried that Fan Xiuran would spit on him in the car.

Lin Tong was also very worried. This vomit was 200 yuan for car washing.

Arrived at the place.

Fan Xiuran looked at Lin Tong's small room, and murmured with alcohol in his mouth:
"Why do you live in such a poor place, Lin Tong, I feel aggrieved for you."

Several people in the room saw Fan Xiuran acting stupid, Lin Tong hurriedly pushed him into the bathroom and asked him to take a bath.

Relieved, Lin Tong put the barbecue on the table and introduced:

"My buddy, Fan Xiuran, is now a graduate student at Jiangcheng University, and I'm both from Jinling University."

Speaking of this, Guan Lei became interested:
"Wait a minute, brother, what are you talking about, you and he graduated from Jin University?"

Lin Tong nodded: "That's right, we both belong to Jin Da."

People will always fall into cognitive biases.

Take Guan Lei as an example. When he introduced himself to the people in the room, he said that he was taking the postgraduate entrance examination, but he felt that other people should not be interested in which school he went to, so he didn't say that he was taking the postgraduate entrance examination of Jinda University.

Just like Lin Tong, when he introduced himself, he said that he had just graduated and it was hard to find a job, so he delivered takeaway.

Guan Lei didn't ask Lin Tong which school he graduated from.

On the one hand, he felt that as far as Lin Tong's skills and medical skills were concerned, he was a master no matter where he went, so why did he need a diploma.

Secondly, he himself is taking the postgraduate entrance examination. If he asks others which school he graduated from, wouldn't it be a case of showing his superiority in academic qualifications.

But who would have thought that Guan Lei was taking the test for Jin University.

And Lin Tong happened to be a graduate of Kim University.

At this moment, Guan Lei felt that he didn't know Lin Tong well enough.

The other party is like a fan.

This won't work, I have to ask the other party to cook a few more dishes to deepen my impression and understanding, I'm starving and skinny!
Zhou Lele was not surprised by Lin Tong's education, but Lu Bin and Zhuang Yan sighed and sighed:

"Hey, college students from Jinling University are going to deliver food, Brother Lin, you really have a leisurely time."

Lin Tong didn't argue too much:
"I think food delivery is very good. You don't have to sit in the office. You can get off work when you want. It's so comfortable."

For this one, the other four shook their heads collectively.

Lin Tong was usually the last one to come back.

Guan Lei asked:

"Brother, what makes you, a dignified Jinda graduate, like to deliver food."

After Lin Tong drank, he became interested in talking:

"That guy in the bathroom also asked me that.

I said my answer, and he wanted to come to deliver food after hearing it. "

Guan Lei is curious:

"What's the answer? It makes graduate students want to deliver food."

Lin Tongdao:
"I earn more than 4 yuan after tax from delivering food a month."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked.

Several people are digesting the content of this sentence.

Lin Tong took out his mobile phone and showed everyone:
"Look, here is the income data, you can see for yourself."

It wasn't that Lin Tong was showing off. After the doorman's contempt for the delivery riders, Lin Tong felt that he couldn't hide it.

Our more than 4 yuan is hard money, clean, why should we be discriminated against?
Lin Tong thought of the person in the TV series who yelled "my father Zhang Erhe" every day.

Maybe his domineering and domineering later on was really arrogance and bullying, but maybe when he said the phrase "my father Zhang Erhe" at first, it was just to gain respect.

Next time, if someone dislikes him again, Lin Tong can also say so.

My monthly income is nearly [-].

The bathroom door opened, and Fan Xiuran muttered:

"He didn't earn more than 4 yuan this month, but close to 10 yuan. The police even gave him a bonus."

After hearing Fan Xiuran's words, Lin Tong was amused. If it was about cross talk, Fan Xiuran might be able to become a fan.

It's a pity that Lin Tong's several acts of righteousness were all mosaiced.

Otherwise, Lin Tong's popularity in Jinling should allow him to justify the name of the delivery rider.

Seeing Fan Xiuran coming out, Guan Lei hurriedly said hello:

"10? Is it true or not?"

Fan Xiuran was acquainted, sitting next to Lin Tong, picked up a grilled chicken paw and gnawed on it:

"Yes, I don't know what this guy did, but he kept it a secret from me, and won a 5 yuan award for his bravery."

Lin Tong scratched his head:
"Eat, eat, eat, 5 yuan for my wife, 4 yuan hasn't been paid yet, until the 10th.

I'll treat you guys to dinner after I get paid. "

Fan Xiuran bluffed:
"You don't have a partner, what kind of wife money are you saving?"

Hearing this, Zhou Lele stopped holding the mutton skewers and picked up the saury next to him.

Lu Bin said: "It's not necessary to go out to treat guests. We'll buy vegetables, so I'll trouble my big brother to cook."

Lin Tong waved his hand:
"Okay, what do you want to eat, I will do it."

Fan Xiuran raised his hand:
"I want to eat a Buddha jumps over the wall."

Lin Tong rolled his eyes:
"You're leaving tomorrow, so what else do you eat? The Buddha Jumps Over the Wall has to be prepared one day in advance."

Fan Xiuran was at a loss:
"I'll just talk about it, but, you can even do Buddha Jump over the wall?"

Lin Tong explained:

"It's simple. I often go to a Hokkien cuisine restaurant, where the chef does Buddha jumping over the wall every day. I'll just watch it."

Fan Xiuran:
"Is it too late for graduate students to drop out? I want to deliver food."

Either way.

Fan Xiuran decided to leave tomorrow afternoon and have a good meal at the rental house at noon tomorrow.

Five people order food.

Lu Bin and Zhuang Yan ordered ground three delicacies and Guobaorou.

Guan Lei, the little fat man, ordered a braised pork elbow.

No, he can no longer be called a little fat man. Guan Lei has lost a lot of weight under the effect of Lin Tong's weight-loss injection.

On the other hand, Jin Rui still has a long way to go to lose weight.

Zhou Lele ordered a squirrel mandarin fish.

Fan Xiuran didn't seem to have enough to eat, so he ordered spicy crab and mapo tofu.

Ground delicacies, pot-packed pork, braised pork knuckle, squirrel mandarin fish, spicy crab, mapo tofu.

To be honest, there are several dishes that Lin Tong doesn't know, such as ground three delicacies and pot-packed pork.

After all, among the cuisines given by the system, the five cuisines are Fujian, Guangdong, Sichuan and Su Hui.

There are still three cuisines that I haven't learned.

Fortunately, the pot-packed meat and ground three delicacies are relatively simple, with the high level of the other five cuisines, and it is not difficult for Lin Tong to cook them.

After deciding on the dishes, Lu Bin and Zhuang Yan and his wife took over the task of buying vegetables.

Next to the store they opened, there is a vegetable market. When the time comes, you can buy the vegetables and bring them back directly.

Everything is negotiated.

Fan Xiuran sleeps on the bed while Lin Tong sleeps on the floor.

Everything is silent, there is no movement in the master bedroom, only Zhou Lele next door is still rustling and drawing.

Lin Tong closed his eyes, his mind was full of the eye-catching white tiger.

In the middle of the night, fish in Jinda's pond began to spit bubbles again.

Today is another day when underwear disappears.

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