As a demon of the same age as Tiana, being able to reach a high-level demon, the word genius is worthy of the name. If there is no accident, this should be the pinnacle of an ordinary great demon.

When I first came to Dark Moon, Sergey should not have been a high-level demon, and probably broke through recently. However, Tiana is now approaching the high-level demon king, and will even become the great demon king in half a year. For the slightest comparability.

The dark goblin's racial prompts are also mutated. The comprehensive strength is the second level, a high-level mid-level demon, and Master Kemp is a mid-level mid-level demon.

Isabella race: lazy royal family.Comprehensive strength: Tier [-].

Isabella, like Wesley, belongs to the Belial royal family!
Hu Jiu was taken aback. It is said that Restia said that Isabella is an important member of the Lucifer royal family. How could it be shown that she is a lazy royal family in the force field induction?

The force field sensing shouldn't be wrong, but is there a problem with Restia's information?Or is there something wrong with Isabella herself?With doubts in his heart, Hu Jiu bowed his head and remained silent.

Seeing Sergey humiliating Hu Jiu in public, Alice's impression of the imperial general immediately dropped to the lowest point. Just as she was about to speak, she heard Restia's cold voice: "General Sergey, no matter what! , Sheriff Hu Jiu represents our Dark Moon, please pay attention to your words."

Facing Restia, even though the other party was an exiled princess, Sergey still didn't dare to be too presumptuous. He sneered and didn't continue to mock, but the contempt in his eyes did not restrain in the slightest.

At this moment, Isabella spoke up: "As far as I know, the experience of Mr. Hu Jiu getting the position of sheriff is very dramatic, but, as the number one pharmacist in the empire, the only Disciple, His Excellency Hu Jiu must have a lot of advantages. Well, before we discuss how to deal with the royal family of Beelzebub, why not listen to the purpose of Master Ammu this time. Master Ammu? Master ?”

In order to show her respect to Master Amumu, Isabella called softly several times, but the dark goblin still just concentrated on fiddling with the spar in her hand, as if she didn't hear it.

Seeing this situation, many people on the field felt a sense of unease in their hearts, as if it was a heinous crime for Master Ammu to ignore a beauty like Isabella.

Only a certain loli showed a gloating smile: Huh, what's so great about having big breasts?

Master Kemp on the side touched Ammu lightly, and the dark goblin master who had been focusing on the ore suddenly woke up. Only then did he notice Isabella's call, stood up and said to Restia: "I need a piece of gold. The ultimate moonstone, about the size of a fist, if you can find it for me within a few days, I am willing to help you create any three magic items that are not lower than the excellence level."

Although the ultimate moonstone is a very rare material, Master Ammu's magic accessories can be regarded as top-notch in the entire Double Moon Continent, and the promised magic items are guaranteed to be at least at the excellence level, which is absolutely beyond compare. value.

Accessories are different from weapons or armors. Due to their small size and easy wearing, this unique flexibility can better display the power of magic. Hu Jiu has seen many of Christina's magic props before, and they are quite amazing.

Restia frowned and said, "According to the ancient records, hundreds of years ago, there were several moonstones in the dark moon, among which there were top-quality ones, but there has been no related news in recent years, how about it, master Whether I can stay in the dark moon for a while, I will immediately send a special person to search for related news."

"Up to seven days." Ammu thought for a while, and after saying this, he continued to fiddle with the spar, and never paid attention to anyone again.

The ultimate moonstone?
Hu Jiu thought of a certain unlucky devil emperor sneaking into the underground world, just to absorb the power of the moonstone to relieve the backlash of the suffering mask, and the already sacrificed earth element personality Ge Lei once said that the underground of Beilang Mountain is a huge In addition to the main vein of high-quality iron ore, the treasure house also contains rare mineral deposits such as moonstone, dark star iron, and blood streak silver. The location of the moonstone deposit is just around the Gaia domain.

If Hu Jiu wants to obtain the three magic items made by Master Amumu, he must go to the domain of Gaia.

But from the current point of view, Isabella's group is planning to stay in the dark moon, and as the most important sheriff, it is estimated that it will be difficult for Hu Jiu to escape, and counting the underground journey and mining time, seven days is too long. tight.

After greeting the master, Isabella said solemnly: "Your Highness, we can start to enter the theme. The reappearance of the Beelzebub royal family has made His Royal Highness attach great importance to it, and the fragments of the mask of suffering were lost in the hands of Her Royal Highness." Yes, Your Highness is to blame. As His Highness knows, I am very busy and have to deal with a lot of affairs in the emperor, so I cannot stay in Dark Moon for too long, so I will use the time of Master Amumu directly, seven days. Seven days Now, I hope that Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess can give Her Majesty the Regent a satisfactory answer, so that I can do my job."

There was a cold light in Tiana's eyes, but her tone was still tepid: "Mrs. Isabella, are you here to assist in the investigation, or to interrogate the trial? If it is to assist in the investigation, I am willing to cooperate with you. ...With all due respect, you are not qualified as a financial advisor."

Isabella didn't care about the contempt in Restia's questioning, and shook her head: "Your Highness is not only a lord, but also a royal family, so you should know what a complete mask of suffering means, and the surname Beelzebub is very important to Dark Moon. , What does it mean to the Fallen Angel Empire? Not only did His Highness lose the fragments of the mask of suffering, but he was also unable to find the whereabouts of the Beelzebub royal family. Shouldn't he accept the punishment he deserved? But something happened unexpectedly, His Highness Restia I'm a member of the royal family again, so it's just a symbolic punishment... If His Highness can't give me a satisfactory answer within seven days, then starting from the next quarter, the Red Nether Territory's food support for Dark Moon will be cut in half. "

As soon as this sentence came out, the faces of the people on the Dark Moon side changed, and they whispered for a while. The land in the Dark Moon is barren and it is difficult to grow food. For thousands of years, food has been the shackles that restrict the development of the Dark Moon. When the Dark Moon is at its most prosperous, food sources also rely on transportation from other territories.

The Chiyou Territory has also seen this point, so it uses the name of "subsidy" to firmly strangle the lifeblood of the dark moon. Now Prince Obsidian has cut off half of the food support with a word, then The already tense food problem in Dark Moon will become more and more prominent, and there may even be a large-scale famine.

This cruel sanction is also called "symbolic" punishment?

Restia stood up slowly, with anger burning in her cold eyes, even an arrogant Sergey could feel the terrifying chill emanating from Restia's body. .

Just when the atmosphere was at a stalemate, an untimely voice rang out: "That madam... May I ask, if Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess can give a satisfactory answer within seven days, will the food aid not be reduced?"

It was Hu Jiu who stood up who spoke. When Restia heard Hu Jiu's voice, the chill she released suddenly stopped. Isabella's eyes moved slightly, and she looked at the weak human sheriff with interest. : "Your Excellency the Sheriff, please accept my well-intentioned suggestion. You should re-learn etiquette. Your current wording and speech are very presumptuous for a beautiful lady. But I can answer your question, Yes."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just took office not long ago, so I don't understand anything." Hu Jiu continued to scratch his head without manners, "Then according to Madam, the eldest princess has accepted the punishment now, and the matter of Beelzebub We don't have to worry about it?"

"Shut up!" Old Ford of the Carl family stood up, his tone as cold as Restia's, "Hu Jiu, you're just an outsider, and you don't understand the importance of food to Dark Moon at all! famine, can you afford the responsibility?"

Hu Jiu also had a bad tone towards Old Ford: "Master Ford is getting older and seems to be more forgetful. Didn't Caiaphas say it at the meeting? After he is re-elected as financial officer, he will increase the food aid by [-]%, so it's still worth it. Eighty percent, and the food purchased from our shadow empire is almost the same!"

"Shut up!" Restia turned her head and glared at Hu Jiu, as if scolding him for leaking important news, but her eyes became firmer, "Since this is the case, the matter of the royal family of Beelzebub and the Mask of Misery , so I handed over the full authority to a few commissioners from the imperial capital. I believe that the regent's vision will not be too bad. You have been too long. After seven days, I am waiting for your answer, Mrs. Isabella. If you cannot give me a satisfactory answer, then I have the right to demand the recovery of the so-called symbolic punishment!"

Everyone in the dark moon was determined, and they all showed expressions of "that's how it is". Only the old Ford, who had a bad relationship with Hu Jiu, showed dissatisfaction. In fact, he admired the quick wit of the sheriff who saved his son's life.

Even if Caiaphas actually provided [-]% more, the total amount of grain was less than [-]% in real terms. As for the purchase of grain by the Shadow Empire, it was purely fictitious.

However, the Karl family has achieved great success in meat breeding over the years. Old Ford knew part of Restia’s food plan. The degree of sanctions, but these are "secret weapons" temporarily can not reveal the wind.

Hu Jiu's reckless and sudden intervention not only calmed people's hearts, but also made the eldest princess take the initiative in turn.


In fact, Hu Jiu was also secretly happy in his heart, and praised his little cleverness.

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