"Judge Simas, this time our target is that War Demon. As long as that War Demon is eliminated, others can suppress it with our coalition forces."

In a team of nearly [-] people, among the leaders, Cardinal Robles, who had participated in the United Legion, reminded.

"Do you need to say more? That guy's threat is even comparable to Silent Hill, and, if he is so young, if he doesn't violate God's will, he will definitely grow into a pillar of our humanity in the future."

A middle-aged man with a weathered face looked disdainful.

"However, since it violates the will of our god, it is a sinner, and our tribunal will never be soft on such sinners."

"Truss, you'd better not be careless. If you are careless, you will be destroyed. That person must not be underestimated. Take a look at the latest news released by the Titanic Arsenal."

Following the words of a young man with a stern face, a virtual screen was projected among them. Seeing a short video on the virtual screen and the stern statement from the Mount Targon Arsenal, several people frowned.

"This war demon can really do things! It's fine to toss in his own territory, but he even went to Jianfeng City to toss, and it seems to have deflated Jianfeng City. Otherwise, the Giant God Peak Arsenal is not strict. declared, but directly sent troops to conquer."

The face of the middle-aged man with a frosty face became heavy.

"So, this time we can't underestimate our enemy. If there is a war, the presiding judge and Pombaton will attack from the front, and we will look for opportunities to attack from the side. Although it is a bit unfair, this is the only way to suppress it in the fastest time. he."

Following the consultations between the Equality Sect and the major forces, they quickly formulated a strategy and prepared to launch a thunder offensive immediately to suppress Liu Lang with the strongest force. As long as Liu Lang is solved, the rest will be no threat up.

In fact, they did the same thing. After the huge army came to the Bronze Mountain, they directly dropped a large number of drones.

These drones are specially prepared for the flame girl. After the battle of the orc tribe, anyone who wants to fight Yu Xingcheng's idea can't get around the powerful fighting girl group of the flame girl, and this time the joint forces deal with it. The method is to use the drone swarm to crack the flame girl group.

As tens of thousands of drones rushed towards Yu Xing City from all directions, Yu Xing City, which sensed the movement, issued a shrill siren.

The city defense system provided by Luo Qingzhu was turned on, and hundreds of silver-white gun barrels, machine guns, missile launch chambers, and honeycomb blockers were all put into battle, ready to block the enemy's attack.

"It's not too late to disarm and surrender, otherwise, this time our battle against demons will be merciless, no matter whether it is a commoner or a rich man, we will not show mercy."

Following the announcement from the drone, the entire Yuxing City began to become slightly chaotic. After all, this war came too suddenly, and it was obvious that the opponent was attacking on a targeted basis.

It's just that although it was a bit chaotic, Yuxing City was not without experience of being attacked, so although it was a bit chaotic, it still entered the underground passage in an orderly manner.

Because of the previous lessons, the sewers are not only used for sewage, but even temporary shelters have been rebuilt one by one. The survivors entered the temporary shelters in an orderly manner. This situation also makes people from other forces What a surprise.

"Why don't you just run away? After all, there are several big forces attacking this time, and even the Equality Sect has joined. If you hide here, you will eventually be found out, or even accidentally injured."

"Leave this city with me, let's find a new home, we can't stay here waiting to die!"

Some people tried to win over the survivors, and some even wanted to confuse the survivors, but for these 'sweet words', the survivors stood on the sidelines with firm will.

"What new homeland? We didn't see anyone coming to save us when Yuxing City was in disaster. At this time, some kind-hearted people jumped out. I suspect that you are spies."

"Leaving? Like this kind of world, where can we go even if we leave? Moreover, I believe that the battle demons in Yuxing City can protect us from harm. This is our home, and we are willing to live and die with it."

To the surprise of others, the vast majority of Yuxing City residents still chose to trust Liu Lang, regardless of their reasoning.

In this way, they had no chance of creating internal chaos, not only failed to create internal chaos, but also exposed themselves, allowing the patrol team of Yuxing City to catch a ready-made.

When the interior is stable, Yu Xing City now only needs to deal with the external crisis with peace of mind. At this moment, Liu Lang has appeared on the city wall of Yu Xing City, feeling a little panic but not chaotic in Yu Xing City, his face showed a trace of satisfaction .

He turned around and looked at the coalition forces of several major forces with a sarcasm on his face, and then stretched out his palm to make a provocative gesture.

"What are you waiting for? Since you have bad intentions, go ahead! Let me see what you can do."

Liu Lang's provocation made the people of several major forces furious. They were already surrounded and still so arrogant. They came prepared. Thinking of being underestimated, the middle-aged man with a weathered face in the front is also the judge of the court The knight commander showed a hint of apathy.

"Let me meet for a while, you, the battle demon of Yuxing City."

Following Truss' words, a beam of tens of meters exploded from Tian's body, and then directly blasted towards Liu Lang.

"The holy light shines on the world."

Following Truss' words, the beam of light turned into a lightsaber in mid-air and slashed at Liu Lang fiercely. Liu Lang didn't move at all against Truss' attack, even though Truss, a Dan Jin-level The strong man slashed at his body.

With the catharsis of light, Liu Lang's figure was as stable as Mount Tai under the slash of the white lightsaber.

Looking at Truth's horrified eyes, Liu Lang stretched out his two fingers.

"If you are given three moves, you still have two chances."

Liu Lang's words made Truss' face turn red. He thought that the Dan Jin warrior had never been underestimated so much. Immediately, the momentum of his whole body soared, and the strong white light surged on his body, making him look like a platinum sun.

"I don't believe that, I am a mighty alchemy fighter, you can completely exempt me from my ultimate move."

"Holy light has no limits, platinum stars explode~"

Following Truss' words, the violent platinum energy tore through the sky, smashing the sky and the earth like a platinum raging wave, and Liu Lang's figure was also submerged in the explosion of platinum stars.

Just as Truss was panting and staring at the place where the white light was shining, a voice sounded.

"Believe it or not."

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