I was forced to control the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 75 Shocked!Yi Jianzong actually came to visit...

"Hey, Junior Brother, don't shake your head. Let's cheer up and work hard to catch up with others as soon as possible."

Seeing Ye Nan shaking his head and sighing bitterly again, Tang Yingruo couldn't help feeling worried, and her face turned red.

She is here, like a nouveau riche who has joined a real wealthy family. Although she can sit here, she can't speak at all, and she can't even catch up with what others say.

This made her face hot, and she felt that she couldn't stand or sit, which was very embarrassing.

call out!
Ye Nan got up suddenly, took a step forward, and said, "Senior sister, why don't I give a speech on stage."


Tang Yingruo was stunned, her junior brother's cultivation was not as good as her own, so how could she understand the way of swordsmanship?
"Come back to me, don't go up to shame!"

Suddenly, Tang Yingruo's face became serious, and she hurriedly grabbed Ye Nan and forced him to sit down.

Seeing this, Ye Nan was also speechless for a while, you didn't let me talk about it, don't blame us for embarrassing here.

"All the swords are born to me because of the fate, and they are destroyed because of the fate of the sword..."

"No self, no human, no sentient beings, no longevity..."


You Tianjiao took the stage one after another to talk about his understanding of kendo.

After a long time, Nuan, who appeared as the finale, got up and slowly stepped onto the stage.

He took one step at a time, and every step he took, a small shock wave diffused from his feet, but it didn't have any lethality, and it didn't cause damage to anything around him.

It was because his internal cultivation had reached its peak, and his control over power had reached an unparalleled level, that made people feel so harmonious.

In a blink of an eye, Nu Bei went up to the center of the golden platform, facing the crowd, and slowly said: "Everyone, Nu is not talented, and his understanding of the way of swords is only superficial, today I will make a fool of everyone."

Feng Qingxiao hurriedly cupped his fists and said: "Where is it, senior, you are too modest, please tell me quickly."

"Okay, then I'll talk."

Angry and sad, he flicked his sleeves and said: "Cultivation by monks is not for achievement. They all cultivate the word 'heart'. When the sword of heart is sacrificed, no one can block it. Raise the eyes of everyone. The sword is great. Open mountains and rivers, break through the sky with one sword..."

Talking in anger and sorrow, as if the voice of the sky is falling down, every word uttered seems to be analyzed. Everyone present holds their breath, closes their eyes, and listens to the lecture with fascination.

Wrath is worthy of being a half-step Martial Emperor's powerhouse, the truth of the swordsmanship he told did not have too many obscure words, and was quickly understood and absorbed by everyone present.

"I understand this time. Senior Anger is saying that there are countless monks in the world who need to practice the word 'heart'. Among the countless monks, only the sword is the best."

Tang Yingruo opened her mouth, her eyes seemed to contain galaxies, and she was very excited, "In other words, sword repair is the strongest."

Hearing this, Ye Nan nodded, it was true.

After all, in the memory of that ancient sword fairy, a powerful swordsman can secure the world with one sword, and can control mountains and rivers with one sword. There are even stronger ones, who can destroy stars, rivers, sun and moon with one sword. They are extremely powerful.

At this moment, Tang Yingruo suddenly turned dark, and said slightly reprimanded: "Junior Brother, don't tell me that you didn't understand this time."

Seeing her like this, Ye Nan couldn't help laughing angrily, but he didn't show it, but nodded and said: "Understood."


Tang Yingruo looked in disbelief, and said strangely: "Then tell me, what does Senior Anger mean?"


Ye Nan felt speechless, so he had no choice but to spread his hands and said: "Senior, what you mean by this is that the most powerful in this world is a few sword cultivators. As long as they are strong enough, they can stand at the top of the mountain and look at all mountains Small."

After hearing this, Tang Yingruo put away her stern expression, nodded, and sighed earnestly, "Oh, junior brother, you have finally grown up."

After hearing this, Ye Nan was even more speechless.

The growth of the fart, I clearly have no growth at all!

At this moment, the anger and sorrow on the stage had finished speaking, and he slowly stepped down from the stage.

"Sect Master Tang, do you want to go up to the stage and explain the truth of swordsmanship?"

After the anger and grief subsided, Feng Qingxiao looked at Tang Yingruo and sincerely invited.

This move gave Yi Jianzong enough face.


Tang Yingruo was stunned for a moment, her breathing became short of breath, she hurriedly waved her hands violently and said, "I'll forget it, my junior brother and I are here to play today, so we still won't go up..."

She didn't dare to go up, because she felt that she was still too humble, so she found a reason out of desperation.

But these words fell into the ears of many people present, and they were shocked like a lightning strike.

This...an occasion that happens once every ten years, and it is presided over by Senior Feng from the Holy Land, and even Senior Anger is in charge, but Yi Jianzong is only here for fun?

Are their eyes so high?

Someone suddenly slapped his forehead and realized something.

That's right, his sect can push the Tianmen Hall horizontally, and the sword fairy in his sect is so strong that he doesn't need to come to listen to the lecture at all!
None of the people present were stupid, and soon they all thought of this level.

In an instant, everyone cast admiring gazes at Tang Yingruo.

Sovereign Tang is really amazing, he is really a role model for my generation.

But when they saw Tang Yingruo's shortness of breath and flushed face, they couldn't help feeling a little suspicious.

Why is Tang Zongzhu's face so red?
Moreover, why is her body still trembling slightly, looking very nervous?

Seeing her like this, Feng Qingxiao frowned, and hurriedly asked eagerly: "Tang... Sect Master Tang, what's wrong with you?"


Being asked such a question, Tang Yingruo's heart instantly tensed up to her throat, she grabbed Ye Nan violently in a panic, and changed her words in a trembling voice:

"I... I was almost pissed off by my junior brother. He came here to listen to the lecture, but he didn't make any progress at all!"


As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the scene.

After hearing this, all the people present smiled playfully, glanced at Ye Nan, and didn't want to take a second look.

Feng Qingxiao couldn't help but snorted coldly, unwilling to look at Ye Nan again.

In fact, if it wasn't for Tang Yingruo's face, he wouldn't have brought Ye Nan here at all.

After all, this level of Sword Discussion Conference is not something that cats and dogs can come to casually. People like Ye Nan really lowered the level of the Sword Discussion Conference.

When Ye Nan sensed that the people present were looking at him in complicated ways, he just smiled lightly and didn't say anything.

What the hell, the young master is here to play today, just by the way to see how your reptiles perform.

As for Tang Yingruo's excuse just now, Ye Nan understood that it was an excuse she had to say out of desperation, and did not blame her.

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