Lu Jiuling was looking forward to Lin Tong's arrival.

So far, the only way he can contact the delivery guy is by delivering food.

And before the takeaway was delivered, he didn't know if his Buddha Jumping Wall would be white.

He can only order according to the time of ordering Buddha jumping over the wall before.

For some reason, he actually felt that ordering takeaway was more tiring than being a Buddha jumping over the wall.

In contrast, Lin Tong excitedly drove the Harley on his way.

The task that Tong Lin got when he signed in today is:

Become the king of running orders today, and the rewards will be doubled today.

Originally, Lin Tong thought it was the doubling of order experience and longevity.

How could he have imagined that he could still complete the task of a tasteless life today.

Although Lin Tong thought he hadn't done much in the task of the tasteless life, he only needed to complete the task of the tasteless life.

The double reward is also meat!
Familiar with the road, Lin Tong arrived at the door of the old man's house.

Lu Jiuling was already standing at the door waiting for him.

Seeing that the delivery boy was the one he drove away before, his heart finally fell into his stomach.

But in the next second, Lin Tong's words raised his heart to his throat again:
"Old man, how long has your sense of taste been out of order?"

Lin Tong didn't think about which pot was left unopened and which pot to lift.

But now the situation is urgent. Although Fang Jun is not a good person, he is really good at delivering food.

If Lin Tong stays here for too long.

That Fang Jun ran too many orders during this period, and he may not be able to keep up.

So he decided to cut to the chase.

Lu Jiuling looked around, invited Lin Tong into the room, and then he closed the door.

The two sat down.

Just as Lu Jiuling was about to speak, Lin Tong spoke first:
"Tell me something, old man.

Recently, someone invited me to dinner, and I went to a private kitchen in Jinling for dinner. "

Lu Jiuling didn't know why, but he still listened to Lin Tong.

"I sent your family there for the first time before, and I ate back to Buddha Jumping Wall. I was thinking at the time, how about this private kitchen's Buddha Jumping Wall."

I tried it and guess what:

"The taste is not bad, and it tastes a bit similar to the Buddha jumping over the wall you gave me.

At that time, I was very curious, could it be that this store was newly opened by your father? "

Lin Tong unpacked the Buddha Jumping Wall package for Lu Jiuling and said:
"Later, the chef who sat on the Buddha jumping over the wall came, and I accidentally discovered that this person has no sense of taste."

Hearing this, Lu Jiuling's expression changed drastically.

Lin Tong said to himself:

"Later, don't worry about why, I overheard him talking in his sleep.

I know, it turns out that he is your apprentice, and his sense of taste disappeared because he drank fake wine.

And the second time I came to you, I just wanted to try, did you lose your sense of taste as he said. "

Lin Tong deliberately said the wrong time for him to hypnotize Xue Kai, so as not to have any doubts from the old man.

After all, knowing that he has lost his sense of taste first and knowing that he has lost his sense of taste from his apprentice are two different things.

It is more reasonable to know that the sense of taste is out of order from his apprentice, and it will not make people feel like they have accepted the task of the system.

All in all, after Lin Tong gave some details, the old man fell silent.

Lin Tong saw the old man's name on the body panel in the restaurant.

Lu Jiuling.

A nice name.

Lin Tongdao:
"I'm thinking about another possibility, maybe, what Xue Kai knows is not the same thing as the truth.

Maybe he lost his sense of taste, not because he drank fake wine, but because someone specially framed him. "

Hearing these words, Lu Jiuling was struck by lightning.

He sighed, and finally told a completely different version of the story from Xue Kai.

It was a snowy day, and Lu Jiuling met Xue Kai who was passed out in the snow.

Lu Jiuling's wife couldn't bear it and took him home.

After learning that the other party was homeless, Lu Jiuling's wife took him into the cooking class.

At this time, Lu Jiuling was able to control everything alone, and the father-in-law had passed away.

He is in the prime of life, obviously proud of himself.

He did not stop him from taking in a child.

At first, he thought it was just showing kindness, but gradually, Lu Jiuling discovered that Xue Kai had a strong culinary talent.

He can almost restore the taste of the dish by watching others cook it once.

Let him taste the dish and he can tell what spices are in it.

In the later stage, Xue Kai can even judge which seasoning is heavy or low by eating a bite of food.

Facing such a talented apprentice, Lu Jiuling only hated himself for not having a daughter.

In order to prevent his two sons from being robbed of the limelight by Xue Kai, he only taught his two sons the technique of Buddha jumping over the wall.

The fragrance of meat and meat from the altar wafted around, and the Buddha jumped over the wall when he heard that he abandoned Zen.

This poem is about the allure of the Buddha jumping over the wall.

And Buddha Jumping Wall deserves to be the soul of the two cuisines of Fujian and Guangdong.

If you want to master Buddha jumping over the wall, you need to prepare a large number of ingredients.The biggest difference between the Buddha Jumping Wall technique that Lu Jiuling learned from his father-in-law and those on the market is in the production process and the final completion process.

It needs to be polished by the chef over and over again, and the soup can be tested to push the Buddha Jumping Wall into a perfect state.

This is demanding on the tongue.

Although the two sons have made some achievements in the preparation of the most basic ingredients.

But when tasting soup, I can't tell why.

He was a little desperate, but at this time Xue Kai found Lu Jiuling.

He begged Lu Jiuling to teach him the skill of making Buddha jumping over the wall.

"Master! I know I'm an outsider, but you don't want the taste of Buddha jumping over the wall to die in your generation. I have learned that I am still your apprentice, and I will never do anything to disappoint you."

"I want to carry forward our cuisine together with the masters and brothers."

Looking at Xue Kai who was eager for knowledge, he agreed.

The process of learning to be a Buddha jumping over the wall is very difficult.

Regardless of getting up early and going to bed late, the process of making Buddha Jumping Over the Wall was particularly cumbersome, but Xue Kai persisted with tenacious perseverance.

Lu Jiuling was very happy the day Xue Kai made the authentic Buddha Jumping Over the Wall.

But looking at his two silly sons, he felt a little resentful:
If the two of you fight hard, can I still hand over the technology to outsiders?
Later, Xue Kai's reputation had almost reached the point where he sat with Lu Jiuling.

Xue Kai's "little Lu Jiuling" has already gained a reputation, and because of Lu Jiuling's age, his tongue's sensitivity to perceive ingredients is not as good as it used to be.

When seeking medical advice, after trying various methods to no avail.Someone recommended to Lu Jiuling something that blindly fights poison with fire.

Jellyfish venom can paralyze people's nerves, and taking a small amount will cause effects.

Lu Jiuling tried it and found that his sense of taste had almost completely disappeared.

For a moment, he thought of the fate of the store and the fate of his two sons.

If he doesn't drive Xue Kai away as soon as possible, then sooner or later the store will change its name to Xue.

Lu Jiuling just waited for the opportunity, the opportunity for Xue Kai to make a mistake.

On that day, Xue Kai's father came to him.After Lu Jiuling came back, he was obviously not in a good mood.

Lu Jiuling kept an eye out and found Xue Kai who was secretly drinking.

For their faction, the most important thing is to protect their tongues. It is the rule not to drink alcohol or eat spicy food.

A rule is a rule, but punishment or no punishment is done by the person who sets the rules.

Having a drink can make Xue Kai reflect on himself.

But after Xue Kai drank the wine, he missed the morning training again.

Lu Jiuling easily drove Xue Kai away.

But he did not expect that Xue Kai's craftsmanship has already attracted many diners.

He actually became a chef in Fujian.

Watching his apprentice flourishing, but the store's business began to decline.

Lu Jiuling started to panic and was anxious all day long.

Because the sense of taste has almost disappeared, he has been powerless to do Buddha jumping over the wall.

The Buddha jumping wall made by the two sons can only be regarded as edible.

At least the Buddha in the background story of Buddha jumping over the wall will not jump over the wall to eat.

Thus, a plan was made so quietly at midnight.

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