Monsters are raging: the immeasurable golden body blows up everything

Chapter 15 Who is the most vicious beast between you and me

"Kill everyone and retreat quickly."

As soon as the mob leader named Jamie finished speaking, several thick green vines suddenly stretched out, binding his legs and hands.The big black dog opened its bloody mouth and bit the mob leader's neck as if he had gone mad.

The thug leader named Jamie shrank his pupils suddenly, fell sideways to the left, and activated the exoskeleton device on his body at the same time.There was a buzzing sound, and the tall mob leader broke the green vine.Pull out a chi long military dagger from the leg.

"Hehe, your big black dog is hiding deep enough. Did you hide in the podium just now? It's still an awakened dog. Taking you back should make up for the loss of this mission."

The mob leader named Jamie said to the big black dog Ba Tianleng with a ferocious face.

"Who is the big black dog? I have a name. Remember, my name is Batian. Of course, you can also call me Baba. Baba is so big, you want to catch me in your next life."

"Hey, it's still a talking black dog. It's interesting, interesting, and the guys who organize it should be very interested in you. Obediently, you can get caught without a fight, and you will suffer less flesh and blood."

"Fuck you, uncle, I'm an idiot when you treat me as my uncle. It's so big, let's see."

Taking advantage of the distraction of the mob leader named Jamie, several ice cones quickly condensed in mid-air, and suddenly shot at the many mobs who were besieging Wang Sifan.

"Ah, what the hell. My eyes..."

"Elemental awakener..."

Immediately, two thugs were stabbed blind, and the neck of one thug was pierced, and blood flowed out, and it seemed that he was dead.At this time, in the huge classroom, the unarmed students and teachers had been massacred to death, and they were all lying in a pool of blood.

Only Wang Sifan, covered in blood and with red eyes, was still fighting desperately.He slashed a knife to kill a thug who was blinded, and then pulled another thug who was blinded to block in front of him. With his legs suddenly exerting force, he rushed forward quickly.With his left hand, Wang Sifan picked up the assault rifle on the mob's body and fired towards the front.

Since the two sides were very close, there was no need for any deliberate aiming. Huge gunshots rang out one after another, and several thugs fell to the ground.Several other thugs wearing exoskeleton devices rolled away to the 4th week with great vigilance.Immediately, a fierce counterattack was launched, and countless bullets spattered the thugs standing in front of Wang Sifan with blood.The thug never dreamed that he would die at the hands of his own people.

Wang Sifan had never used a gun, but fortunately, the guns were all safe and loaded.At such a short distance, whoever hits depends on God's will.The corpse of the thug standing in front of Wang Sifan was riddled with holes, and many bullets penetrated the corpse and entered Wang Sifan's body.

But at this time, he was already insane, and the awakening ability was activated.His sense of pain has been greatly weakened, and the huge sense of power and the sense of crisis of death have made him lose himself.He violently pushed the body towards the shooting thugs, while he rolled forward, the saber slashed forward, and with a sound of "Kaba", the body of a thug's assault rifle was cut in two.The thug was frightened into cold sweat, but his movements were not slow, and he swung the broken gun body and threw it at Wang Sifan's face.

"click, click"

The sound of emptying the assault rifle suddenly sounded, after repeated battles and the massacre just now.The bullets in the guns of these thugs have been emptied.Now in a team of 15 people, there are only 4 people left including their captain.It was too late to change the magazine now, and they really didn't dare to shoot indiscriminately anymore.

It is really too easy to accidentally injure one's own people in such a close-range melee between two groups of people.In the shootout just now, they almost shot the mob leader named Jamie to death.What's more, Wang Sifan, who is like a bloodthirsty madman, is staring at them closely.Once they make a slight change, they will inevitably receive a thunderous blow from him.

On one side is Wang Sifan, who is looking at him covetously, drenched in blood.On one side is the vicious thug who has experienced many battles and is extremely ferocious.Either you die or I die, both groups of people are aroused fierce.

The thugs threw down the empty guns in their hands, activated the exoskeleton device, and drew the military dagger from their thighs.

The two parties rushed forward at the same time and collided violently.The sound of the dagger cutting the skin and the sound of the fist hitting the body can be heard endlessly.After activating the exoskeleton device, these thugs are several times stronger than ordinary people.But facing Wang Sifan who was running away, he was still at a disadvantage.

At this time, Wang Sifan was playing in a completely reckless style, exchanging injuries for injuries, and fighting with his life.Wang Sifan, who was seriously injured and drenched in blood, did not appear to be seriously injured and dying, but became more courageous as he fought.The red light in his eyes is even stronger, like a beast that chooses and devours people.

The mob leader Jamie and the big black dog Batian were beaten into a panic by the bullet storm just now. Fortunately, one of them has experienced many battles, and the other is as light as a swallow. One person and one dog kept avoiding stray bullets, but they still Suffered minor injuries.

"You perverted sissy, I was on the podium just now, listening to you babbling all the time. It makes me very uncomfortable to take pleasure in bullying the weak."

The gunfire paused, and the big black dog slowly paced out from behind the podium. While taunting the mob leader named Jamie, he kicked the pistol and assault rifle on the ground out of the broken window.

"In this world, the weak are preyed upon by the strong. The weak are not worthy of survival, and only the strong can rule the world."

The mob leader also slowly stood up from behind the desk, a military dagger kept spinning in his hand.Bloodstains flowed from each person and dog, obviously injured by the stray bullet just now.

"What is a strong person? Those who bully the weak are not considered strong. Those who dare to challenge existences stronger than themselves are truly strong. So, let's have an endless battle."

After speaking, the big black dog arched its body, and let out a dull low growl continuously.At this moment, it is no longer a harmless foolish dog, but a cunning and ferocious wolf.The long time of wandering has already inspired its wildness. Like its opponents, it has already experienced many battles.

The tall mob leader, suddenly accelerated forward, he wanted to strike the dog first.

"Five Elements Immortal Technique: Vine Binding Technique"

"Five Elements Immortal Technique: Cone of Ice"

The green vines waved and twined, and several ice cones pierced through the air and flew towards the leader of the mob.With the cover of spells, the big black dog quickly ran around and attacked.Jamie slashed the dagger one after another, the vines were chopped off, and the ice cone was chopped into pieces.

Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his thigh, and that nasty black dog tore off a large piece of flesh from his leg.After all, he is a seasoned warrior, he held back the severe pain, kicked the other leg sideways suddenly, and kicked the big black dog to the wall of the classroom.

The powerful force endowed by the exoskeleton armor kicked the big black dog until he coughed up blood, but the ferocity in its eyes remained undiminished.The big black dog struggled to stand up, walked a few steps but fell heavily on the ground, panting continuously.

"It's just a dog. Do you really think you're the savior? Give me the game of the strong and the weak. Damn it."

The mob leader who was going to be Jamie twirled his dagger and walked towards the big black dog Batian.The big black dog struggled to stand up, but failed.Finally, it seemed to accept its fate and stopped moving.Jamie approached it cautiously and kicked the big black dog.Seeing that it didn't respond, he became slightly less vigilant, and bent down to grab the big black dog's neck.

Just when Jamie's hand was about to touch the neck of the big black dog.

"Five Elements Immortal Technique: Fire Explosion Bomb"

A fireball the size of a human head condensed out of thin air and shot at Jamie's head fiercely.Jamie suddenly turned pale with fright, relying on his instinct for danger, he suddenly leaned back.

But at this moment, the fireball exploded suddenly.The scattered flames landed on his face, causing him to scream uncontrollably, and the big black dog also pounced on him, biting his throat firmly.Then with a sudden pull, the throat and a large piece of skin were ripped off by the big black dog.The mob leader named Jamie struggled for a while, and died unwillingly and painfully.

The big black dog spat out the human flesh in its mouth, and slowly looked out the window.On the street not far away, countless police cars are speeding towards Lanjiang University.At this time, Wang Sifan, who was soaked in blood, also ended the battle, and the classroom was full of corpses.There are thugs, and there are students and teachers.Wang Sifan checked just now, and all the students and teachers were killed, and none survived.

"Boy, if you don't want to be studied by slices, just slip away now and don't be silly."

The big black dog said to Wang Sifan.

"It was I who harmed them. I am an ominous person. I bring bad luck wherever I go."

Wang Sifan looked at the corpses all over the ground with some sadness.

"What nonsense are you talking about? It was your girlfriend and that son who killed them. What does it have to do with you? Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly."

After speaking, the big black dog grabbed the sleeve of Wang Sifan, who was in despair, with his mouth, and came to the window at the back of the teaching building.

The "Vine Binding Technique" was activated, and the green vines safely lowered a person and a dog from the fifth floor.One person and one dog just disappeared into the vast night.

On the way home, Wang Sifan was seriously injured and collapsed in an alley.The big black dog hesitated for a moment, and summoned an exquisite small porcelain bottle out of thin air.It poured out two elixir from it with some distress, and it and Wang Sifan each took it one by one.

After a while, the two men's injuries improved a little, and they returned home with their bruised bodies.As soon as I got home, I was overwhelmed by intense tiredness.One person and one dog fell into a coma.

When they woke up again, it was already noon of the second day.Their injuries improved a lot. Wang Sifan turned on the TV, which was broadcasting an important news.

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