I!Get the Light of Inheritance system at the start

Chapter 147 Opponents of Regenerative Skills

After a month of practice, Chen Yao can no longer sit still, time is running out.

Since the Seven Gods let him continue to practice with peace of mind and increase his strength to prevent being killed by the Emperor of Heaven, they will defend the front line, but Chen Yao is not such a wretched person who hides behind and grows up. He has come here all the way of!
The belief in his eyes is extremely firm, since he has accepted this responsibility, he must carry it out to the end, even though, his life is still the first.

Because you can't beat them already, it would be pointless to fight to the death, and it would be stupid to die in vain.

He knew that Lve Shadow Army's goal was to invade the Seven Gods Realm, not to destroy the Seven Gods Realm. Invasion and destruction were not of the same nature at all.

So as long as he doesn't die, there is still hope to become stronger, and then launch a war to regain the Seven God Realm, so that those who died for the war can rest in peace.

The wish of the Seven Gods is peace for the human race. If the sacrifice of the Seven Gods can bring about peace, then they can leave contentedly without any regrets!
Chen Yao has already got up and went to various battlefields. Now he can kill one by one, and he specially selects the strong ones like Tiansheng to kill.

After all, they are all because of themselves.

Ever since Chen Yao and Qing Cheng parted ways last time, neither of them had contacted each other.

Chenyao's strength has improved too fast. One moment ago he was still on the same starting line as you, and the next time he will leave you by a large margin, and he can't even catch up with that kind of person, so there are very few people around him, because he can't rank up use.

At the beginning, Sister Li Lan was several times stronger than him, but after a while, he surpassed her, and the gap between the two became bigger and bigger, so...
The same goes for joining the police station, because their strength has improved too fast, they can't cooperate with themselves, and the things they deal with are very simple for them.

The further you go, the bigger and wider the circle of Chen Yao becomes. One moment, you can still be in your circle, but the next moment, because you can't keep up with the gap in strength, you are squeezed out abruptly.

The circle gets bigger, you can't keep up, and anyone in it will beat you up.

The danger is also consistent with it. People in the circle can handle it, but for those who can't keep up with the circle, it is a big crisis, a big danger of death at any time.

Chen Yao came to the southern battlefield and fought again after seeing the holy level.

Without saying a word, he rushed forward to fight!

The three celestial sages, [-]th and [-]th tiers, saw their prey, and immediately lost their minds with excitement, immediately like a hungry wolf pounced on a lamb, swiftly and greedily.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yao started to fight back, and several identities avoided the attack, and then swung his sword unhurriedly, in fact, the speed and strength were much higher than before.

Chi Chi~!

The Tiansheng who attacked first was immediately cut off with an arm, and the other party did not scream or howl, but rushed towards him like a hungry wolf again.


After Chen Yao dodged easily, he slashed out with a sword again, and the opposite arm was broken again, and blood gushed out, splashing wet on the surrounding ground.

The strange thing is, the opponent's previous severed arm grew blood and flesh quickly, and after a while, an arm grew out? !

Chen Yao frowned slightly, regeneration is not a big problem, there must be a limit, I want to see how many times your regeneration limit is!

follow!He quickly slashed at the reborn heavenly saint again, this time he swung his sword hundreds of times in a row!
Chi Chi Chi~~!

Before the other party could react, he was cut into pieces, his whole body was chopped off many times, his body was shattered, most of his face was cut off, his internal organs were clearly visible, and his bloody intestines were still wriggling, like a huge The maggots are generally very disgusting and appetizing.

but!Even with this appearance, the man still looked at Chen Yao with a strange and sinister smile, which made people shed a few drops of cold sweat.

Then the body regenerated strangely, very fast, almost half of it recovered within one breath.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yao slashed out thousands of swords, and the man was chopped into pieces, but in the end he regenerated like a normal person, which is outrageous!
Chen Yao didn't bother with him anymore, but started to attack other heavenly saints in battle. There was no need to waste time with this reborn heavenly saint.

He just left to go, suddenly!A cold, stiff hand that was stained with a little blood grabbed Chen Yao's foot!

He subconsciously exerted force on his legs and shook the hand that was holding his foot out.

But... no use? !

That cold and stiff hand was still holding tightly, as if it had already fused with Chen Yao's foot, unable to break free, it was so firm that it fused!

He turned his head abruptly, with a strange smile, staring at him with a half-rotten face!

That's right!

That's a piece of face, peeled off from that guy's face! ! !
The rotten face suddenly opened its bloody mouth, and the broken teeth inside were replaced by small white maggots. A bloody smell mixed with putrid smell came oncoming, it was extremely disgusting.

Chen Yao immediately stepped back.


The big bloody mouth was bitten open, and the scarlet blood and dark green corpse water splashed out and splashed onto the ground.

As soon as the scarlet blood touched the mud and rocky ground, it immediately bubbled like cola, and many small holes appeared after a while.

As soon as the dark green corpse water touched the ground, it directly corroded the ground and sank. With the disappearance of the corpse water, a lot of potholes appeared on the ground.

Then Chen Yao quickly swung a few beams of light blades, attacking that rotten weird smiling face.

Chi Chi~!

That face was like hot iron meeting cold water, smoky and dripping, and soon turned into a puddle of reddish green viscous liquid.

The cut off stumps and internal organs floated strangely, as if being reinfused with life, and began to attack the culprit that caused them to become like this.

Thousands of visceral stumps and pieces of meat flew over, green corpse water was still flowing on the bloody surface, and the smell of stinky socks and rotting flesh rushed towards him.

Chen Yao didn't panic, and immediately began to fight with the holy light armor. The internal organs of those meat pieces were chopped off by him, and then the bloody red corpse green liquid spilled on him.

Although those liquids couldn't corrode the armor quickly, they still left some burnt and sunken marks. It was only a matter of time before the armor was corroded.

Turn on the flashing golden eyes and search for this person quickly, he must be hidden in this pile of corpses, the rancid smell is very pungent, but fortunately, Chen Yao's endurance is comparable to that of ordinary people, if he was an ordinary person, he would have already died. He vomited bile in his stomach, and he might even fall into a coma.

The internal organs of a pile of corpses are like rainwater, there is no escape, and there is no escape, so he can only swing his sword and punch to block and parry.

At this moment, he started a new skill, Holy Light Asylum!

All attributes increased by more than half, everything in front of him slowed down, and then he began to observe every flying thing.

After a while, he discovered that there was a gray bloodshot eye that had been hiding and moving among the corpses.

In less than ten seconds, it turned into a moldy and shriveled finger again, continuing to maneuver among the corpses, and the perspective was very stuck.

If Chen Yao hadn't turned on the protection of the Holy Light, he wouldn't have discovered this tiny detail. Relying on the flashing golden pupils and fast, precise and ruthless under normal conditions, it would take at least a lot of time to discover this thing.

That's a great skill! !

Disgusting guy, found you, start fighting back now.

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