Travel to another world and become a great sage

Chapter 113 Intelligence and Planning

After training in the raging sea, Hu Jiu clearly felt that his control over power had improved, not only the surging power that appeared at a certain probability, but also the power of the quantum blade.

The star power in the Quantum Blade is more concentrated and "sharp" than before, just like a honed magic weapon, the steel demon body that even Tiana's giant sword couldn't break through with a full blow just now, Just like that, it was "broken" by a sword.

Of course, it is undeniable that what Hu Jiu killed was not Jeroboam who was "full of blood and full state".

Jeroboam first had a fierce battle with Tiana, then was seriously injured by Wesley, and was tricked by the disguised "Robin" into drinking the tearing potion, greatly losing his strength.If it is in its prime, Hu Jiu's Quantum Blade may not be able to exert this effect.

However, the battle, no, it should be said that the fight between the demons is so cruel, winners and losers.

Although the stronger the strength, the greater the chance of winning, but the one who survives to the end is the real winner.

Jeroboam has a storage bracelet, which contains more than 2 black crystal coins and some odds and ends, but for Hu Jiu, these are just extra income, and the biggest gain is killing Jeroboam (by the way, he punched sandbags for a long time) , and also got two extremely valuable information:

First, it was determined that the Blood Plague bandit group that interfered in the west of the Dark Moon Territory was appointed by Lord Chiyou. For the so-called balance, the backbone of the bandit bandit was composed of members from the two factions of Kanita and Caiaphas. Jeroboam and the band leader Asanias was on the side of Carnita, Tekoa was on the side of Caiaphas, and so should the killed Eusiri and Hesija.The two sides fought openly and secretly, and refused to give in to each other.

Second, the Blood Plague Thieves Group has a magic communication station that is in contact with Maginot Town and Dark Moon City. It is located in the cave area of ​​Wuyan Mountain. connect.

The value of these two pieces of information is not as simple as it appears on the surface. After Hu Jiu pondered for a long time, a bold new plan gradually took shape in his mind. Looking at the body of Jeroboam on the ground, with a thought, he has already collected it into the storage of the Mecha Descending System. storehouse.

The "preservation period" of the storage warehouse seems to be very long, and Jeroboam's body should be of great use by then.

After a while, the figure of "Jeroboam" appeared in front of the two fleeing thieves. The two thieves were still in shock to escape from the claws of the ghost dragon. When they saw "Jeroboam", they hurriedly saluted: "My lord!"

"What are you panicking about! You two useless guys!" Panting, Jeroboam cursed as if he was still injured, "You two, find the lost brothers as soon as possible, and gather them all here!"

The two hurried away, and after a period of time, the members of the Blood Plague Thieves gathered one after another. Jeroboam looked at these disheveled guys, and secretly laughed at the ghost dragon that Kapichu pretended to be very intimidating. But it was extremely serious, and he said: "You have all seen it. Now that terrible ghost dragon has come out of the main mine, everyone should not go back for a while, and will be stationed in the nearby Beilangxishan area. My lord is going to drive away now. Go to Maginot Town to contact the head of the group to report these emergencies. Remember, before I return, no matter what, don’t provoke the miners. If my lord finds someone disobeying orders, I will kill him when I come back. !"

The thieves hurriedly responded to their orders, but Lord Jeroboam's order was actually reasonable. The terrifying ghost dragon had already come down from the main mine, and if he stayed in Beilang Mountain, he would be sent to death.

As for the mining office, there are strong men like Ezekiel and Tiana, and even Jeroboam returned from a serious injury today, who would dare to provoke him?
This Jeroboam was naturally disguised by Hu Jiu. After "settlement" the thieves, he returned to Beilangshan to join Kapiqiu and Gangjiao.

With the help of the magic map, they flew towards Wuyan Mountain. The rock mountain that Jeroboam said was not difficult to find, but the magic communication station did take a lot of work to find, thanks to Kapiqiu.

It turned out that a carnivorous phantom tree was skillfully planted outside, which can hallucinate and prey on nearby creatures. No wonder Jeroboam said that it could not be destroyed by people.

The magic tree is a very rare carnivorous plant with strong predatory ability. The most valuable thing is the fruit it bears. Eating it can make people have strong hallucinations. It is generally used to make top-level psychedelic potions or assist in performing some kind of illusion.

However, although the magic tree is powerful, it is just a troublesome delicacy to the natural enemies of certain plants, especially Kapichu, an amoeba whose strength and appetite have undergone powerful mutations.

In fact, Hu Jiu had long thought that Kapichu could simply be called "Kirby". The star Kirby would swallow everything.

Or Kirby?Do you want to find time to discuss changing its name another day?
The main body of the communication station is a whole piece of special magic spar. The higher the quality, the more advanced the magic circle can be engraved, and the longer the effective distance is. The magic circle of each communication station is different, which avoids the "signal " Mutual interference.

What made Hu Jiu happy was that the magic spar was actually a material that could be converted into energy values. The quality of this magic spar was obviously very high, providing [-] energy values.

Kapichu was also very happy. The phantom tree is a rare "food". Even in the rainy jungle, it is difficult to find a few trees. It is unexpected that it can be eaten in a mountainous area like the Northern Wolf Mountains.

Hu Jiu deliberately asked Kapichu to leave a few cores of the phantom tree, that is, seeds, into the Star Garden and try to put them in the soil. The reminder: Unknown plants, the maturity period is 5 days, can be matured repeatedly, and consumes 10 energy dust per day.Current Status: immature.

Seeds are different from ready-made plants. They can be planted directly without transplanting the energy value. Unfortunately, devil fruit does not have a core, and there are no other seeds, otherwise it can be planted in large quantities...

If Miss Radiant Dragon knows what Hu Jiu thinks now, she will definitely denounce the greed of human beings. You can harvest the precious fruit that only ripens once in hundreds of years. Are you still not satisfied?

However, at present, the Star Garden and Shu Fairy of the Mecha Descending System are the lowest level. It seems that only five plants of the same kind can be planted. In the future, the "refining dust" can be used to upgrade. Ordinary dust is called energy dust in the system, and it should be used Other functions are "refined", which should only be available after breaking through the Youbi Realm, so there is no need to think about it for the time being.

At present, the connection between Maginot Town and North Wolf Mountain has been cut off, at least the speed of news transmission has been greatly reduced. Unless someone goes to Maginot Town to report the news, Tegoa should not know what happened in the mine, even if there are thieves in the mine. It doesn't matter if Tekoa was notified before the magic communication station was destroyed, because "Jeroboam" will really go to Maginot Town.

If you stay in the mining office all the time, it is equivalent to seeing the enemy from the dark. Even if Jeroboam and Youxili are killed, more powerful enemies will appear one after another, which is not only dangerous, but also passive.

The blood plague thieves group is not small and powerful, but a snake can't do without a head, and the most effective way is to behead it.Now Jeroboam, You Xili and Adams, the main members of the blood plague in Northern Wolf Mountain, have been wiped out. Although there are hundreds of thieves left, they are restricted to Beilangxi Mountain by Hu Jiu pretending to be Jeroboam. Basically, they have not done much.At present, the main force of the Blood Plague Bandit is stationed in Maginot Town. The head of the group, Asania, just returned to the territory of Chiyou, at least not in the short term. Now only the deputy head, Tegoya, is left.

Hu Jiu's plan is to take the initiative to attack, and take advantage of Asania's absence to pull out Tegoya's nail!

If you continue to wait passively in the mine like this, even if the magic communication station is destroyed and the transmission of the news is delayed, after all, the symptoms will not be cured, and more powerful enemies will appear one after another. If Tegoa or even Yasani Ya hurried back, Hu Jiu didn't think he and Tiana had any hope of winning.

Therefore, he wants to take the initiative to attack, first destroy Tekoa, and try to defeat the main force of the blood plague bandit group under the situation of "the snake has no head". .Then cooperate with the military power of Princess Restia of Darkmoon City at the right time, and this passage to the west should be cleared.

Of course, the details of the plan are far more than that simple, and the plan is far from changing. The "Jeroboam" in front of him should be a good identity to use.

Before that, he had to go back to the Forest of Green Needles, firstly to reassure Tiana, and secondly to truly carry out the "slumber" of "Great Master Inheritance". Today's battle with Jeroboam was actually very lucky. , It also made him more aware of the gap.

To face a peak high-level demon like Tegoa, the current strength is definitely far from enough, and there may be more unknown dangers in Maginot Town, so the first priority before implementing the plan is to seize this precious place. In free time, concentrate on improving your strength.

Moreover, the core biological cockpit has never been used. It is said that it is for cultivating mental power, and it may have some miraculous effects on him, such as acquiring some special skills or something.

On the other hand, not only Tegoa, but also Araux's duel period is getting closer.

After Hu Jiu made up his mind, he rode the steel horn and flew towards the Green Needle Forest with Kapichu, who was content to eat.

After a while, Wyvern arrived at the Green Needle Forest.

At the pre-arranged rendezvous place, Hu Jiu didn't see Tiana, only the iron skeleton, and... a simple wooden house that was about to take shape.

"It must be that the illness from last time hasn't healed yet, and I'm not used to living in a tent, so let me help you build a wooden house!"

The voice from last time still rang in my ears.

Hu Jiu was slightly startled, the exhaustion of her body, and even the plans and arrangements in her mind were instantly washed away by a sudden feeling, which quickly occupied all the places in her heart.

Looking at this wooden house that can be described as simple and simple, I feel that it is more precious than any rich and luxurious villas and palaces.

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