Master Li, who was rolled up by a tentacle in the air, was hit and fell to the ground, and the tentacle that rolled him up was inadvertently cut off by Feiyu Sun who was in the center of the battle.

Master Li's bones were broken in many places, and he fell to the ground and passed out.

The corpse man looked at Sun Feiyu in the battle circle, kicked his feet hard, and jumped out at a distance of more than ten meters.

When he cut off a huge tentacle that was coming towards him with one knife, he split the wall of tentacles that surrounded him one after another.

Push toward the main body of the ghost building.

The huge tentacles were constantly broken, harvested easily and crazily by the knife in the hands of the corpse man like leeks, and scattered on the ground.

Sun Feiyu, who was fighting, suddenly felt a lot less pressure, and cut off another tentacle, only to realize that a man in black had broken into the battle.

Taking a closer look, the faceless black robe is the corpse man.

"Finally someone found out." Feiyu suddenly felt the pressure on his shoulders lighten, because all the tentacles began to concentrate on attacking the corpse man.

Sun Feiyu leaned on the broken tooth knife and half knelt on the ground to rest.

He had long thought that it was impossible for such a powerful ghost to appear during the day without being discovered.

If you can't find this, doesn't it mean that the night watchmen eat dry food?
I'm hungry when I talk about rice, and I want to eat fried chicken, ah, that's wrong.

Sun Feiyu took another elixir from the fryer to recover.

In fact, if he couldn't hold on just now, Sun Feiyu planned to use the small instant talisman to escape. Seeing the current situation, there is no need to waste it.

At this moment, the attack of the corpse man swinging his knife and slashing was like a galloping bison plowing the ground, swift, rough and effective.

Sun Feiyu looked at the rushing dust, the broken tentacles that were shaken to the sky by the huge slashing force.

Sun Feiyu called out: "Good guy! Little Superman!"

In a few seconds, the corpse man has been pushed to the center of the ghost building.

Dazzling light shines from the knife in his hand, it is the Qi Blade formed by the gathering of solid Yang Qi.

The blade, which was originally no more than one meter long, turned into a broadsword tens of meters under the blessing of Yang Qi.

Facing the ghost building, he raised his knife and chopped it down.

The huge noise shook the ground as if it was about to crack, and the dark and gloomy sky was like an old TV with unstable signal, which was dark and bright at times.

It's like a virtual world where electronically damaged currents are sizzling.

There was a soft sound like the sound of the world shattering, and it was like the sound of returning to reality with both feet falling to the ground.

The previously gloomy world that seemed to have lost its color suddenly brightened up, and colorful colors flooded into the sight.

Sun Feiyu felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

The sound of vehicles driving outside the street, the sound of pedestrians discussing and talking on the sidewalk, and the chirping of cicadas and birds in the trees are all clearly heard.

"I'm back." Sun Feiyu knew the situation.

Then the building in front of him collapsed at the same time, the bricks and tiles were broken, and dust was everywhere.

The faceless black-robed corpse man walked slowly towards Feiyu with his back facing the collapsed building.

"Real men never look back at explosions?" Sun Feiyu was puzzled.

At the same time, the passing pedestrians and vehicles outside were shocked by the sound of the building explosion.

A cordon has been set up around the center of the prevention and control center, and a dozen policemen are surrounding it to prevent people from entering by mistake.

"What happened? Terrorists?"

"What are you thinking? It's probably a ghost. Look, there are people in black robes over there!"

"There are ghosts in broad daylight?!"

"You don't know this, let me tell you..."

The onlookers were enthusiastically discussing what happened here.

The corpse man held a cube-shaped object from the dead ghost in his hand. He didn't expect to be able to harvest the remains without containing the ghost.

What a surprise.

"Go back and test the function of this remains."

Walking towards Sun Feiyu while facing him, looking at this young face, it should be the newcomer who passed the examination not long ago.

I didn't expect to grow so fast and be able to persist for so long under the hands of a C-level ghost.

"Young man..." The embalmer's hand lightly patted Sun Feiyu's shoulder.

It doesn't matter if you don't shoot, Sun Feiyu fell to the ground and passed out after this one.


The embalmer was embarrassed, it was not easy for him to survive until now.

In fact, Sun Feiyu was not seriously injured, the main reason was that he continued to fight with elixir and lost too much strength.

It was not easy to forcefully stand up, and a little external force broke the balance he had worked so hard to create.

With his current strength that is still close to D-level, he is proud enough to deal with ghosts of a higher level C-level.

When Zhehang watched the building collapse, he stepped into the cordon.

Seeing that the young man who fell to the ground under the touch of the corpse man turned out to be Sun Feiyu, he was also slightly surprised.

How can I always meet this guy.

"Sir!" Zhehang said respectfully to the corpse man.

"Yes." The embalmer replied, "Ask someone to take these two guys to the hospital."

Zhe Hang glanced at Sun Feiyu who was on the ground, and then saw Master Li lying on the ground in the distance.

The corpse man made a move, which means that they encountered a C-level ghost, and they were really lucky to survive.

"I'll continue to investigate here." Other things that need to be dealt with are left to you.

"Okay." Old Xu who arrived later agreed.

The corpse man not only needs to deal with the C-level ghosts that appear, but also is responsible for investigating the reasons for the appearance of ghosts in the area.

For example, after knowing the reason for the appearance of the eliminated ghost, make a record and file.

And beware of the possibility of ghosts appearing in places with similar conditions, or block such conditions in advance.

Sometimes, a ghost does not appear in isolation, it is likely to be accompanied by traces of other ghosts of different types.

After a thorough inspection, make sure that the place where the ghost was killed is in a safe state for later.

Here, the mortician began to check the surrounding environment.

On the other side, Sun Feiyu has been sent to the hospital by the police entrusted by Zhehang.

From noon, Sun Feiyu lay down until night.

He didn't even notice the system sound in his head.

[Ding ~ new function is open: exchange for ghosts! ]
[The host can use the ghost energy points to exchange for the ghosts that have been killed for his own use. ]
[Since the host is in a coma, today's mission is cancelled! ]

At night, Feiyu opened his eyes, and the room was filled with light.

But what he looked up was an unfamiliar ceiling.

Slowly sitting up from the bed, Sun Feiyu found a hanging bottle in his left hand, which contained some nutrient solution.

Looking around again, it seemed that he was in a hospital with a separate ward.

Sun Feiyu remembered that he passed out after being slapped by the corpse man, and someone should have brought him here afterwards.

"Anyway, I'm in the hospital, so I should take a good rest."

Sun Feiyu simply lay down again.

"Dong dong!"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

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