A few days later, half of the bottle of Rejuvenation Pill in Liu Tianqi's hand was gone.

Several brothers and sisters, the younger generation of the whole family asked him for it, and the leaders of Deputy Bureau Yang and the Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau also got a taste of it. They called him several times a day to ask if he still had the elixir and to pay for it. You can buy it too.

For a while, the Rejuvenation Pill refined by Aunt Liu became a hot commodity.

The problem is that this bottle of Rejuvenation Pill is only forty or so pills in total, and the whole family took half of it away, and Deputy Director Yang asked for ten pills to take away the rest, which is not enough to share!
In desperation, the brothers discussed it and went to find the old mother to refine it again. By the way, they went to see what the situation was, how did the old people's home turn into an alchemy room?
Zhao Sen didn't forbid his disciples to donate the pills to others. Anyway, they didn't spend their own money to refine them. If they were distributed, they could help him spread the banner for free and let more people worship him as a teacher. Why not do it?

But I didn't expect that when this came, there were only twenty or so couples here.

Watching Aunt Liu's family reunite and chatting about pills, Zhao Sen waved his hand to signal them to go to the next door to talk, and not to disturb other people's cultivation in the activity room.

Aunt Liu could only let her family go out with an apologetic face.

After returning to her own room, Aunt Liu scolded with displeasure on her face: "What are you doing here? Don't Xiaowen and Xiaolin go to school? And you guys don't go to work anymore?"

Liu Tiankuo said with a cheeky smile: "Mom, didn't we want to come and see you, and by the way, is there any pill left?"

They have already experienced the effect of a pill, and the minor ailments on their bodies disappeared one after another. They ate well and slept soundly, as if they had returned to their youthful physical condition.

Chatting in the family WeChat group, everyone is like this, and soon I thought of the little pills that Aunt Liu gave out at the birthday banquet,

Such a good thing, not only can be eaten by oneself, but also can be sold at a high price, taking the opportunity to make a profit!
Aunt Liu glared at her children and cursed: "How can I open a furnace to make alchemy without money? Your elder brother gave the money. If you want to rejuvenate the spring pill, you must first give the money for the medicinal materials!"

These children and juniors looked at Liu Tianqi one after another.

Liu Tianqi already knew the value of this elixir, so he just pretended not to see it!

A batch of Rejuvenation Pills costs 20 yuan, and seven or eighty pills for Chengdan. On average, one pill is close to 3000 yuan!
How could he supply such an expensive thing indefinitely!
It should be filial to his mother. His mother raised him since he was a child. With this kindness, he doesn't feel bad no matter how much money he spends. However, his brothers, sisters, and several nephews and nieces have always received his favors before. You can't be taken advantage of all the time, can you?

So Liu Tianqi not only turned a blind eye to other people's gazes, but also directly expressed his attitude: "Mom, your own alchemy costs are mine, but other people ask you to make alchemy and let them pay for it themselves!"

Aunt Liu looked at the second child, the third child, and the fourth child, then looked at the two daughters, and said, "Don't you guys feel that Mom has been cheated? Why do you still come to find Mom for Huichun Dan?"

The second child, Liu Tiankuo, hurriedly said with a smile on his face: "Mom, the effect of this medicine is amazing. My frozen shoulder and gout, which have been hurting for several months, don't hurt anymore. You can help us refine it again." chant?"

"Okay, bring the money! Mom is so old and has no source of income. If you don't pay, you still want to take the medicine for nothing? Go home, wash and sleep, there are everything in your dreams!"

Aunt Liu's words are not polite at all. She survived the famine in 1960 and knows how precious money is. It's okay to give the children some pills, but it's definitely not okay to feed them all year round.

Don't say that Aunt Liu can't afford it, she can't say this, let the boss keep paying for the younger siblings, and those juniors eat all the year round.

Immediately, he explained to his children the cost of making a batch of Rejuvenation Pill, and let them discuss it themselves.

If you want to practice, Aunt Liu can help, but if you want the elders to pay for them, this is not acceptable!

The six children have all reached the age of being grandparents. If the bowl of water is uneven, there will be troubles. When the time comes, the family will turn against each other, and it will be troublesome if they don't communicate with each other.

Led by Liu Tiankuo, the five brothers and sisters pooled 100 million yuan and asked Aunt Liu to help refine the Wulu Huichun Pill. They had already negotiated that one third would be kept for themselves, and the rest would be sold at a high price to be raised for food!
On Liu Tianqi's side, he also needs to make five furnaces. He doesn't sell them, but gives them as gifts.

This thing is much more in demand than giving cash, antiques, calligraphy and paintings. The leaders of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau are all waiting anxiously. If they can take care of their officials and lords, they will definitely give the green light to bid for projects in the future.

Liu Tiankuo laughed and asked urgently: "Mom, when will I be able to practice well?"

They had already visited the alchemy furnace in the backyard just now. A group of old men and women were busy around the alchemy furnace, with solemn and solemn expressions, as if they were doing a great event.

Aunt Liu said angrily: "Master's alchemy furnace is just for use? You have to apply in advance, and then line up in order!"

"Ah? When will it be scheduled?" Liu Tiankuo asked in surprise.

"We should be able to shoot two furnaces next month, and the rest will have to be postponed." Aunt Liu explained helplessly: "I can only make one furnace a day. This is not stewed ribs. It will be cooked in an hour. It takes more than eight hours, and someone needs to be there to help, so tired!!"

The brothers looked at each other, and Liu Tiankuo asked curiously: "Mom, can't we buy a pill furnace ourselves? Or find someone to make one?"

Aunt Liu glared at him again: "Do you think Master Zhao's elixir furnace is an ordinary rice cooker? It's the only one in the world. You can't make a finished elixir with other things. The old man next door surnamed Zhang made it last month. Tried it, all the pills were useless, I was so distressed that I almost couldn't think of finding a rope to hang myself!"

Liu Tiankuo swallowed his saliva, too scared to say anything.

If the 20 was in vain, he would have to buy a piece of tofu and kill him.

"You transfer the money to my card and go back. Mom has to go back to practice quickly, otherwise the progress will be dropped by others!" Seeing that nothing happened, Aunt Liu urged the children to go back quickly.

In this way, half a month later, a magical elixir called Huichun Pill suddenly spread in the upper class of Linjiang City. One piece has been fried for more than 2 yuan. It is said that the effect is quite good!

Not only can it cure all kinds of minor problems in the body, but it can also rejuvenate the body!
For a while, many elderly bosses and leaders of the city flocked to it, asking around where they could buy this elixir, and then no one knew who spread the word, saying that this elixir came from the Xicheng Nursing Home!

The Xicheng Nursing Home, which was originally little-known, suddenly became popular...

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