Travel to another world and become a great sage

Chapter 45 For the sake of energy value, I can only fool my conscience

"Whether it is before the plan or after the success, it must be kept secret."

Restia's eyes flickered, and she said, "Yes, it must be kept secret. If this trick is used well, it may be able to deal a heavy blow to Prince Obsidian."

"So, is this a little secret between us?" Hu Jiu said excitedly, and habitually followed the sentence, but regretted it as soon as he uttered it.

Sister Yu is right, and so is the beauty. The problem is that there is the word "Bingshan" in front of it, or the word "terrible" in front of it. If you get angry, there will be another wave of killing intent. up.

Fortunately, Restia was not angry, but her eyes gradually turned cold: "I don't want to hear such words again. Instead of thinking about this, it's better to use your talents in planning, just like The conspiracy just now."

"I'm sorry, I really don't mean anything else," Hu Jiu smiled awkwardly, "I just see that the eldest princess is usually busy with the affairs of the territory and doesn't have a smile, so I want to make a joke to make His Highness happy."

After Hu Jiu finished speaking, he found that the atmosphere was even more awkward.

Restia stared at the symbol of Lucifer's royal family on the opposite wall, was silent for a moment, and said lightly: "I don't remember the last time I laughed...Let's leave this kind of happiness to Alice."

Hu Jiu was slightly startled, and was silent for a while, nodded, and said: "What I said just now is only to deal with external aggression, the internal problems of Dark Moon are also very important, if it is not resolved as soon as possible, even if Hei Yao doesn't take action, There is no hope of turning around.”

Restia's purple eyes suddenly brightened: "I just wanted to hear your opinion on this."

Although the previous atmosphere of discussion was restored, both of them felt that the atmosphere seemed to be a little different from before.

Hu Jiu pointed out that the current military and economic issues are the biggest internal issues in the Dark Moon Territory, and both must be in Restia's own hands.

In terms of military affairs, Restia is in control of the Royal Palace Guards, and she is still capable of fighting against the garrison.But in terms of economy, the lifeblood of Dark Moon is completely controlled by the Chiyou territory, which is the most terrible thing.

Compared with Obsidian's more sensitive military, economic issues should be the first priority that Restia has to solve.

Restia agreed with this analysis: "Hu Jiu, you think the same as me. It's just that more than half of the food supply in the Dark Moon Territory comes from the support of the Alvin family, and the chamber of commerce and half of the shops in Dark Moon City It is also in the hands of Caiaphas, and the situation is very passive. Two years ago, I tried to use the caravan to open a channel to the west to go out to trade and buy food, but I was robbed and killed by bandits several times and suffered heavy losses. If the bandits are not resolved problems, it has never been possible to make business smooth.”

"Why didn't you send the army to destroy them?" Hu Jiuqi said, in his impression, those bandits and robbers usually fled when they saw the regular army.

Restia shook her head and sighed: "I have sent Weibull to lead the team to suppress them several times, but they all failed. I suspect that the thieves are simply a trap set by Chiyou Territory, with the purpose of further controlling Dark Moon. Weibull is most likely complicit."

Hu Jiu frowned and said nothing, one is a white-eyed wolf, the other is a smiling tiger, colluding with both inside and outside, An Yue only had some signs of development, and then was strangled, if these two people are not eliminated, Restia has no chance of making a comeback.

Wolf?Tiger?By the way, is it possible to drive tigers and wolfs away?It's just that the two of them are working hand in hand at present, and it seems that there is no possibility of killing each other.

"Princess, I need the most detailed information, including various statistics in the territory, as well as the situation of each family and important members, especially those of Caiaphas and Weibull."

The battlefield is like a shopping mall, and planning is like doing market planning. You must first analyze the market situation clearly, and then you can formulate a good plan.

"Is there a way to deal with these two people?" Restia felt more and more that those two decisions were extremely correct. Even without the inheritance of the great master, the resourcefulness shown by this human man is enough for her to pay attention and reuse.

It is indeed the most cunning race.Restia secretly put a label on Hu Jiu.

"The eldest princess thinks too highly of me," Hu Jiu shook his head. "There is no specific solution yet, so I need more detailed information. We humans have an ancient art of war, know yourself and your enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles."

Rome was not built in a day, and this general framework of thinking can be preserved, both public and private, and these two people are the objects of his calculations.

"Know yourself and know your enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger?" Restia took a deep look at him, "Shuangyue Continent is no stranger to the human world. Although I have never heard of this sentence, I am very glad that you are not my enemy. Whether it was the intrigue just now or the overall planning, even the old Gauss is better than you. This kind of wisdom should not have much to do with the inheritance of the great master, it is entirely your own talent."

Could it be the Shuangyue Continental version of "Longzhong Dui" just now? Speaking of which, we still have the potential to be a military adviser... Hu Jiu laughed a few times: "Eldest princess, actually I..."

"Okay, no need to explain, I just know that you are the scribe of Dark Moon now, that's enough. I'll ask Kaguron to send you to the laboratory after the materials you want are sorted out later." Restia cooperated In the above text, he said seriously: "I want to remind you that Weibull is not difficult to deal with, but behind him is the Caron family, if he is killed, and another guy who is more difficult to deal with takes over the military power, it will not be worth the loss. But Caiaphas is not a simple person, even if you concealed it very well in this air competition, it will inevitably arouse his suspicion, so you must be cautious."

Hu Jiu expressed his understanding, and said: "I also want to remind Your Highness that it may be related to the inheritance of the great master. When I saw Caiaphas, I had a strange feeling, as if this person's strength was still higher than Tiana's. No matter what So, the eldest princess should be careful."

Restia's deep purple eyes flashed in surprise: "You are worthy of being the inheritor of the great master, your feeling...should be correct."

Hearing what Restia said, Hu Jiu knew that she must have a good idea in her heart, so she didn't say any more, but she didn't know who was stronger compared to the iceberg princess and the smiling tiger who belonged to "unable to judge".

I heard that as soon as the aerial competition ended yesterday, Caiaphas returned to the Chiyou territory with the special envoy, probably to plead guilty to his lord father.

After thinking for a while, Hu Jiulue also confessed the matter of opening a store with Alice. First, he used the test business strategy as an excuse, and then drew a blueprint, saying that in the future, more stores might be opened and a chamber of commerce would be established to fight against Caiaphas. .In the end, he euphemistically expressed his other purpose, to make money to satisfy the magic materials consumed by the beast control technique.

Restia did not object to this matter, but showed an apologetic look: "You are really thinking about the long-term, even if you let it go, I fully support it. It's just that the resources at hand are really limited, and I can't provide you with more funds and money." Material."

Hu Jiu is overjoyed, the funds and materials are only for the moment, the key is the policy, since Restia expressed her full support, it will undoubtedly be the biggest boost to the future money-making plan.

When he took his leave and left, Restia's faint voice came from: "Your work was excellent on the first day, Your Excellency the Registrar."

"My honor." Hu Jiu smiled, and strode out the door.


Hu Jiu left the meeting room and did not go back to the laboratory. He went directly to Caiapha's magic shop. With the example of rattan stone, the magic material should provide more energy value. He wanted to confirm which materials could be used.

Restia announced yesterday that he was appointed as the scribe, so many demons along the way cast strange glances. Hu Jiu can now take it calmly and walk all the way to the magic shop.

The Demon Race is just a human race with a different appearance, in fact there is no difference.

After the defeat in the air competition, Caiafa left Dark Moon to go to Chiyou territory. The owner of the magic shop was Royce, one of the great demons that Hu Jiu saw last time behind Caiafa.

Hu Jiu learned from Billy that Royce, the female great demon Vasasa and another great demon Araux are one of the three sharpest sickles in Caiafa's hands.Caiaphas never took action, and these three people came forward to solve any troubles, but Hu Jiu knew that Caiaphas' own power was even more terrifying.

Royce is not only powerful, but also very intelligent. He is Caiapha's most capable assistant. In contrast, Vasasa's main job is personal bodyguard. Laux belongs to the militants and is in charge of the affairs of the arena.

Hu Jiu's arrival surprised Royce. Royce was also present at the air competition yesterday. It stands to reason that the little princess should have known that Caiaphas wanted to kill this human being. Why did he come here alone today?
"Lord Royce." Hu Jiu greeted, but Royce obviously disdained this powerless human being, showing arrogance, and didn't respond.

Hu Jiu didn't think much of the big devil's attitude, and continued, "Master Anshelek is refining a magic potion recently, so he sent me here today to take a look at the magic material."

He knows that the identity of the scribe can only shock those ordinary demons, and it is not worth mentioning in front of a strong man like Royce, but Anshelek's name is very useful.

Sure enough, Royce showed a clear expression, and finally said: "The alchemy materials and magic materials are on this floor, and the second floor is the magic equipment. You can see for yourself."

Caiafa's store is much more formal than Alice's previous eccentric store. Every product is placed on the shelves in different categories. The "treasurer" is a demon, and a few dark goblins act as "shop assistants". .

Soon, Royce heard the report from the dark goblin and walked in. Seeing that Hu Jiu wanted a piece of each material, he was puzzled and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Touching the materials, Hu Jiu took a pen to record, and replied: "I want to confirm the purity and specific gravity of these materials. The master said that pharmacy is a rigorous subject, and there is no room for carelessness."

Royce is a layman to pharmacy, so he didn't ask any more questions when he saw that what he said was serious. After Hu Jiuyi tried it, he thought about it and came to Royce, hesitant to speak. Finally, he said: "The master has a small request. He wanted me to find Lord Caiaphas, but unfortunately, Lord Caiaphas has left Dark Moon. I wonder if Lord Royce can make the decision?"

Regarding Anshelek, who poisoned the genius of the imperial capital, Royce still didn't dare to neglect: "Tell me first, what is the request."

"The master means, can you send a small piece of each of these selected materials as a sample for testing, and then buy in bulk next time after confirmation," Hu Jiu saw Royce frowned, and then continued Added a sentence: "The master said that if you can agree to this request, once the magic potion is successfully tested, it will be sold at the lowest price to Lord Caiaphas' magic shop."

"Excuse me, what kind of magic potion did the master experiment with?" Hu Jiu's words caught the attention of the servant, and he walked over.

Demons are a race proficient in magic, so they are particularly concerned about this aspect.

Hu Jiu showed a cautious look, looked around, and made sure that the dark goblins were far away, and then said mysteriously: "This involves a secret experiment, please keep it secret after hearing it. The master seems to be experimenting A potion that greatly enhances the mental power within a certain period of time, and has no side effects. It is still in the trial stage, mainly encountered some difficulties in improving the purity of the potion and reducing side effects, so it is urgent to try various materials.”

In fact, this is just some kind of lost high-level medicine that Hu Jiu had seen in pharmacy, and it came out by chance.

"The potion of the gods...has no side effects?" The demon suddenly trembled and said in a trembling voice, "Could it be the potion of the gods? It can only be prepared by a legendary master! Master Anshelek has already reached this level ?"

Hu Jiu didn't want to blow the cowhide yet, and explained: "It's only in the experimental stage now. The master has failed several times and wanted to adjust some materials, so he sent me here, but some materials here are too expensive, so This request was made to Caiaphas the lord."

Anyway, over the past few thousand years, there must have been many masters who have hit the grand master level, and it will be over if they say that they fail in the end.

The demon's expression looked very excited. Only the Grand Master of Pharmacy can configure the "True" series of potions. There have been no Grand Masters in Double Moon Continent for thousands of years. This kind of potion has also been lost, and it can only be seen in some classics. arrive.

Anshelek's reputation had always been unknown. He had just begun to show his prowess after he easily poisoned the first genius of the empire, Lechma, in the Masters Challenge not long ago. Now he has actually started to challenge the pinnacle of pharmacy!

Although he is a little older and not considered a genius, there are not a few masters who are late bloomers.

Even if Anshelek has failed many times, his strength is already evident in the matter of attacking the master-level potion. Besides, what if this hidden dark elf master really succeeds one day? Woolen cloth?

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