Xue Kai has been asking since he was sensible.

Why do other people's children have new clothes, but he can only wear old clothes eliminated by adults.

Why is it that a child in someone else's family can sleep until dawn, so he has to go fishing with the adults.

Why does someone else's mother take her child out, but his mother just hugs him and cries.

Because he has an alcoholic dad.

Before he had time to ask a few more reasons, he hurriedly embarked on the road of making a living.

His mother disappeared on a rainy night when she was drunk and abused by the family.

And he also chose to leave that home.

Going around, he met the master.

Master was very kind to him.

He became an apprentice.

Shi Niang is also very good, like his second mother.

He was asking himself again, why, why didn't I meet Master earlier.

The master also taught him how to read and write.

The model of a strict father and a loving mother allowed Xue Kai to grow and enrich quickly.

He went from an apprentice to a cook.

From a helper to a chef who can do everything on his own.

But at this moment, he asked why again.

Why did the master only give it to his son, the practice of Buddha jumping over the wall.

He knew it shouldn't be like this, but he was still a little bit reconciled.

Instigated by a brother, they asked their master for orders.

Ask Master to teach them how to jump over the wall.

What is Buddha Jumping Over the Wall?That's the signboard of their store.

Even if the people who come here don't have Buddha jump over the wall, as long as they smell the smell, they will say the last sentence:
"When I have money, I want to eat Buddha Jumps Over the Wall once!"

The production process of Buddha jumping wall is complicated, and the master's elder son and younger son learned it very hard.

After listening to the request of a group of disciples, the master hesitated and agreed.

The master said: "Buddha jumping over the wall was originally a secret that was not passed on, but now is not the old age, so we should not cherish it with a broom.

After you have considered the pros and cons, come to me again. "

Master said:
"From the first day of learning to be a Buddha jumping over the wall, no strong tea, no strong alcohol, not to mention heavy spicy food, heavy salt, sour, sweet and bitter."

What you eat every day should not be cooked with condiments, so as not to affect the feeling of the tongue.

This is the rule left by the master.

The reason why Shigong can make Buddha Jumping Wall the number one sign in Fujian is because of his tongue.

Except for the first sip of soup that Fotiaoqiang boiled, Master ate lightly on weekdays.

The purpose is to distinguish the changes in the ingredients of Buddha Tiaoqiang.

The ingredient ratio of Buddha Jumping Wall in the store was handed down by the master at that time.

The master said that only by keeping it tasteless for a lifetime can you be amazed for a moment.

The same is true for Master, who seldom drinks tea on weekdays, let alone alcohol.

When I was young, I didn't experience temptation, so I naturally felt that I was omnipotent.

Getting up early and going to bed late every day, Xue Kai felt as if he had returned to his days on a fishing boat.

But he does not regret learning Buddhism and jumping over the wall. He is very content to have a master who can teach him everything.

When he learned about Buddha Jumping Over the Wall.

His old man who used to be with wine came to look for Xue Kai.

He was already old, and looked at Xue Kai timidly, hoping that Xue Kai could send him some money for drinking.

Xue Kai forgot what emotion he was at that time.

It's just that he was drunk that day.

The next morning, he slept until the sun was up.

The mistress has already packed up his things, and the wages have been settled.

There is no room for him in this place.

One of his good crafts quickly made him a firm foothold.

He became the head chef of a newly opened restaurant on the west side of the city.

His good craftsmanship makes him very popular with diners.The boss also called him a brother and brother, and raised his salary several times.

Freed from the restraint of the master, the restrictions on taste are naturally let go. If he likes spicy food, he can let go of it.

It seems that only spiciness can calm down the dissatisfaction of the taste buds when they taste nothing.

He also met a lot of cronies and friends, and gave himself to alcohol every day after work.

It seems that he has made a few girlfriends, but after he got drunk, he looked at the red palm prints on the face of the woman in front of him, sometimes hugged his head and cried, and sometimes drank endlessly.

Seeing him live a chic life, his fellow seniors couldn't help but want to do it, even the youngest son of the master is ready to move.

The master didn't have a card, so he sent them out, so let's just say goodbye.

It's very pleasant for the brothers and sisters to meet each other.

The future of the cooking industry in Fujian must be us!
Among the sensual dogs and horses, everything seems to be fine.

I don't know which dance hall suddenly started selling fake wine with water.

After selling it, it was mixed with industrial alcohol.

That day he drank half and vomited half, and had a splitting headache.

When he woke up again, he was already in the hospital.

The doctor has already washed his stomach.

He recovered fairly well, unlike some of his companions who were blinded by drinking fake wine.

His senior brothers were completely annihilated, crying and being taken home by their family members.

Maybe God took pity on him and knew that he had no family, so he didn't let him go blind.

After resting in the hospital for several days, he went back to work under the gloomy face of his boss.

He flattered the boss, and the boss reluctantly agreed:

"Tomorrow night there is a guest who wants to eat Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, you remember."

This skill of Buddha jumping over the wall is the only one in the whole store who knows it.

He managed the fire, but the taste was always very bland, so he added two spoonfuls of salt to taste.

The honored guest from the boss's mouth is here.

As the head chef in the store, he cooked several dishes and served Buddha Jumping Over the Wall.

The fragrance of Buddha Jumping Over the Wall is overflowing, and the eyes of the guests are immediately brightened when they smell it.

But it was just a light, and after the first bite, the guest spit it out.

Try some of his fried dishes.

With a snap, the honored guest dropped his chopsticks on the table and flipped the bowl over.

Bad thing, poor hospitality.

The boss hurried to taste it himself.

In an instant, the boss's face turned green.

Lost 1 no, the distinguished guest reluctantly stayed.

Xue Kai seriously cooked several dishes.

Either salty or bland.

The boss is getting impatient.

The guy who was helping the kitchen saw the opportunity and volunteered.

A table of dishes cannot be said to satisfy the distinguished guests, but at least they did not overturn the table and leave.

After the guests left, Xue Kai was also driven away.

Wait until he realizes that something is wrong, and then go to the hospital.

At that time, the hospital couldn't see what was wrong with it, so it didn't matter in the end.

As a result, he never found a job again.

He couldn't pass the test of food.

The recipe ingredients that were previously hidden in memory seemed to have been eroded by fake wine.

His hands were shaking a little, this culinary skill is really useless.

Desperate, he chose to return to the division.

What can he come back for?Only the eldest son of the master runs the store.

The youngest son's brain is bad from drinking, and the master and wife are taking him around to seek medical treatment.

The eldest son of the master left him behind, and he began to be in charge of the waiter and chores.

Although he can no longer cook, he still longs for the kitchen when he smells the aroma of food.

Later, the master came back with his younger brother.

And later, Master's birthday.

Looking at the atmosphere full of guests, Xue Kai who was hiding in the corner couldn't help it, and asked why.

Why didn't God give him a chance to try and make mistakes.

After drinking a lot of wine, he was kicked out of the division.

Drinking fake wine once, even the skills of eating are gone.

An idea popped into his mind:
If the master's sense of taste also disappears, how should he cook?

With this idea, it was out of control.

He sneaked to the seized dance hall.

After rummaging through boxes and cabinets, I found a bottle of wine with a label that could no longer be faked.

He went back with the wine bottle, mixed water and water, and mixed in the Buddha jumping wall that was still on fire in the back kitchen.

When the Buddha Jumping Wall started, the master suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Seeing the master standing still, Xue Kai filled a bowl by himself.

Master watched him finish the whole bowl,

He also drank the soup in the bowl.

Afterwards, the master scolded the eldest son, saying that the Buddha jump over the wall he made was unqualified and he just threw it away.

Later, Xue Kai lost the last trace of his sense of taste.

The master, on the other hand, directly chose to retire.

After the wife died of illness, the master took his disciples back to Jinling.

The original restaurant has closed down, and although the youngest son who is proficient in Fujian cuisine has regained his sanity, he can no longer cook.

The eldest son's culinary skills can only be described as hardworking, far from being talented.

And among the apprentices taught by his master, some people have already handed over the secret recipe of the unique Buddha jumping over the wall.

The exclusive taste has become public, which means stepping down from the altar.

A well-known restaurant in Fujian ended just like that.

Xue Kai still remembered what Master said when he sent him out at the end:

"A teacher for a day, a father for life.

It's my fault that I didn't teach you well, it's my responsibility.

During your junior brother seeking medical treatment, I have smelled that thing countless times.What you asked me to drink, I drank.

From now on, you and I will never have any kindness between teachers and apprentices, so go ahead. "

Feeling guilty, Xue Kai asked himself a question:
"Why, can I be such an asshole?"

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