Travel to another world and become a great sage

Chapter 130 The Royal Family of Desire May Have Genes That Increase Intelligence

The force field induction shows a race: the royal family of desire.Comprehensive Strength Evaluation: Unable to judge!

It turned out to be impossible to judge!
The strength of this noble lady of the shadow royal family is at least at the level of a great demon king!
So far, in Hu Jiu's force field sensing, there are only three people who are "unable to judge", one is Nephthys, the other is Restia, and the other is the royal lady of the Shadow Empire!

How dare Hu Jiu act rashly, the ring of "Dark Will" has fallen into the opponent's hands, even if the crystal cloud star lock is released, facing at least the mysterious opponent who is the Great Demon King, there is still no possibility of escaping.

"Delia, why are you hurt?" The lady's voice rang out, with a kind of tranquility in her tone, which made people ignore the melodious tone.

Delia had already replaced the bloody veil, but she still couldn't hide it from the lady, so she could only reply: "Yes, this prisoner has a very strong willpower. When I was interrogating him just now, I accidentally , suffered a small loss. But I have already asked some confessions. This guy is called Jiuhu, and he came from Maginot Town. He was hunted down on the road, and he just..."

The noble lady listened quietly, noncommittal, just looking at Hu Jiu, Hu Jiu felt that the eyes behind the veil seemed to have a strange power, penetrating into the heart, and immediately expressed the dejected look more realistically, following the trend Avoid eye contact with her.

"Miss, although I underestimated the enemy just now, this is the first time I have suffered such a loss from a man. Will you hand him over to me later? I will let him taste the taste of Mrs. Poison Spider!"

There was a sense of resentment in Delia's charming voice. Hu Jiu didn't know whether it was her intentional cover or the feeling of resentment, so he could only lower his head lower in cooperation.

Tsk, it looks like I have to prepare a generous gift when I go back. God knows if Delia is really suffocated for hurting her eyes.

"Let's talk about it at that time, there is no rush now." The noble lady did not directly agree to Delia's request, "Mrs. Delia, please go outside the carriage now, ask Bob to stop the carriage, and then use the messenger talisman to communicate with March Contact Nuozhen to see if anything special happened. Emma, ​​Sally, you two should step back first."

The poisonous woman would actually make such a decision!Although Hu Jiu lowered his head, his heart skipped a beat—is it a coincidence, or was the other party really aware of something?
After the three of them left, the lady walked over slowly and came to Hu Jiu.

"Jiuhu, let's call you like this." The lady said lightly, "Since you said you are from Maginot Town, please tell me about the major events that happened in Maginot Town. I forgot to remind you, just now I asked When Delia contacted Maginot Town, your heart was beating very fast, can you tell me the real situation?"

The lady's tone was calm and kind, completely different from Delia's coldness before, as if she was treating a friend instead of a prisoner, but Hu Jiu was more vigilant.

Just these few words showed terrible insight and deduction. This noble lady's intelligence is by no means trivial, and it seems that she can't be fooled by ordinary means.

"Miss is very smart, so let me tell you the truth. Something big happened in the town. I heard that the Scarlet Guards started a riot, and the old mayor sent a defense team to suppress it. I don't know what happened, but The whole town looked very chaotic. At that time, I was about to leave the town. In order to avoid being affected by the riots, I ran away quickly, but I was attacked by an unknown strong man on the way and almost died. Miss, please forgive me for not telling the truth earlier, because I just died After escaping and waking up, he was imprisoned again, so it is inevitable that he will be wary."

The lady nodded: "Then where are you going? I know the emperor very well, or I can help you."

Hu Jiu was completely blank about the situation in the imperial capital of the Shadow Empire. Naturally, he couldn't deal with this visitor from the imperial capital, but he was very flexible, and changed his words: "Actually, I am a monster hunter. This time, the destination is not the imperial capital, but the Youye Wetland. There is a Wyvern's lair there. I want to use drugs to trap a young dragon or two for sale...

At this moment, Delia came in and whispered something to the noble lady. Even if Hu Jiu covered his ears, he could guess that what he was talking about was about the town of Maginot.

"Ms. Delia, thank you for your hard work. Your mental strength has been seriously damaged. Here is a bottle of potion for you. Go to your room and have a good rest." He took the medicine, took a look at Hu Jiu, and walked out of the yard.

Although she has already learned about the great changes that have taken place in Maginot Town, the noble lady said to Hu Jiu as if nothing happened, "Go ahead."

Then "edit" it?This calmness made Hu Jiu feel a little guilty, so he had to describe Youye Wetland. He had learned a lot about Youye Wetland and Wyvern's lair from Mengyi and Tie Gu. He also talked about the preparation of drugs and poisons, which sounded logical and true.

"Have you finished? Then let me say a few words first, and then you can talk about it, okay?" The lady waited quietly for him to finish, then sighed slightly, "You are very quick-witted, but the long-term strategy is not enough. Of course, this may be due to the lack of time. I just want to ask you two questions, which merchant do you plan to trade with after hunting the Wyvern? What is the price?"

Hu Jiu has been speechless. He really doesn't understand this aspect. Just now, he has been trying his best to draw the lady's attention to the potion he is relatively familiar with. The lady also showed interest, but now I know that he has no is unmoved.

"Next time, you have to choose a more familiar profession as an excuse, so there will be fewer flaws." The lady pointed out his flaws patiently, "If you are a spy or a spy, I can only say that you are very unqualified. So, you're not a spy. Now let's talk about the Maginot incident."

Hu Jiu's heart tightened, the mysterious lady waved her hand, and a chair appeared behind Hu Jiu: "Please sit down."

This kind of "courteous treatment" made Hu Jiu uneasy, but he sat down anyway.

The noble lady continued: "I am very surprised by the changes in Maginot Town. The magic pomegranate fruit tree was destroyed, the mayor Kanhit died, the defense captain Rose died, and the Scarlet Guard was almost wiped out. We... can Think of this as a brilliant plot. I'll assume now that you're the one behind the scenes. Take it easy, I'm just, hypothetical."

Your lady bites the word "assumption" very hard, revealing an indescribable subtle meaning.

"There are actually many loopholes in this plan. The reason why it is called wonderful is because of the final effect it achieves. The time error and timing are amazing. Even if someone finds something is wrong, they have to continue to be dragged because of serious consequences." Going on the nose, for example, the biggest key point of the mayor Kanhit is the magic durian fruit tree, although there are still some details in it that I haven't figured out, but I have to praise you, you did it beautifully."

"Miss, I'm not..."

"Don't worry, I'm just 'assuming', you are just a magic beast hunter who is proficient in potions, came out of Maginot Town, unfortunately fell in front of my carriage, and was captured innocently, Maginot Town How could it be related to you?"

The more the noble girl said this, the heavier Hu Jiu's heart was - it seemed that luck was really bad, and it would fall into the hands of such a woman, not only her strength was terrifying, but her intelligence was even more terrifying.

His scheming, which usually makes Restia admire, is like a child's play in front of this mysterious woman.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Hu Jiu is not a serious intellectual hero. If we use the four-dimensional division of civil servants and generals in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Hu Jiu should be regarded as 91 in intelligence and 97 in politics.Restia is about 89 in intelligence and 99 in politics.

"Next, let's further hypothesize." Your lady saw Hu Jiu's serious face, and she seemed to be smiling slightly behind the veil, as happy as a little girl who met something she liked, "Why did the Scarlet Guards launch a riot? I don't know much about the town of Maginot, but I have seen related information in the imperial capital. The Scarlet Guards are actually the forces of the Chiyou Territory, and their purpose is to be instructed by the Hei Yao regent of the Fallen Angel Empire , to restrict the west passage of the Dark Moon Territory. I don’t think it’s meaningful for the Scarlet Guards to seize the magic grenade fruit, even if the magic grenade fruit is extremely important to a certain important person in the Chiyou Territory, even if they have a secret method to make them leave the fruit tree for 5 minutes Keeping the effectiveness of the expired fruit, this kind of suicidal behavior is really not worth the loss. Could it be that for the value of the fruit, he would not hesitate to disobey the order of the regent, or even fight against my shadow empire?"

Cold sweat broke out on Hu Jiu's back. Only then did he know that the magic durian fruit would lose its effectiveness after 5 minutes away from the fruit tree. Fortunately, he picked one and ate one at the beginning. It seems that just like what the lady said, he thought it was a complete success. There is such an obvious loophole in the meter.

"Who will be the biggest beneficiary of the destruction of the forces in the Chiyou Territory?" Hu Jiu could hardly sit still when the lady said next, "I should be the down-and-out eldest princess in the Dark Moon Territory. I am now I can't help but admire that Princess Restia, under such internal and external adversity, she can still recruit talents like you."

"My words are finished for the time being," the lady stretched out her white jade-like palm, with a black ring in her palm, "Now I want to hear your explanation, the owner of the "Will of Darkness", Your Excellency Jiuhu."

The horror in Hu Jiu's heart was indescribable: this woman's IQ is simply terrifying!
Could it be that it is not enough for the shadow empire to have a queen who is the most wise man, but there is such a noble lady with outstanding intelligence in the royal family!
clam down!Now it can only be said that the other party has amazing insight and strong reasoning ability!Hu Jiu!Don't be intimidated by her intelligence like this!

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