Travel to another world and become a great sage

Chapter 86 I hope that each other will be silent in reason

Hu Jiu had seriously thought about doing this. Anyway, he was going to the mine, so he might as well be more straightforward. Last night, he received a secret report from Royce. Dark Moon, I'm afraid it will be more inconvenient to move.

Although Beilangshan is dangerous, it is not as good as Youye Wetland. With his strength equal to that of a high-level demon, there should be no problem in protecting himself, not to mention that his real purpose is the energy value of the large number of "waste mines". Mining officer... Anyway, the mine has not changed for so many years, and there is no need to produce results in a short time.

As for Araux's war contract, he can use the wyvern to return secretly. With such a dislocation time difference, no one will suspect that Jonah and Hu Jiu are the same person.

"Hu Jiu!"

Restia got up abruptly, but Caiafa spoke first: "Okay! You are indeed the talent Her Royal Highness the Princess and I value! If you need anything, just ask, I will fully support you!"

Restia frowned and said, "Hu Jiu, you came to Dark Moon for too short a time, you don't understand the dangers of the mine, and your strength is too weak, I don't want to make the situation of the mine worse."

"I'm not afraid of danger, and I'm willing to serve His Highness!" Hu Jiu had already made up his mind to go to the mine to earn energy points, and his "fanatic" eyes fell on Restia's beautiful face, with an impassioned look, but His Highness was in his heart The word was changed to "energy value".

At this moment, a few others noticed that the reason why the newly appointed clerk was so reckless was entirely out of admiration for the princess's beauty, but although this His Highness was extremely beautiful, he was also notoriously ruthless and ruthless. How can a small human being be moved?

And some people have richer imaginations, thinking that Caiaphas had been courting the eldest princess before, and after learning that there was such an admiring scribe beside Restia, she became jealous, and by weakening the eldest princess' strength, At the same time, he ruthlessly sent this potential "rival in love" to death.

"Princess, since Hu Jiu is willing to go, why not give him a chance?" Caiaphas glanced at Hu Jiu unexpectedly, and said, "To show the sincerity of my recommendation, if Hu Jiu can stay in Beilang Mountain for many years The hidden dangers have been dealt with well, and I am willing to recommend him again for the post of magistrate.”

The justice of the peace has always been the part-time job of Dark Moon Garrison General Weibull. Hearing what Caiaphas said, Weibull was furious and stared at Caiaphas fiercely.As if Caiaphas hadn't seen it,
This proposal made everyone think of the big event that has been raging in the city these days. Sure enough, the sheriff and the financial officer had a stalemate. The biggest, a high-level demon died.

Of course, no one thought that Hu Jiu would be able to come back alive to serve as the sheriff. In the eyes of most people, this human being is already a dead person.

"Since this is the case, let's make a document to prove it." Hu Jiu's words turned everyone's attention again, "Lord Caiaphas also said just now, just speak up if you need it. I have never been to Beilang Mountain , need a magic map of the entire dark moon, a magic eye compass, a lighting ring, ten pieces of fluorite..."

Hu Jiu said more than a dozen things in one breath, and finally looked at Caiaphas with embarrassment: "Probably that's all. I don't know if your lord is willing to keep his promise?"

These things seemed to be all prepared for going to Beilang Mountain, but there were magic items and magic materials inside, not only to collect some small interest before going to Beilang Mountain, but also to make Caiaphas feel sick a little.

If there is nothing wrong with the magic shop, these are just a drop in the bucket, and now these things have been "robbed" by Weibull.Of course, the scapegoat of the magic materials, the magistrate also recited them "justly".

Caiaphas was taken aback, and this human being actually took a polite remark seriously, but the promise had already been made in front of so many people, and the other party agreed to go to the mine, these little things naturally didn't matter, and he was bought for his life.

"That's no problem. I will send someone to the master's laboratory later to ensure that all the equipment and items are of the highest quality." Caiafa smiled even more, "As for the documents, it is easier to handle, and your Excellency will draft them yourself. , the eldest princess and everyone else are witnesses."

Hu Jiu wrote the document in triplicate, and the two signed on it. Caiaphas took his own copy and said with a smile: "Then, please prepare yourselves, our mining officer, as soon as possible. Hurry to Beilang Mountain."

Hu Jiu nodded, Restia stared at the Chinese book in her hand lightly, did not speak, and still had the eternal expression of ice.


On the road outside the palace.

Weibull gritted his teeth and said to Caiapha: "Why do you want to gamble with my sheriff! Was your sincerity last night just a cover?"

It turned out that Caiaphas met Weibull last night. Under Caiaphas' superb diplomacy, Weibull, who originally hated him deeply, reconciled, and those magical equipments were used to make up for Gathlia's "accident" "Death, the two sides have also reached an important agreement, on the surface they continue to pretend to be at odds in order to paralyze the Restia faction.

Today, however, Weibull's anger is not a coordinated fake, but sincere, and it is clear that Caiaphas' stake in the post of magistrate has aroused his real anger.

Caiaphas looked like he was holding the pearl of wisdom, and asked unhurriedly: "Otherwise, how can we continue to play out our good show of fighting against each other? Don't you want to watch that human being go to death step by step?"

Weibull became angry for a while, and Caiaphas said again: "Or do you really think that human being can come back alive from Beilang Mountain? The monsters and thieves there are just 'fronts' in your mouth?"

Weibull also reacted at this time: "Yes, even if he is really immortal, we can send someone to kill him, say he was killed by a monster or a thief!"

"My friend, you finally understand." Caiaphas smiled slightly: "Now all the items in the magic shop have been given to you. I don't have the things that humans just said, so it depends on you."

"Huh, it's useless for me to have a map and compass anyway, but I don't have those with fluorite, so you have to figure out a way for yourself!" Although the reconciliation appeared on the surface, the thorn in Weibull's heart was never removed, and he said, Caiaphas ignored him and strode away.

Looking at Weibull's back, the dissatisfaction and contempt flashed in Caiapha's eyes, but he did not speak in the end.


In the meeting hall, Hu Jiu was left alone.

Restia kept staring at him. The invisible pressure made Hu Jiu very uncomfortable. After a long time, Princess Bingshan finally said three words: "Why?"

"Because I really want to go to Beilang Mountain, this is the truth." Hu Jiu replied honestly.

"The truth? The position of the sheriff is really important to Dark Moon, but why should you risk your life? In the face of absolute power, wisdom can hardly play a role, so you have no chance of winning this time. North Wolf Mountain You should be very clear about the danger, failure means death.”

Hu Jiu understands that wisdom is really just a cloud in front of absolute power, so when necessary, use power to overwhelm power.

"Don't worry, I will come back. In fact, what I want to say is that this is part of the Grandmaster's test."

"This excuse is too clumsy," Restia shook her head, "I don't understand, I really don't understand, maybe this can be understood as a means for you to impress me?"

understand?It must be "reasoning"... Hu Jiu's expression froze—the answer was obviously honest, but this one still didn't believe it.

Ever since the mistake was made in the garden last time, the misunderstanding of beauty has continued, but as a healthy male...wrong, he is a normal man, and he will inevitably be a little cautious about the beautiful female boss, besides, he can see Seeing Restia's rare smile, or hearing a simple word of care, feels really good.

However, under the powerful "reasoning bloodline" of the Lucifer family, his role as an "admirer" is played passively most of the time.

"I said, I'm for myself. If you don't believe me, there is nothing you can do." Hu Jiu sighed, still expressing his admiration without fishing in troubled waters.

Restia shook her head: "If you lose your life, so what if you are moved?"

"Really... can it be moved?" Hu Jiu's heart moved, and he asked in a strange way, the conscience of heaven and earth, absolutely no scheming at this time.

"Is there any practical significance to impress and not to impress?" Restia sighed, "Actually, with your wisdom, it should be clear that we are absolutely impossible. You have already gained my trust, but you can only stop there .Maybe I should adopt the old Gauss's proposal and use the seductive beauty to retain your talents, but I don't intend to do so. To be honest, you give me a special feeling, and I haven't revisited this feeling for a long time Yeah, I even thought, I'd forgotten how to feel it, this feeling... like..."

Speaking of this, Restia's originally expressionless face unexpectedly fluctuated, trembling slightly, and finally, she returned to neither joy nor sorrow.

"This kind of feeling is a friend." Hu Jiu answered, unexpectedly, the old Gauss had such a proposal, which is interesting enough, but unfortunately, the boss did not accept it.

Although there is a little regret in my heart, it is more fulfilling and moving.

Tiana knows that she has a crush on him, but it's probably just "a little bit". Alice is more mischievous and curious. As for Restia... he won't be so narcissistic that he thinks that all the beauties in the Double Moon Continent are inexplicable It's quite surprising that I like myself so much and can be so frank.

This should be the first time since she became the lord.

Maybe it's pity for a dying person, maybe it's just to make him give up... But honesty is honesty.

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