Travel to another world and become a great sage

Chapter 174 The Ins and Outs of the Changes in the Underground World

Although the principles of the earth elemental people will not take the initiative to violate other creatures, it does not mean that they will allow other creatures to bully and kill their own clansmen. Now the earth elemental king can no longer sit idly by and decides to personally punish this daring murderer. The enemy of the earth elementals.

The strength of this enemy is far beyond imagination. With the power of the earth elemental king, he can't take it for a while. The amazing battle has continued to Gaia, the gathering place of the earth elemental people. After a day and a night, the earth elemental king relied on Gaia The home court advantage of the Sub-Zhiyu finally won the victory and wiped out this enemy.

Afterwards, according to the earth elemental king, the strength of this enemy is quite terrifying, and he was seriously injured before the battle. Otherwise, even in the domain of Gaia, he may not be the opponent of this person.

Hu Jiu was shocked: the earth elemental person has the strongest fighting power in the earth, and the earth elemental king is even better. This person can fight the earth elemental king to such an extent when he is seriously injured, he is absolutely powerful The Demon Emperor, and possibly even the quasi-Devil Lord.

How could this kind of strong man come to the underground world for no reason, continue to slaughter underground creatures, and even conflict with the earth elementals?
According to common sense, shouldn't it be to find a quiet place, to recuperate slowly and honestly?
Ta Lei paused for a moment, and then continued. Although the enemy was eliminated, the matter was not over. The man was beaten to pieces by the king, but he left behind one thing, which emitted an unusually strange power. The power of the earth element in the domain caused strong interference, and the king of the earth element could only suppress this thing in the palace of the strongest earth element in the domain of Gaia, the earth king's court.

This thing is likely to be the key!Hu Jiu thought quickly, stopped translating, and interjected, "What kind of thing is it?"

"This is a mask that exudes a terrifying energy aura! The mask is a bit incomplete on the outside, it seems incomplete, but it has a very strange power, which will make people who approach it feel as if their souls will be attracted to it!"

When Hu Jiu translated the matter about the mask to the furbolg and Tiana, the furbolg looked puzzled, but Tiana looked thoughtful.

"In the beginning, the king just held the mask in his hand and suppressed it with his own power of the earth." Ta Lei's facial features could not express too much expression but there was a bit of panic in his voice, "But one day, the mask turned out to be Somehow, it was actually worn on the face of the king!"

It is easy to guess what happened next. The earth elemental king wearing a mask gradually became weird, sitting motionless in the royal court all day long. He kept silent and forbade anyone from approaching.

Even some inexplicable changes have taken place in the power of the earth element in the entire Gaia domain, and all the earth element people have felt this.

In this way, more than 100 years have passed, and a strange flying creature began to appear in the domain of Gaia, like a mosquito. This kind of creature has never appeared in the underground world. At first, the earth elementals did not pay attention, but later This kind of "mosquitoes" gradually increased, and the earth element king who had been silent all this time suddenly issued an order: no earth element person is allowed to harm these monster mosquitoes.

With the appearance of the monster mosquitoes, there are more and more strange things in the domain of Gaia. The most obvious thing is that the holy water of life that has been flourishing for tens of thousands of years has gradually dried up.

Many years later, the silent earth elemental king once again issued an order that made all the elementals unimaginable: attack the underground creatures near Gaia's domain!

Those creatures obviously didn't invade Gaia's domain, why did they attack them?

The elementals were very puzzled by this violation of the code, but they faithfully carried out the king's will.

Strangely, after eliminating those creatures, the number of monster mosquitoes increased significantly.

Since then, the earth elemental king has also become more and more weird. Every year, he seldom speaks, but when he speaks, he gives orders to kill, and the number of monster mosquitoes also increases.Many earth elementalists began to have doubts. The three elites Ta Lei, Tao Ge, and Sog jointly went to the earth royal court several times to remonstrate with the king, but they either did not respond or were reprimanded.

After a while, the earth elemental king spoke again, claiming that he had obtained a powerful revelation before, and had been participating in the study of this revelation. Now he has finally succeeded, and he has mastered the mutation method to make the earth elemental people stronger , but the earth elementals need to accept the mutation without resistance.

Tao Ge, the most loyal elite earth elemental man, took the initiative to accept the secret method, and his power has indeed increased, but the strange thing is that Tao Ge seems to have lost his past memory, and he doesn't even know Ta Lei and Sog. All the earth elementals accepted the mutation.

This group of mutated earth elementals all lost their memories of the past, but they carried out the king's orders more vigorously, and began to kill more underground creatures, and even wiped out the most populous cavemen.

Ta Lei and Sog became suspicious of the "mutation", and focused all doubts on the mask. Sog secretly went to the royal court of the earth to find out the truth, but was accidentally noticed by the elemental king. Noisy, and after Sog came out of the royal court, he turned out to be the same as Tao Ge.

The mutated earth elementals didn't even spare their own companions, and many resisting earth elementals were destroyed.Under such circumstances, Ta Lei finally confirmed that the earth elemental king was indeed affected by the mask, so he had to take some earth elemental people who were unwilling to accept the mutation and fled the royal court, hoping that one day the earth elemental king would wake up and reply self.

After listening to Ta Lei's words, Hu Jiu felt that he had gradually grasped more pieces of the puzzle. Some key points that were obscure in the past could be faintly connected together. The truth of the riots in the entire underground world was almost pieced together.

The abnormal change of the earth elemental king must be related to that mask. The same is true for the appearance of monster mosquitoes. There are only a small number of monster mosquitoes at first, but the number can increase as the enemy is eliminated. It can be boldly speculated that this kind of monster mosquitoes seem to be able to rely on the life of creatures Or the breeding of flesh and blood, which can also be explained as the reason for attacking other creatures.

The so-called "mutation" of the earth elemental people is definitely not that simple, it should be a special method used by the earth elemental king to manipulate these suspicious subjects.

According to common sense, with the strength of an earth elemental king and demon emperor level, it shouldn't be difficult to eliminate underground creatures or suppress doubters, but it still takes so much trouble.This can only explain an important problem: for some reason, the earth elemental king cannot use his easy power, and he cannot even leave the royal court at all.

But now the number of monster mosquitoes is quite large, so what is the purpose of the earth elemental king continuing to control the earth elementals and monster mosquitoes to attack the underground creatures?Unify the underground world?

Hu Jiu was full of assumptions and doubts, after translating what Ta Lei said, Tiana said cautiously: "Hu Jiu, are you sure that the names of those monster mosquitoes are bloodthirsty monster mosquitoes, poisonous monster mosquitoes? And the Heart-Eating Demon Mosquito?"

Tiana has been fighting ever since she came to the bottom of the main mine, and has hardly stopped. After being teleported from the Janna Banshee's lair to the stone beam, the two were immersed in tenderness and intimacy, and did not mention this aspect.

When Hu Jiu was translating just now, Tiana began to pay attention to these details, and her eyes kept changing, as if thinking of something.

"I'm sure." Hu Jiu nodded, the data displayed by the force field sensor should be correct.

After getting an affirmative answer, Tiana blurted out: "I think I may know what that mask is, and who was that person 400 years ago?"


"That mask is one of the seven artifacts of the Double Moon Continent, a suffering mask called 'Soul Devourer', and that strong man is Groven Beelzebub 400 years ago!"

Hu Jiu only felt that the name "Groven Beelzebub" was familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere, and suddenly remembered a major event that shook the dark moon 400 years ago.

Beelzebub, one of the surnames of the seven royal families in the Double Moon Continent, is also known as the "gluttonous" royal family.

The Dark Moon Territory was originally one of the most prosperous territories of the Fallen Angel Empire. It is completely different from the current decadent appearance, and the root of the decline lies in a turmoil 400 years ago.

400 years ago, the Beelzebub royal family that should have disappeared suddenly appeared in Darkmoon City, headed by a strong man named Groven Beelzebub, who was carrying one of the seven artifacts of the Double Moon Continent, the "Mask of Suffering Mask", which was very powerful. tough.

At that time, the Lord of the Dark Moon had already reached the top Demon Emperor level, but even so, he was killed by Groffin.The Dark Moon Territory quickly fell under the control of the Beelzebub clan, and even the adjacent Chiyou Territory and Lan Rong Territory began to be invaded.

In order to eliminate the scourge, Emperor Lucifer, the most powerful man in the Double Moon Continent at that time, led his army to conquer the Dark Moon, constantly repelling the army of the gluttonous royal family, and forced them all the way to the Dark Moon City.

Hiroji held the artifact Fallen Angel Sword and started a battle with Groffin wearing the mask of misery. The battle extended from the city to the ancient arena, and finally ended with Grofin's defeat.Grofin holding the artifact was damaged, and forcibly used the secret method to escape from the blockade of Emperor Dayuji's army, and then disappeared.

After the Dark Moon Rebellion subsided, due to various reasons, the decline caused by the war has been unable to recover until today.

Now it seems that Grofin, who escaped from the hands of Emperor Day Great, did not leave the Dark Moon Territory, but came to the main mine of Beilang Mountain, and broke the seal and entered the lower level all the way to the underground world, where he met the Earth Elemental King Only then was it wiped out, leaving only this artifact of endless misfortunes, the mask of misery.

Presumably this is the reason why the beasts of Beilangshan came out of the cracked seal and continued to make trouble for 400 years.

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