Chen Yao looked coldly at those crocodiles, lions, rhinos, polar bears, and African buffaloes, and a swan sword flashed sharply in his hand.

A buffalo was the first to bump into it, Chen Yao leaned over to dodge it, and then cut off his horn with a sword.

But the cow didn't give up, but continued to charge forward. Chen Yao slashed out with a sword again, and this sword flashed a sharp sword light.


This blow cut off the head of the cow directly, and the blood spurted out two meters high and fell on Chen Yao's body, and the buffalo screamed and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, other animals began to attack collectively, and the polar bear rushed forward first. He jumped up and rushed towards Chenyao. The three-centimeter-long nails on the mouth of his paws were very sharp.

At this time, Chen Yao suddenly remembered that he was still a star master, and he thought he was just a warrior after practicing swords so much recently.

Then he waved a beam of light with his left hand, and slashed with a sharp slash with his right hand.

The polar bear was hit in the stomach by the light beam, and Limang directly cut off its two front paws. Now the polar bear has lost its attack power and mobility, so it can be said to be useless.

Then the three crocodiles quickly crawled towards him, the red light in their eyes and the bloody mouth made people frightened.

But Chen Yao is not someone who is afraid in battle, on the contrary, he is very excited and enjoys himself in this state.

A crocodile rushed in front of Chen Yao, opened its mouth and quickly bit his leg.

It was like the sound of two huge planks clapping together, a small piece of dust floated up, and a small gust of wind and waves was set off.

Chen Yao had already dodged, and then he slashed the crocodile's tail, obviously not cutting it off.

Continue to cut it a few more times without cutting it off. Let me see how hard your skin is.

Turn it on quickly and accurately, one sword, two swords, three swords, four swords, so many swords in a row, the crocodile's tail finally broke.

A huge tail of more than one meter fell, and it was still stained with blood. The crocodile bit Chen Yao furiously.

It bit the air again, and the other crocodiles followed closely. At this time, a five-meter-long crocodile appeared, almost twice the size of those crocodiles.

As soon as the huge crocodile came out, Chen Yao felt some coercion from the strong, but how could this scare him.

The huge crocodile roared, as if telling them to retreat, otherwise it would hinder him from fighting.

The big crocodile was followed by a large group of small crocodiles, and Chen Yao had concluded at this moment that he was the leader of those crocodiles.

The three crocodiles that attacked Chen Yao retreated, and the younger crocodiles who were following the big crocodile formed a circle to prevent him from escaping.

Pairs of red eyes and bloody mouths stared at him, Chen Yao knew that the crocodile would not be able to go out if he won or not.

He took out the walkie-talkie and said, "This is Chenyao. I am in danger now. Nearly fifty crocodiles surrounded me."

Officer Qiu's voice came from the phone, "You delay for now, and we will rescue you as soon as our support arrives. I don't have time to rescue you here."

Chen Yao put away the walkie-talkie, now everyone is in trouble and can't get out to help himself.

Now he has to stall for time to wait for the rescue force, he can't kill the crocodile leader, and he can't die in the mouth of the crocodile leader.

If the crocodile leader is killed, the fifty or so crocodiles surrounding him will attack him. This number is not a joke.

Quickly and hard to the limit, the pupils contracted to a point, analyzing every move of the big crocodile, at this moment he can see the dust falling in the air, falling and rising lightly.

At this moment, he felt that the center of the world was here, and the sword in his hand and the star of the holy light in the sea of ​​stars, at this moment, was ready to move as if he was facing an enemy.

The big crocodile in front of him should not be underestimated, this is currently the strongest opponent he has ever encountered, and he already smelled danger.

The big crocodile took the lead, its steady steps were very heavy, but the speed was not slow, on the contrary, it was very fast.

Pom Pom Pom!
The huge crocodile flicked its tail towards Chenyao, and jumped forward half a meter away from him. Chenyao retreated quickly, and the place where the bloody mouth closed was only ten centimeters away from him.

The air seemed to be experiencing a sonic boom, and the speed of the bite was extremely fast, and there was a large amount of dust around it.

The crocodile didn't relax its vigilance, and flicked its tail again to quickly whip at Chenyao.

Although Chen Yao dodged this blow, a bloodstain suddenly appeared on his abdomen.

Even though it wasn't deep enough to see the intestines, there was a burning sensation in his stomach, which was very uncomfortable and affected the battle.

He quickly tore off his clothes and covered the wound to prevent the internal organs from falling out due to the violent action later.

Chen Yao didn't dare to neglect, and continued to look for the next attack avoidance point.

That big crocodile didn't seem to be angry, but rather enjoyed this sense of hunting, which was the bloodiness of a beast.

The crocodile had only two types of attacks, but it was these two types that made Chen Yao retreat steadily.

He must concentrate on every attack, and analyze the next dodge point, otherwise he will be bitten in half or slapped into two sections.

The big crocodile will also analyze his evasion point, and almost hit Chen Yao several times, and his evasion route has almost been analyzed.

Now he had to plan a new evasion point, and he could no longer evade like this. During the evasion, he used flash beams to attack the crocodile. The crocodile had rough skin and thick flesh, and these attacks were just tickling.

Chen Yao didn't expect to kill the crocodile with the flash beam, he was just delaying time, and the target was the crocodile's eyes.

But every time it was about to hit the eye, the crocodile would close its eyes and block the attack with its eyelids. Sure enough, animals with enlightened intelligence are not inferior to humans.

At this moment, his target is only the crocodile, and he has no extra thoughts to observe the surrounding scene.

The big crocodile didn't feel tired all the time, and the attack was still as fast, as ruthless, and terrifying.

This time the crocodile guessed where Chen Yao was hiding, and swung its tail to hit the swan sword.

The sword flew into the crowd of crocodiles and disappeared. Chen Yao turned on the flash shield, and he thought that he should be able to make the next attack.

The big crocodile is looking for his flaws, and he is also looking for the big crocodile's flaws.

This time Chen Yao made a prediction, and the flash beam hit the crocodile's mouth.

A few wisps of blue smoke came out of the big crocodile's mouth, but this attack alone was not enough to make the crocodile feel pain.

The big crocodile found that Chen Yao had found his own flaws, his eyes gradually became sharper and cautious, and his attacks were mainly tail flicks.

The huge tail flicked away, hitting a huge stone pillar as thick as a bucket.

The stone pillar fell, dust rose from the ocean, some broken stones fell down, and some of them hit the back of Chen Yao's arm and thigh, and bruises appeared on the hit place, and blood also flowed down the limbs.

Chen Yao was negligent, he didn't expect the big crocodile to have such an idea, he felt pain in his hands, legs, and back, sweat and blood mixed together and dripped down.

Now Chenyao seems to be dying, the big crocodile is just a little tired, if this stalemate continues, Chenyao will die soon.

The flash shield has long been broken, and now there is no means of defense, and the means of attack are also tickling for crocodiles

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