"Small tribe? There are seven or eight small tribes with hundreds of people." Naga said in a concentrated voice.

"These small tribes are stocked by us. After they have recuperated for a period of time, we will go to harvest and bring some of the polluted bodies back to the Bronze Mountain and integrate them into our tribe."

Good guys, are you cutting leeks?I don't even let myself go.

Liu Lang didn't expect the polluted bodies to be so introverted, but when he thought of the number Naga mentioned, Liu Lang's face flashed with joy.

"Are you going to attack them?" Naga had amazing observation skills and noticed the change in Liu Lang's expression.

"Didn't your Bronze Mountain tribe suffer a lot in Yuxing City this time? In addition, you are now working for me. In order to speed up the pace of work, I have to hurry up and add more pollutants to your Bronze Mountain tribe. The things that are explained can also be completed faster.”

Naga nodded at Liu Lang's answer, but she always felt that what Liu Lang said was not that simple, so Liu Lang asked again at this time.

"In addition to the small polluter tribes, are there no medium and large polluter tribes?"

"How is it possible? In the territory of large-scale polluting body tribes, no threat to their existence is allowed, and medium-sized polluting body tribes are tens of thousands at every turn. This has threatened our rule, and even if there are, we will suppress them."

Naga's words made Liu Lang a little disappointed. The mission of small polluting body tribes should be stable, but medium and large polluting body tribes still need further search to complete the mission.

Let's finish the task of the first stage first. Thinking of this, Liu Lang and Naga put forward their own request. Hearing Liu Lang's words, Naga looked astonished.

"Are you so hungry? Are you not letting go of small polluting tribes with hundreds of people? We are not waiting for them to recuperate and reproduce more people. Are we taking action to subdue them?"

Naga's words made Liu Lang roll his eyes. He gained experience by cutting leeks. He just waved his hand and signaled Naga to carry out his order. Anyway, as long as he completes the task, Liu Lang will give him an A-type Inhibitor.

After hearing Liu Lang's bargaining chip, Naga excitedly agreed, and promised to do it properly for Liu Lang.

When several other polluting body leaders envied Naga's treatment, Liu Lang also gave them the order to subdue the small polluting body tribe.

The rewards were the same as Naga's. After getting their missions, the four leaders each took their hundreds of personal guards out to help Liu Lang subdue the small polluted tribe as soon as possible.

Liu Lang is investigating the resources near the Bronze Mountain. As the place with the richest mineral resources in the ancient Zhonglong Kingdom before the blood rain era, the silver that Liu Lang needs is also stored in a large amount on the Hundred Thousand Bronze Mountain.

After identifying a mine with rich silver reserves, Liu Lang drilled directly into it, and then ordered fifteen bronze puppets to be porters and miners to continuously dig out the silver in the mine and transport it around him.

And Liu Lang himself started to practice Mithril magic-stripes. It has to be said that the more Mithril magic-stripes there are, the more silver will be consumed. When Liu Lang's Mithril magic-stripes reach 150, a secret The increase of the silver magic pattern requires 5 tons, which is 10000 catties.

It is impossible for even an armed group to squander resources on one person like this. Thanks to Liu Lang's suppression of the Bronze Mountain tribe, the resources here are at the mercy of Liu Lang.

Relying on the convenience of the bronze mountain, Liu Lang finally let go of his hands and feet to cultivate the Mithril body. In this way, Liu Lang was immersed in the joy of eating iron. This time, Liu Lang practiced openly for five days before stopping.

It's not that the silver is exhausted. A mine costs millions or tens of millions of tons of ore. Even if the mithril body is cultivated, it is impossible to consume so much. When Liu Lang opened his cultivation to 460 five mithril magic lines Because he hadn't left the mine for too long, Liu Haotian was worried about problems, so he was called out.

Moreover, Naga, Rakshasa and several polluted body leaders have already returned, and three polluted body tribes followed them.

Although Liu Lang was interrupted from the pleasure of cultivating and improving, he also walked out of the mine excitedly when he thought that his task was about to be completed.

"Naga, Rakshasa and the Phantom Butterfly Queen, you are all back, it seems that you have subdued the three tribes of polluted bodies."

After exchanging a few pleasantries between Brother Lang and Liu Haotian, they came to Naga and the others. After they nodded affirmatively, Liu Lang and the three of them went to visit the three polluting tribes, the three small polluting tribes The most powerful person in the world is only a pollutant equivalent to a destructive level, and there is only one.

Therefore, to subdue these three small polluting body tribes, it is an easy task for several leader-level polluting bodies.

When several polluting body leaders led Liu Lang to the front of the three small polluting body tribes, Liu Lang did the same thing again, with a big stick in one hand and sweet dates in the other.

This time he didn't have to do it himself, but let Flame Princess and the Bronze Puppet take action, easily suppressed the three small polluting body tribes, and then took out inhibitors to lure the three small polluting body tribes. The body tribe is very precise.

"Why hasn't the rock giant come back yet?" Liu Lang asked with a smile when he saw that he had reached 3/5 of the task of subduing the small polluted tribe.

"It's strange. The poisonous swamp small polluted tribe it went to is not far from the Bronze Mountain! Logically speaking, it should have returned yesterday, so why haven't we seen anyone yet?"

Not only Liu Lang was puzzled, but the leaders of Naga's polluted bodies were also puzzled, but everyone didn't think too much about it. After all, the strength of the rock giant is there, and even the existence of the original sin level can match it. No matter what, the small polluted body tribe It is impossible to hurt him.

Just when Liu Lang was about to let Naga and the others go again to subdue the other tribes of polluted bodies, suddenly there was a rush of footsteps, and then he saw a group of polluted bodies in a panic, stumbling towards them in front of.

"The leader of Naga, the leader of Rakshasa... It's not good, something happened to the leader of Shanshi."

When all the polluters were rushing to report, Liu Lang's face turned gloomy, not only him, but even the Naga and the others showed serious expressions.

"There is a weirdness approaching, and it is a very powerful weirdness."

While the Naga and the others were talking, countless dark clouds gathered in the sky, covering the top of the entire Bronze Mountain tribe. Indistinctly, countless pairs of blood-colored eyes opened in the dark clouds.

"I am Silent Hill, and the leader of Wuguang Ridge is Yin Wuyin. Please ask the leader of the Polluted Body Tribe to speak out."

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