The space inside this cave is larger, and it is dry and warm, much more comfortable than the outside.

Hu Jiu knew that Tiana was depleting a lot of physical strength and strength. Although she supplemented some food when she was in the Janna Banshee's lair, she had hardly had a real rest since last night. Take out tents, sleeping bags, etc.

"Tianna, you have to sleep, you are so tired."

Tiana originally wanted to talk to him, but when she heard the proposal, she frowned slightly.

Hu Jiu knew what she was thinking, and smiled slightly: "There are still many, many things between us, and we can't finish talking at once, maybe... we can't finish talking in a lifetime. We have plenty of time in the future. Before that, you must make your own Get your body back to normal, so that you don't even have the strength to beat me up."

Tiana faintly heard the cryptic expression in his words, and her face blushed immediately, but there was more of a hint of joy in her heart, and she deliberately "hummed" and entered the tent.

She was indeed physically exhausted from the repeated fierce battles, and she experienced the excitement of the first passionate kiss. After relaxing, she soon fell into a sweet dreamland.

Hu Jiu gave Ka Picchu a few pieces of food, and let him rest for a while. The amoeba was worried that he would be abandoned by his master for being passive and sabotage, so he was relieved to see this.

The smart amoeba knew that the owner would definitely have to deal with it after catching the stone guy, so instead of flattering and praising it as usual, it consciously took the food, chose a more comfortable corner, and enjoyed it.

"Grey, let's sit down and talk."

The earth elementalist obediently sat down, Hu Jiu said: "Ge Lei, my name is Hu Jiu, first I want to ask you a few questions, you must answer truthfully, and then I will consider how to help you."

Seeing the earth elemental man nodding, Hu Jiu asked: "As far as I know, the elemental man has his own rules. Why would the earth elemental man kill other creatures, and why would he become companions with those monster mosquitoes?"

Gray's facial features are very fuzzy, and it is impossible to see the specific expression, but there is doubt in the voice: "I don't know, a long time ago, we have been living in the domain of Gaia, and we have never violated other creatures. There are no other creatures to invade us. But one day, when the earth elemental king had a certain mutation, many things changed suddenly. As for those monster mosquitoes, as far as I can remember, they have never appeared in the underground world before. It just popped up a few hundred years ago."

Hu Jiu frowned, and asked with a slight thought: "Did the monster mosquito appear after the earth elemental king mutated?"

Gray seemed to be recalling, and finally nodded with certainty: "Yes."

"What exactly is the mutation of the earth elemental king?" Hu Jiu continued to ask.

Gray scratched his head: "I don't know, but the clansmen who have accepted the mutation will have some strange changes. All the previous memories have disappeared, and only the absolute obedience to the king of the earth element remains. Those who are not willing to accept the mutation The tribe will be destroyed, so Ta Lei led us to escape from the domain of Gaia."

This kind of mutation should be a kind of control, but the earth elemental king already has the natural coercion to control all the earth elemental people, so why bother?What does this have to do with that monster mosquito?
Hu Jiu thought for a while and asked, "The King of Earth Elements is extremely powerful. It should not be difficult for you to destroy the opposing creatures or those who defected, so why didn't he take action himself?"

Gray shook his head: "Before fleeing Gaia's domain, the great king had meditated in the royal court for hundreds of years, but he never came out. I heard that it was related to getting something. Only Ta Lei may know the specific situation. He is an elite earth elemental person with strong strength, and was once the head of the three most trusted elites of the king."

What the earth elemental king wants to get... Contemplating for hundreds of years...the monster mosquitoes that appeared after that..."mutated" other earth elemental people...began to destroy other creatures...the underground monsters in the mine are rampant...

Hu Jiuyin felt that these clues could be connected together to become the key to solving the mystery, but there seemed to be a few key links missing.Perhaps the missing puzzle piece can be obtained from Ta Lei, the "rebel" leader of the earth elementals.

Because the earth elementals and demon mosquitoes are killing other creatures crazily, the uncontrolled earth elementals like Ta Lei have to beware of the demon mosquitoes and their controlled companions, and are also hated by other creatures, so they can only stagger forward in the cracks. OK, survival is tough.

Today, Ge Lei was ordered by Ta Lei to inquire about the battle between the fur monster and the monster mosquito, but he was accidentally discovered by the fur monster, and happened to meet Hu Jiu while fleeing.

Hu Jiu is thinking about one thing. To the underground world, he is just an outsider. Even if the earth elemental king rules the entire underground world, it has nothing to do with him. The most important thing at present is how to return to the surface mine safely.

If there is no other way out, then the only option is to turn your brains back to the only passage, and rely on the power of the Demon Emperor to forcibly break the seal.

Even if he has the armor descending system, it is impossible to become a strong Demon Emperor in a short period of time, so he must rely on external forces.Although the leader of the furbolg and Queen Janna are both top-notch powerhouses in the underground world, they don't know if they can meet the requirement of breaking the barrier.

If neither the leader of the furbolg nor the queen Janna can do it, then there is only one person left... the earth elemental king!

Can the earth elemental king have the ability to break the seal?
The answer is beyond doubt.

Even if it is just a newly born elemental king, his strength has reached the level of a devil emperor, so breaking the seal of the devil emperor level is naturally easy.

But will the earth elemental king help Hu Jiu break the seal?

The answer is equally unquestionable - it's impossible!
Some kind of unfavorable changes may have taken place in the earth elemental king. He regards all underground creatures as enemies that must be killed, and he is currently the most terrifying enemy in the underground world.

Hu Jiu sighed helplessly, and managed to escape from the terrifying Demon Emperor-level powerhouse of Mithril, and now he has to face a Demon Emperor-level enemy like the Earth Elemental King. Like Chinese cabbage, so easy to hit?

If there were lottery tickets in Shuangyue Mainland, he would definitely buy a few of them without hesitation. It is estimated that the chance of winning is not 90.00%, but [-]%.

This underground world does not have Elizabeth's strong enough to turn the situation around. There is only Tiana and a mutated amoeba around her.The only way out at present is to survive in this harsh environment first, and then try to find a way out.

Although Queen Janna is cruel and inhumane, the bear monster is bold and upright, and I have a good impression of him, but this bear monster lair is not absolutely safe, and may face attacks from mutant earth elementals and monster mosquitoes at any time, and the earth elemental Behind people, there is that terrible king.

If the king ends his "contemplation" and does it himself, then even if the fur monster and the Janna banshee join forces, they will definitely lose.

For now, it is still necessary to gather all the forces that can be united and join forces to fight against the mutated earth elementals and demon mosquitoes.

Most of the underground creatures have been killed, except for the Janna banshee and the fur monster, there is only one important force left, that is the earth elemental "rebels" headed by Ta Lei.

Hu Jiu always felt that the situation of the king of earth elements was a bit strange. This Ta Lei was one of the three most trusted elites of the king, and he must know more inside information than Ge Lei.Of course, the prerequisite is that he needs to convince the leader of the furbolg to accept the "rebels" of the earth elementals.

As for the Janna Banshee, I'm sorry, with the furbolg tribe joined by normal earth elementals, even if there is any dissatisfaction with the Janna Banshee, she can only hold back her anger.

"Grey, let's meet with the leader of the furbolg first, and discuss how we can help you, shall we?"

Gray has always been hated by mutated creatures of the same kind and other creatures. Hearing what Hu Jiu said, his tone suddenly showed surprise: "Thank you so much."

Hu Jiu asked Kapichu to protect Tiana and not let her be disturbed, so she stood up and led Gray out of the cave.

The leader of the furbolg is standing in front of the pool in front of the lair. It is the same as the pool of the Janna Banshee. There is a small isolated island in the center of the pool, and there is a cross covered with leaves on it. The furbolg stood aside, seeming to be discussing something, Hu Jiu asked Ge Lei to wait here, while he walked forward.

The force field sensing shows that, except for the leader of the bear monster and Torrey, the rest of the bear monsters are all at the level of a demon king. It seems that everyone present is an important core of this group. Although Torre is at the high-level demon level, he has The talent of double halo has a very special and high status among furbolgs.

When Tuo Lei saw Hu Jiu, he said joyfully, "Hu Jiu, you came just in time! We have encountered a very embarrassing thing, maybe you can solve it."

A furbolg next to him showed doubts: "This guy is a friend who helps the furbolg? He is so weak, how can he solve our problem?"

This bear monster possesses the strength of a demon king. It is reasonable to call Hu Jiu "weak", but there is undisguised contempt in his tone.

Furbolgs are like this, straight to the point and don't like to beat around the bush.

"Balle! You are not allowed to despise my friend!" Torrey Bear's eyes suddenly turned red, as if he had been greatly insulted.

Hu Jiu saved Torre several times in the battle, and always protected him along the way, blessing the power of the halo for other furbolgs. Without Hu Jiu, let alone Torre, even the casualties of other furbolgs would be The increase was quite a lot, and when this friend returned to the furbolg lair, he began to treat the wounded without saying a word.How can such a sincere friend be underestimated?

"My friend Hu Jiu used magical powers to put a furbolg who was about to become a dead spirit to rest in peace! Several furbolgs present can attest to this!"

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